Xiaolan Yuanzi and others put their hands together, with expressions of endless aftertaste on their faces.

Ever since they ate Li Mu's food, they always recalled Li Mu's food in their minds.

Even Conan recalled that taste very much.

The boss was also stunned after hearing this, and quickly said:"I see, do you also like cooking? It seems that your cooking skills should be very good."

Li Mu covered the back of his head and smiled:"Yes, I used to go to Totsuki Academy I’ve studied. By the way, boss, this ramen of yours has bamboo shoots in it. I can taste the bamboo shoots."

"Yes, it is indeed bamboo shoots. Your taste is really good. You actually ate it all at once."The boss shouted excitedly.

Li Mu smiled. As an excellent chef, how could Li Mu not be able to taste this?

"Boss, this dish of yours is indeed good, but it’s a pity that the cooking time of the bamboo shoots was three minutes longer, and the flavor became weaker.

And if you can add some bone broth appropriately,, the taste can be even more delicious and nutritious"

"Yeah? It looks like I'll give it a try in the future."

The boss nodded, wondering if he should give it a try sometime, maybe it would be even more delicious.


At this time, 097, the door of the ramen shop opened, and two people wearing mini mini clothes walked in from the outside. A female police officer in traffic uniform.

Both of them are people known to Li Mu. One is Yumi and the other is Miike Naoko.

After Miike Naoko came in, she also noticed Li Mu, her face turned red, and Li Mu was all in her mind.

"Li Mu, Xiaolan, you are here too, what's the matter?"Yumi asked curiously

"Oh, us? We're just here for a meal. It's you, what do you want?"Li Mu was equally curious.

Conan and Sera Masumi also pricked up their ears, eavesdropping on Yumi's words.

To be able to get the police here, there must be some big case.

Yumi did not hide anything, and said directly:"That's because A big case happened here a week ago. A woman was involved in a robbery and murder case. I didn't find the murderer at that time. I'll come over and take a look today."

Li Mu's head is full of dark threads. His relationship has been involved in another case today. It's rare that he can't even want to be quiet.

Sure enough, there will definitely be trouble with Conan.

(bgdf) Sera Masumi noticed Li Mu's smile, touched Conan's head and said,"Li Mu, why are you looking at Conan like that? Conan is not a murderer."

Conan also stared at Li Mu with a very innocent expression..

Li Mu paused for a moment, and then said seriously:"Of course it's not for this reason. I think this kid should pray for blessings. He always encounters murder cases, which must be bad luck."

Conan's head was covered with black lines, showing a

"Li Mu, how can you say that about Conan? How did Conan get lucky? This matter has nothing to do with Conan." Sera Masumi explained.

"Yeah? It doesn't matter, every time a case happens, he is there, as if he is implicated."Li Mu stared at Conan closely.

Conan noticed Li Mu's gaze, and in his heart, he wanted to kick Li Mu.

On the side, Yuanzi listened to Li Mu's words and murmured to himself:"This..., every time I encounter a case, I will definitely be with him. Conan is related to this guy"

"Indeed, I heard Officer Megure say that Conan seems to be related to many cases, and Conan is involved in every case."

Yumi also touched her chin and thought seriously.

Even the owner of the ramen shop also thought seriously:"Indeed, there were Conan children involved in the two cases in our store."

Hey, hey, what you said is too big a blow.

Fortunately, Conan has an adult mentality, otherwise he would have been deeply hit.

Xiaolan reached out and patted Conan, showing an angelic smile and said:" Conan, don't be angry, you have to believe that although you seem to be cursed, you will be fine."


Is this comforting to others? This feels a bit like mocking him.

"By the way, sister Yumi, can you tell me about that case again."Conan said quickly.

If they don't change the topic, there's no telling where Li Mu and the others will get involved.

Yumi also reacted and quickly said:"That's right, last week, we encountered someone sneaking around, so We want to question him.

As a result, he was so frightened that he ran away. We quickly divided into two groups, and the suspect fled here. But there were three people in the store at that time, and we didn't know who they were?"

"That's it.

Sera Masumi and Conan quickly began to think. Li Mu asked while eating ramen:" Then did the suspect do anything strange or leave anything strange behind?""

"this one? let me see."Yumi thought for a moment, and then said:"By the way, I remembered it. At that time, he was desperately throwing a water pipe, and he didn't know what he was doing."

"Dump the water pipe?"

Li Mu, Conan, and the three of them were all stunned.

After killing someone, he didn't run away. Instead, he threw a water pipe over there.

Obviously, the murderer was doing something important at the time, something that might expose him.

Li Mu quickly asked:" So Yumi, what about other than this? Are there any other important clues or witnesses?"

"By the way, there was one person at the time who was my ex-boyfriend, but because he was out of breath while running, I let him go."Yumi said

"Let him go? Sera Masaki nodded, and then joked:"Even if he is an ex-boyfriend, you can't let him go. It's not in compliance with police regulations, right?""

"Hahaha……"Yumi smiled awkwardly, and at the same time secretly glanced at Li Mu next to her.

She was still afraid that Li Mu would be angry, after all, that was her ex-boyfriend.

Seeing that Li Mu was not angry, Yumi quickly explained:"I don't think he is a suspect, and I have to chase the suspect, so I can only let him go, otherwise he will be dragged down.""

"This is true."

Seliang Zhenzun nodded. If it were her, once it was confirmed that he was not the murderer, he would definitely chase her quickly, otherwise the murderer would easily escape.

Li Mu thought seriously, thinking about the key points of this case and the murderer. Who is it?

If I can do it for Yumi, can I ask Yumi to provide some special services?

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu novels

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