The next day, Li Mu left Yukiko's villa and returned to his home.

In the afternoon, Li Mu came to Didan High School alone, waiting for Xiaolan and others to come out together.

Not long after, Xiaolan Yuanzi, Sera Masumi and others came out of the school together.

"Brother Li, are you coming together?"

Xiaolan Yuanzi walked over together, walking on both sides of Li Mu, talking and laughing.

Shiliang Zhenchun followed behind Li Mu, also talking and laughing, very happy.

Not long after leaving, Li Mu then met Conan, and then the four of them walked on the street together.

"By the way, Xiaolan, whose ramen competition do you think tasted better yesterday?"Yuanzi suddenly asked

"me? I think that soy sauce ramen is very good and I want to eat it."Xiaolan hesitated.

"Yeah? I also think this soy sauce ramen is very good, but I still like other ramen"

"By the way, since we are talking about ramen, why don’t we go eat ramen tonight? I’ll treat you to delicious ramen." Serangzhen16jun said suddenly

"Oh, by the way, I remembered. If you eat ramen now, you won’t be able to eat it tonight."What did Sera Masumi think of again?

"It doesn't matter, my dad is not at home today, let's go together."Xiao Lan said

"That's it. Yuanzi nodded, picked up the phone, and called out:"Hey, I'm eating out today, so I want to return my share of French cuisine.""

"Rich and willful."Conan complained in his heart.

Li Mu also felt ashamed. This is what this rich person does. He doesn't eat French food, but eats ramen.

But Li Mu didn't say anything. Xiaolan and Yuanzi both said so. What else could she do? What to do?

Li Mu followed Sera Masumi to a commercial street, and then entered a small shop

"Boss, here I come, give me some delicious and damn ramen"

"It's so cool, it's you, I didn't expect you to come over."The boss laughed.

"What is really cool? My name is really pure. Don’t get me wrong. Sera said with a pure smile.

The boss was about to say something when he suddenly saw Conan on the side and hurriedly bent down.

"Isn't this Conan? I didn't expect you to come too. Thank you very much last time."

"Yes, Conan, thank you indeed."

Next to me, a female waiter also

"Yeah? Conan? How has he helped you before?"Jun said with a smile on his face.

"It’s like this. In the past, when someone died in our store, Conan and Mr. Kogoro Mori solved the problem for us, so we are very grateful to him."The boss said very politely.


Sera Mazun nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Come on, everyone, this is your delicious damn ramen, please take your time and taste it."

Li Mu took the ramen and tasted it slowly.

I have to say that this ramen shop is still very good. It is much more delicious than ordinary ramen, but it is much worse than Li Mu.

In other words, in this world The people are much better, but they are much worse than the Spirit of the Halberd Eater.

"Come on, Masumi, this is the ramen you want. I've packed it for you. You can take it back."

"Pack? Conan thought of something again and said quickly:"Sister Serang, are you packing a meal for someone hiding in your room?""

"Yeah, let's eat it with my boyfriend who is hiding in my room. Sera

Zhenshun blinked his eyes, revealing his little tiger teeth.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and joked:"I see, I didn't expect you, Sera, to like girls, and you are still a toddler. Is it possible that you have this hobby?""

"What? child?"

"And a toddler?"

Xiaolan Yuanzi and the two exclaimed, and then looked at Sera Masumi with disbelief.

Sera Masaki was startled, and quickly shook his head and refused:"How is this possible? I don't like girls. It's even less likely to be a young child. Don't you think too much?"

"Yeah? Don't like toddlers? Li

Mu smiled, and then said with a smile:"If I remember correctly, the last time we were in the hotel, someone was following us, and it was a blond-haired, sick-looking kid. Isn't he the one you like?""

Shiliang Zhenzun was startled and looked at Li Mu in surprise.

She never thought that Li Mu would actually find her mother.

You must know that when her mother was following her, she would not have noticed it herself, but now she is actually being followed. Li Mu discovered it, which shows how powerful Li Mu is.

Although she was startled, Shiliang Zhenzun still smiled and said:"Yes, but that's not the person I like, but my sister. However, because of illness, I don't like it." I don’t like the outside environment when meeting other people, so I usually don’t go out."

"Really? It turns out Seriang, you have a sister, I didn’t even know about it"

"Yes, I didn't expect you to have a sister. Don't you only have two brothers?"

Xiaolan and Sonoko didn't know where their interest came from, and they gathered around Sera Masumi.

Li Mu didn't say anything, and tasted his food easily.

After eating the delicious ramen, Li Mu put it down Chopsticks, murmured to himself:"It's a pity, the noodles still have some flaws."

Although Li Mu's voice was very soft, the boss on the side heard it.

The boss was not angry, but smiled and said:"This guest, do you know how to cook? After hearing what the boss said, Shiliang Zhenzun quickly interjected:"Yes, Li Mu's food is very delicious. It is the best food I have ever tasted.""

"That’s right, that’s an unforgettable experience"

"Yes, I still want to eat Li Mu’s food."

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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