Fei Law Firm

"Lawyer Concubine, this is your dessert."

Kuriyama Midori handed Fei Yingli the dessert and then stood next to Fei Yingli.

"Thank you, Miss Kuriyama."

Fei Yingli thanked her, then took the dessert, put it in her mouth, and chewed it gently.

Suddenly, Fei Yingli's expression changed, she walked to the trash can on the side and started retching.


But after vomiting for a while, Fei Yingli spit out nothing.

Kuriyama Midori quickly walked to Fei Yingli's side and gently patted Fei Yingli's back.

"Lawyer Fei, are you okay? Do you want a glass of water?"


Lawyer Fei took a glass of water, took a sip, and her expression recovered.

Kuriyama Green looked at the rosy-faced Fei Yingli, and said worriedly:"Lawyer Fei, how are you? Do you want to go to the hospital to have a look?"

"It doesn't matter, it may be uncomfortable, just rest for a while and it will be fine."

Fei Yingli didn't care about her abnormality, and still did what she had to do.

16 Although Kuriyama Midori was worried, seeing that Fei Yingli had said so, she didn't continue to ask any questions.

But in the afternoon, Fei Yingli had afternoon tea. At that moment, he started retching again.

Kuriyama Midori suddenly thought of something and said quickly:"Lawyer Fei, you must be pregnant, have you taken any safety measures for such a long time?"

Fei Yingli's face turned pale, and she subconsciously covered her abdomen.

Thinking about it now, she really might be pregnant.

Seeing Fei Yingli's face, Kuriyama Midori didn't understand what was going on, so she quickly said:"Lawyer Fei, How about I buy some pregnancy test sticks and you try them first, okay?"

"Sorry to trouble you, Miss Kuriyama."Fei Yingli was also worried.

Kuriyama Midori walked to a nearby pharmacy and bought some pregnancy test sticks.

Fei Yingli took the pregnancy test sticks, not caring about so many, and quickly aimed them, and then waited for a few minutes.

A few Minutes later, Fei Yingli looked at the two bars above, feeling both happy and worried.

Kuriyama Midori looked at the worried Fei Yingli, and naturally knew what Fei Yingli was worried about.

After all, everything about Fei Yingli and Li Mu, she basically Everyone knows it.

Of course, Kuriyama Midori doesn’t know about Li Mu and Xiao yet. She only thinks that Li Mu’s relationship with Fei Yingli is not simple.

"Lawyer Fei, why don't you go to the hospital for a check-up, or try again. Shanlu cautiously said

"Yes, check again, maybe it's just a mistake."

Fei Yingli quickly picked up one that was still used and checked it again.

However, it still showed two bars.

"Lawyer Fei, why don’t you go to the hospital for a checkup? This kind of thing needs to be checked anyway."

"Yeah, go to the hospital."

Fei Yingli nodded, and then went to the hospital with Kuriyama Midori.

An hour later, Fei Yingli looked at the examination report in her hand and didn't know what to do.

Kuriyama Midori stood aside, looking at the lost Fei Yingli, and said softly :"Lawyer Fei, why don't you go to Mr. Li and explain it clearly to him? If this kind of thing is settled as soon as possible, everything else will be easy to handle."

Actually, Kuriyama Midori wanted to completely separate Fei Eri and Mouri Kogoro, but unfortunately she was too embarrassed to say it in the end.

"I understand, I will discuss it with him."

Fei Yingli did intend to discuss it with Li Mu.

After all, Li Mu is Xiaolan's boyfriend and her future son-in-law.

It turns out that she has a relationship with her son-in-law and has a child. How can she not discuss it?

At the very least, To know what to do next, whether to give birth, where to give birth, and who will raise her in the future, all these need to be clarified.

"Okay, let's go back."

Fei Yingli and Kuriyama Midori returned to Fei's Law Office together.

Before they entered, they saw Xiaolan and Conan standing together.

"Xiaolan, Conan, why are you here? What's wrong?"

Kuriyama Midori opened the office door and came in with Xiaolan and others.

"Mom, I want to treat you to dinner. Can you come with us?"Xiaolan smiled.

Now Xiaolan also plans to match up Kogoro Maori and Feiyingli.

Unfortunately, she doesn't know that Feiyingli is pregnant, and she is still with her man.

"No, I don't plan to go. I have a lot of things to do these two days and don't have time."

Fei Yingli had no time to go over to eat. All she could think about was Li Mu and her pregnancy.

Although Xiaolan was a little regretful, she still followed Fei Yingli.

As soon as she entered, Xiaolan saw two people on the table. I picked up the pregnancy test stick that I passed and took a look at it.

"Mom, what's going on? Are you pregnant? Fei

Yingli was startled and quickly explained:"How is this possible? How could I be pregnant? You are overthinking097.""

Kuriyama Midori cursed inwardly, but showed an embarrassed smile on her face and said:"Xiaolan, this is what I used today."

"Yeah? I see?"Xiaolan sighed, and suddenly thought of something again, and said quickly:"That's not right, isn't Miss Kuriyama not married or having a boyfriend? how to get pregnant"

"Yes, it was precisely because of this that I went for a check-up. In fact, it may have been the side effects of the cold medicine I took, but I was not actually pregnant."

The naive Xiaolan did not suspect the two of them. She just thought that Kuriyama Midori had made a mistake in the test, so she went to investigate.

On the other hand, Conan was a little suspicious. He noticed that there was something wrong with Fei Yingli's expression, but Kuriyama Midori was normal.

Conan sneaked aside and wanted to see Fei Yingli's backpack.

Kuriyama Midori saw Conan stealing, and quickly caught Conan, smiling and said:"Conan, how can you secretly look through a woman's backpack."

Fei Yingli's face changed suddenly, thinking that her pregnancy list was inside, and she quickly took her bag.

"Conan, what's wrong? Have you grown up? Are you interested in women's secrets? Do you want to take a peek?"

The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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