Li Mu grabbed a camera in his hand and walked to the Maori Detective Agency.

As soon as he entered the detective office, Li Mu placed the camera on the table beside him.

Yuanzi suddenly became interested and said quickly:"Brother Li, is this the camera you bought? It's really good. How did you remember to buy it?"

Li Mu's eyes lit up and he said seriously:"It's nothing, I just bought one for fun. That’s all"

"Yeah? Let me take a look."

Sonoko immediately turned on the camera, thought of a video in it, and watched it carefully.

In the video, it was the scene where 'Tomizawa Yuzo' proposed to Ozawa Mata Mufeng. Everything was included in it, and it was completely recorded.

A few minutes later, Yuanzi's face turned gloomy.

"How is this possible, how can he do this."

Xiaolan was startled by the angry Yuanzi and quickly looked at the video

"This is...Isn't this your sister's fiancé? How could he propose to someone else? Could it be filming?"

Conan and Mouri Kogoro also hurriedly gathered around.

For a moment, the two of them were stunned.

Among so many people, Li Mu was the only one who had never met Tomizawa Yuzo, and was not afraid of being suspected of framing him.

"What's wrong, Yuanzi, what's wrong with the two of them? Li Mu asked curiously.

Yuanzi reacted quickly, grabbed Li Mu's collar, and shouted excitedly:"Li Mu, where was this filmed? Were they filming?""

"shoot...Filming? Li Mu pretended to be puzzled and said,"What kind of filming? Aren't they just proposing?" I saw it nearby, but I didn’t see anyone filming."

"So where?"

"cup...Cupido Town. Yuanzi ran out without saying a word.

Xiaolan also quickly followed Yuanzi.

Li Mu was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion:"Detective Maori, what's going on?" What happened to them?"

Mouri Kogoro said seriously:"That person is called Tomizawa Yuzo, and he is Suzuki Ayako's fiancé. I didn't expect that he actually likes someone, a guy with a human face and an animal heart."

He subconsciously thought that Tomizawa Yuzo was keeping a mistress outside and looking for women at will.

"That's it. No wonder Yuanzi is so angry. Let's go and see it together."

Li Mu took Conan and others and left together.

When they arrived at Cupido Town, Sonoko was about to rush up to question him, but was stopped by Li Mu. (bgdf)

"Yuanzi, that woman probably thought that that scumbag would marry her. It's not good for us. We might as well ask the next door neighbor. Yuanzi thought about it, nodded and said,"Okay, let's ask, maybe we'll find out.""

Subsequently, Sonoko and others asked the nearby neighbors one by one.

But no matter who they asked, everyone got the news that 'Tomizawa Yuzo' was engaged to Ozawa Mata Mufeng.

"Damn it, that scumbag actually cheated on my sister with a woman, and he did it before we were married. He must be a scumbag."

Sonoko's angry expression made her want to eat Tomizawa Yuzo.

On the other hand, Conan was a little puzzled and murmured to himself:"But shouldn't keeping a mistress be kept secret? Did he use it so openly?"

Even Mouri Kogoro nodded subconsciously.

"It's true. I've done a lot of research, but I've never seen anyone keeping a mistress in such an upright manner."

Hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, even Sonoko began to doubt the authenticity of this matter.

Li Mu touched his chin and pretended to think seriously:"How about this? Didn't those neighbors say that two people received the certificate? Why not ask the police to investigate Ozawa Mata Mufeng's marriage? The Maori detective pretends to be a home appliance worker, trades in an old one for a new one, and investigates the fingerprints on it."

"This is indeed a good idea."

Moori Kogoro thought seriously, not caring at all about using special means.

Sonoko, let alone, nodded directly and said:"Okay, let's just say that, we ask Officer Takagi for help. Uncle Maori, I leave the fingerprints to you."

"It doesn't matter, just leave this little thing to me. I will never let go of this scumbag who deceives love."Moori Kogoro said righteously.

Conan complained to everyone in his heart.

In order to investigate a suspected affair, he actually used Officer Takagi directly.

I'm afraid Conan also forgot that he often did this himself.

After half a day, Sonoko got the information from Officer Takagi. She was furious when she heard the news.

Not only did she know that Tomizawa Yuzo was married, but she had also confirmed that the fingerprint of Ozawa Mata Mufeng's family was Tomizawa Yuzo.

When she thought that her sister had been deceived, Sonoko said dissatisfied:"Damn it. This guy actually dared to deceive my sister. He is a complete scumbag. But

Conan was still a little skeptical and puzzled:"But why would he do this? If he gets married, he will get married. Why is he still engaged to Sister Ayako?""

"How do I know? Anyway, this guy is a complete scumbag. Conan was startled by Yuanzi's yelling, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

Yuanzi suddenly thought of something and asked curiously:"Yes, what is the purpose of doing this, and why should he hide it?""

Li Mu's eyes rolled around, and then he said:"Yuanzi, could it be that he has a grudge against you, so he wants to break off the engagement when they are engaged, so as to embarrass you?"

"This is possible, but other than that, there is no other possibility."Mouri Kogoro said seriously.

Even Conan did not doubt it.

After all, the marriage is already there. Apart from this possibility, there is no other possibility.

Now we just need to investigate whether Tomizawa Yuzo and the Suzuki family have any What hatred, or is there any hatred with Suzuki Ayako?

"Damn it, this guy dares to bully my sister. I'm going to tell my father and ask him to cancel the engagement. Even if the engagement is broken off, it should be us anyway. How can we let him go? Yuanzi said angrily.

"That's right, Sonoko, go tell your uncle that you can't let that scumbag hurt Sister Ayako, he is so gentle."

"Yes, Sonoko, we must tell President Suzuki"

"Sister Yuanzi, I support you."

Not only Xiaolan, but also Mouri Kogoro and Conan also recognized this plan and vowed to draw a line with this scumbag.

"Okay, I'll go home and tell my parents about this."

Sonoko ran away without looking back.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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