"without...No, I just saw that my aunt seemed to have a headache, so I wanted to see if there was any case and see if I could help."

Conan explained quickly.

Every time he saw Fei Yingli's expression, Conan thought of what happened when he was a child, and subconsciously felt scared.

Xiaolan quickly walked over, grabbed Conan's shoulders, and apologized quickly:"I'm sorry, mom. Sorry for not paying attention to Conan."

"It's okay, Xiaolan, I'm too tired from work these days and don't want to go out to eat. You'd better go back. I want to rest early. Fei Yingli shook her head and said

"Well, mom, you go to rest early. Conan and I leave first."

Although Xiaolan was a little regretful, seeing Fei Yingli who was a little tired, she had no choice but to leave with Conan.

After Fei Yingli watched Xiaolan leave, she picked up the phone and called

"Li Mu, right? I want to have a meal with you today, and you must come over."

After hanging up the phone, Fei Yingli looked at the scenery outside with worried eyes.

Kuriyama Midori stood beside him and comforted:"Lawyer Fei, you must be determined in this kind of matter, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

"Don't worry, Miss Kuriyama, I will definitely discuss it with her carefully."

Fei Yingli didn't have a job either. She sat alone in the office and waited until dark.

"Miss Kuriyama, I will leave first, and I will leave the office to you."

"Don't worry, Lawyer Fei, just take care of your own affairs."Li Shanlu smiled and then closed the door.

After Fei Yingli left the law firm, he came to a nearby high-end restaurant and booked a private room.

For so long, Li Mu would give Fei Yingli a sum of money every month , Fei Yingli can naturally book a high-end restaurant.

And Fei Yingli is also an excellent lawyer and a high-income group.

On the other hand, after Li Mu arrived at the restaurant, he went directly to the private room.

As soon as he arrived in the private room, Li Mu saw Fei Yingli's face Sitting inside sadly

"Yingli, what’s wrong? You took the initiative to come to me for dinner today. What’s wrong?"

Fei Yingli opened her mouth to speak, but in the end she still didn't tell her about her pregnancy.

"Li Mu, let’s eat first. Let’s talk after dinner."

"OK, let's eat first."

Li Mu nodded, then sat opposite Fei Yingli and started eating.

"Yingli, why did you order something so light today? It’s not like you before."

"Oh, it’s nothing, I change my taste occasionally, and I don’t plan to eat anything too greasy recently."

Fei Yingli explained casually and then continued.

Li Mu didn't ask any questions and just ate his dinner.

More than ten minutes later, Li Mu finished his dinner, put down his chopsticks, and looked at Fei Yingli with a smile.

"Yingli, what's wrong? Why did you think of inviting me to dinner today? Do you miss me?"

While speaking, Li Mu walked towards Fei Yingli, pulled Fei Yingli into his arms, and rubbed his head against Fei Yingli's cheek. Fei Yingli also trembled in her heart, and quickly pushed Li Mu away with a serious expression.

Li Mu was stunned. For a moment, he said in confusion:"Yingli, what's wrong, is there something wrong?"

"I..."Fei Yingli hesitated for a moment (bgdf), and finally said:"Li Mu, I went to the hospital for a checkup today. I'm pregnant."

"pregnant?"Li Mu was startled at first, then reacted and looked at Fei Yingli in surprise.

He never thought that Fei Yingli would actually say that she was pregnant.

You must know that he only has three daughters in so many years, and they are still in other worlds.

Now Fei Yingli actually told herself that she was pregnant.

Li Mu also reacted and quickly touched Fei Yingli's pulse and felt it.

Suddenly, Li Mu was overjoyed.

Because according to his diagnosis, Fei Yingli was indeed pregnant, and she had already had a baby. It has been more than a month.

Fei Yingli saw that Li Mu was happy, and she was also a little happy.

She thought Li Mu would be unhappy at first. After all, she was pregnant and might disturb Li Mu's life.

"Li Mu, what should I do now? Should I be born or should I..."

Fei Yingli looked at Li Mu carefully, quietly waiting for Li Mu's decision.

Of course Li Mu hoped to give birth, but he still said softly:"Yingli, no matter what decision you make, I will support you, so you make your own choice."

"Li Mu, I want to give birth to this child, but I will give birth secretly."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and gently scratched Fei Yingli's face with one hand.

"Okay, as long as you are willing, I will naturally agree to give birth to her. When the time comes, I will let her bear my last name."

"By the way, Yingli, you probably don’t have a place to rest now. Do you want to live with me? You’ll stay at my place from now on."

"Live at your place?"Fei Yingli hesitated for a moment.

"That's right, just stay at my place. After all, your belly will definitely get bigger and bigger in the future. It's not suitable to live here. It's easy to be discovered. If you go to my place, you'll be fine."

Fei Yingli thought for a while. It was fine in the early stage. The pregnancy belly would not be too obvious and other people could not see it.

But in the later stage, it will definitely become more and more obvious. By then, any normal person will definitely see it. abnormal

"Well, okay, Li Mu, I will go to your place from now on, but what about the work of the office? Stopped? Fei Yingli said worriedly.

"this one? Li Mu thought for a while and said,"I thought I would give Miss Kuriyama a holiday, so I said I would go on a trip with Yukiko and come back after giving birth to the baby.""

The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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