The next day, Sonoko came to the Mori Detective Agency again.

Li Mu has already been waiting here.

When he saw Yuanzi, Li Mu quickly asked:"Yuanzi, how are you? What did your father say?"

Mentioning this, Yuanzi still said angrily:"What else can I do? My father said that as long as this thing is true , annul the engagement immediately."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, he personally handled this matter, it really can't be true.

It is foreseeable that Suzuki Ayako's engagement will be canceled this time, and then Suzuki Ayako can be with herself.

On the side, Conan noticed Li Mu's smile and asked curiously:"Brother Li, why did you laugh just now? Is there anything to be happy about?" At this moment, Conan even suspected that Li Mu had done this. Ghost, but soon forgotten.

After all, no matter how capable Li Mu is, he can't get married on behalf of someone else.

"me? Li Mu didn't expect Conan to see it, but he said calmly:"Of course I'm happy for Yuanzi's sister. After all, it's best to leave this scumbag.""

"Yes, he is a big bad guy. Conan must not be like this and be a scumbag in the future."

Xiaolan nodded, and at the same time she educated Conan seriously.

Conan's expression changed and he quickly said:"Sister Xiaolan, don't worry, I will never imitate him in the future. I want to be a good person."

In order to protect his own image, Conan abandoned Tomizawa Yuzo without questioning the matter.

Sonoko also touched Conan's head and said seriously:"Very good, Conan, it seems that you already have the qualities of a good man. factor, we must stick to it in the future"

"yes."Conan said with a smile.

On one side, Mouri Kogoro was reading the newspaper.

After hearing everyone's words, he immediately turned back and said:"Conan, you have to learn from me on this matter. I am a completely good man."

Conan gave Mouri Kogoro a look of disdain.

He didn't know who it was, spending all day with the geishas in the izakaya, pursuing all kinds of beauties.

Although Moori Kogoro is indeed an outstanding person, he has not been divorced for so many years. She still loves Fei Yingli.

Unfortunately, Fei Yingli is already with Li Mu, and Li Mu’s baby is already big and will be born in seven months.

Xiaolan also frowned slightly and said contemptuously:"Dad , you still have the nerve to say that you are also a good man after leaving your wife outside for so many years?"

Moori Kogoro's face suddenly froze.

"Humph, you have the nerve to accuse me. A certain woman went on a trip with her best friend, and it was only a year, leaving her family behind. Can you blame me?"

Li Mu sat drinking hot tea and said nothing. It was also his fault. He had done so many things, otherwise it wouldn't have happened like this.

"Dad, in short, this is your fault. Also, do you have any objections?"

Xiaolan clenched her fists in front of Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro was immediately frightened and did not dare to say anything. He picked up the newspaper and covered his face.

"Cough cough cough..."Li Mu coughed and said seriously:"Yuanzi, this is also a good thing. It is better than being embarrassed later. Maybe your sister will still be confused. Just try to persuade her now.""

"Don't worry, Brother Li, I secretly asked my sister yesterday. He has no interest in that scumbag. It's just because of the family marriage........"Yuanzi said.

Li Mu lowered his head and stopped talking. Of course it was because of him, so Suzuki Ayako didn't like Tomizawa Yuzo. It was all his fault.

Of course, Li Mu would not admit it.

"Okay, Yuanzi, Xiaolan, let’s go out and play together. It’s not dark yet."

"Okay, Brother Li, let’s go together."

Xiaolan Yuanzi nodded, and immediately followed Li Mu.

Conan did not hesitate, quickly put down his backpack, and quickly followed Li Mu and others.

After walking around for a while, the sky became dark, and Li Mu naturally walked towards Xiaolan. We had a dinner at home.

After dinner, Li Mu put down his chopsticks and said politely:"Everyone, it's getting late. I have something to do, so I'll leave first.""

"Brother Li, won’t you stay?"Xiao Lan said politely.

"No, I really have something to do. See you later. Goodbye."

Li Mu said goodbye to everyone, and then left Maori Detective Agency 3.5.

But after going down, Li Mu secretly came to Xiaolan's room, sat and waited.

Xiaolan spent some time cleaning up the dishes and washing one Take a bath, and then return to your room in pajamas.

As soon as she came back, Xiaolan was hugged by a hand and pulled into a warm embrace.

"Xiaolan, it’s me."

Xiaolan thought it was who it was and was ready to teach her a lesson.

When she heard it was Li Mu's voice, Xiaolan blushed.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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