The next day, Sanchi Miaozi had almost recovered and went to work again. As for Li Mu, he went home to accompany his concubine Yingli.

On this day, Li Mu was accompanying Fei Yingli when he suddenly heard the ringtone of his cell phone.

Li Mu glanced at the phone and saw that it was Suzuki Ayako. Without hesitation, he answered the call directly.

"Okay, I'll be there right away, you wait."

Li Mu hung up the phone and hugged Fei Yingli and Yukiko next to him.

"Eri, Yukiko, I'm going to go out first, you can rest on your own."

"Well, then you come back early"

"We are waiting for you at home. Yukiko and Fei Yingli each tapped Li Mu on the face, and then let go of Li Mu. Li Mu straightened his clothes and left immediately.

Arriving at a relatively clean hotel, Li Mu entered a private room and saw Suzuki Ayako was sitting opposite.

Suzuki Ayako was dressed very simply, but she had an anxious look on her face, as if she was worried about something.

"No, maybe she is pregnant too."

Li Mu thought Suzuki Ayako was also pregnant, and was shocked.

However, Li Mu was not too worried. No matter whether she was 16 or not, Li Mu would not be so anxious.

Li Mu sat opposite Suzuki Ayako and spoke Said:"What's wrong, Ayako, do you have anything to do with me today? Or do you miss me?"

After speaking, Li Mu reached out and took Suzuki Ayako's little hand, holding it gently in his own palm.

Suzuki Ayako did not take back her hand, but said worriedly:"Li Mu, my father hopes that I will get married soon, what do you think? what do I do?

If someone from the Tomizawa family discovers me, this is not the first time. It may cause conflicts in the future. I don’t know what to do now."

"Sorry, I forgot before, but don't worry, leave it all to me."Li Mu patted his chest and said.

To be honest, he had indeed forgotten that Suzuki Ayako and Tomizawa Yuzo actually had an engagement. If he hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten it.

But now that he knows, of course he will not let his The woman married someone else.

Seeing how confident Li Mu was, Suzuki Ayako was no longer so worried.

"By the way, Li Mu, can you think of a better way? Don't let him get into trouble or let him go to jail."

Suzuki Ayako is indeed a good wife and mother. Even if she feels sorry for Tomizawa Yuzo, she doesn't want anything to happen to him.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it, and I won't make him suffer unjustly, nor will I deceive him too much."Li Mu patted his chest and assured.

Li Mu can handle these things even if he doesn't use too artificial means.

"That's good."Suzuki Ayako breathed a sigh of relief..

"Ayako, if I want him to break off the engagement, I will definitely find some means by then. Don’t worry, he won’t break the law or go to jail."

"this..."Suzuki Ayako immediately hesitated.

She just wanted to break off the engagement and feel sorry for Tomizawa Yuzo.

After all, she was sorry and didn't want to make any more mistakes.

Li Mu held Suzuki Ayako's hand tightly and said softly:"Ayako, after all, this is for us. You don't want us to separate, right?"

Suzuki Ayako thought about it. If this matter is not resolved, she will definitely separate from Li Mu in the future. of.

And she doesn't have the first time, and something big will happen after she gets married.

When the time comes, it will make her sister Sonoko look ugly.

After thinking about it, Suzuki Ayako gritted her teeth and said:"Okay, that's it, but you have to promise me that you won't let Yuzo break the law."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Li Mu patted Suzuki Ayako and comforted her softly.

Afterwards, Li Mu and Suzuki Ayako separated and began to look for a way.

If they want to separate Tomizawa Yuzo and Suzuki Ayako, they must have an eyesore between them.

Naturally, Li Mu couldn't be such an eyesore, so he could only let Tomizawa Yuzo have one more person.

After thinking about it, Li Mu searched for those who wanted to become rich wives in various dance halls and other popular places or other places.

In the end, Li Mu found a woman—Ozawa Mufeng.

She was more conservative, but also longed to be like a rich wife.

"That's her."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, and finally decided on her.

Ozawa Mufeng, apart from wanting to become a rich wife, is still very good, and giving it to Tomizawa Yuzo is also an apology to her.

After deciding on the goal, Li Mu immediately He turned into Tomizawa Yuzo, and then took out a credit card.

This credit card was obtained by Li Mu with hacking skills comparable to Misaka Mikoto.

The name was attached to Tomizawa Yuzo, and Tomizawa Yuzo could not do anything except investigate. He knew the credit card information.

In the next few days, Li Mu pretended to be Yuzo Tomizawa and pursued Ozawa Mata Mufeng crazily. He also appeared in a high-profile neighborhood near Ozawa Mata Mufeng, letting everyone know that Fu Ze Xiongsan'.

And Li Mu also gave high-profile gifts to everyone nearby.

Now, basically everyone knew that Ozawa Mufeng had made a very good boyfriend, rich and handsome. 097

For To make everyone sure that this was Ozawa Mata Mufeng, Li Mu even pretended to be Tomizawa Yuzo's personality.

After a month of pursuit, Li Mu successfully proposed to Ozawa Mata Mufeng and took her to get married. He even bought her a house.

Li Mu was relieved about this.

Li Mu pretended to be Tomizawa Yuzo, and all the cards he used were his, and everyone saw that 'Tomizawa Yuzo' was pursuing Xiao Sawata Mufeng.

And they also received a marriage certificate. They are already a couple worthy of the name and protected by the law.

By then, even if Suzuki Ayako wants to marry Tomizawa Yuzo, Suzuki Shiro will not agree.

After all, How could her daughter become a mistress, and one who didn't even have a status?

It can be said that this marriage is over.

After settling everything, Li Mu came to the Maori Detective Agency with a camera.

At this moment, Xiaolan and Sonoko and others are all at the Mori Detective Agency, and it is precisely because of this that Li Mu came here.

He couldn't bring a video with him and take the initiative to give it to Suzuki Shirou.

If others misunderstood him for inciting dissension, he would not Okay, so Li Mu needs someone’s help.


The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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