"What? Koji Haneda?"

The expressions of Sera Masumi and the sister outside the room changed drastically at the same time.

"Hey, Detective Mori, that Haneda Koji, he invited you over. Is it about Haneda Koji?"

"Well, that's the case. It's the very good chess player Haneda Koji, and we're investigating the cause of his death."Mouri Kogoro nodded and said.

Sera Masumi suddenly became anxious and said quickly:"Then do you know anything?"

"Well, no, we just came here and he was already dead. We don’t know anything."


Sera Masumi didn't ask any more questions, thinking about things about Haneda Koji in his mind.

Conan on the side also looked at Sera Masumi suspiciously, and he was extremely confused.

Why does Sera Masumi care so much about Haneda Koji.

Sera Masumi After thinking for a while, he suddenly looked at Li Mu and said,"Li Mu, what about you? Do you know anything about Haneda Koji?"

She remembered that Li Mu was also a very good 097 detective. Maybe Li Mu also knew about Haneda Koji.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and pointedly said:"Oh, I don't know what you want to know about? Is it relatively shallow or deep?"

Shiliang Zhenchun's face changed, and he looked at Li Mu seriously.

"Li Mu, do you know something?"

"this one?"Li Mu paused, shook his head and said,"I don't know."

"No...have no idea?"

Sera Mazun and Conan were confused.

Li Mu had been thinking about it for so long, but he actually said something he didn't know

"Yes, when Koji Haneda died, he seemed to have given a death message about Rum, so I was a little confused as to why this was left.

If you think about it, rum is just a drink, and all his friends have nothing to do with rum."

Conan Shiliang Zhenchun's expression changed again.

Of course they knew about Rum, but they didn't believe that Li Mu didn't know about it.

Li Mu had no intention of staying, and after taking a look at the time, he was ready to leave.

"By the way, Detective Maori, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first. I’ll leave this place to you."

"Oh, wait."

Sera Masaki was about to say something, but Li Mu stopped.

Then Li Mu came to the top floor of the presidential suite, opened the door and left. At this moment, Suzuki Ayako had been waiting in the next room for a while.

After Li Mu arrived, he sent a message, Ayako came to Li Mu's room and quickly closed the door, looking cautious.

"Don't worry, Ayako, don't worry, no one else will see it."

Suzuki Ayako breathed a sigh of relief, then hugged Li Mu and asked softly:"What's wrong, did you encounter any trouble just now?"

"It's nothing. Someone is dead downstairs, but it has nothing to do with us. Kogoro Mouri is there and he can solve the case."

Suzuki Ayako didn't ask any more questions, and lay happily in Li Mu's arms, enjoying Li Mu's warmth.

After a long time, Suzuki Ayako raised her head and said,"By the way, Li Mu, was it you who did what Tomizawa Yuzo did?"

The biggest thing in their family recently is about Tomizawa Yuzo.

She also doubted whether this was done by Li Mu.

Li Mu carefully stroked Suzuki Ayako's little head.

"Ayako, I was going to investigate (bgdf), but who knew he actually had a woman, so I took a picture of it and asked Sonoko to give it to your father."

It is naturally impossible for Li Mu to admit this kind of thing.

And this is basically Tomizawa Yuzo's matter. Li Mu will naturally put all the blame on him.

Suzuki Ayako has no doubts. After all, this kind of thing is not Tomizawa Yuzo himself. , that is impossible.

Especially when getting a marriage certificate

"Okay, Ayako, be happy, you are far away from a scumbag, you can only go and be with me, I will definitely take good care of you."

On the other side, when Li Mu and Suzuki Ayako were happy, Officer Megure and others also came.

After Officer Megure arrived, he listened to Mouri Kogoro's words and said:"So, you saw a person coming to the next room, so I looked over and saw that there was only Sera-san?"

"Yes, that's it."Mouri Kogoro nodded.

Sera Masumi also nodded in approval.

Officer Megure thought for a moment, and then said:"So, Sera-san, can I send a detective over to see if there is a murderer?"

"It doesn't matter, you go ahead."

In the next room, the sister outside the domain heard Sera Masumi's voice through the phone, and quickly found a place to hide.

Conan also quickly followed the police secretly, preparing to investigate again about Sera Masumi..At the last critical moment, he was interrupted by Masumi Sera, and his bow-tie voice changer accidentally fell on his sister outside the field.

Officer Megure did not investigate the murderer, so he continued to investigate Kogoro Mori's side. Ask questions and learn about the case.

Not until much later

"Li Mu, I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first. You have to be careful yourself."

Li Mu patted Suzuki Lingzi, but did not leave her.

Suzuki Lingzi tapped Li Mu's cheek, and then ran away shyly. After lying down for a while, Li Mu tidied up, took another bath, and then returned Arriving at Mouri Kogoro's side.

As soon as he came over, Li Mu saw the police grabbing a person and walking outside.

It was obvious that Moori Kogoro and the others had found the murderer, but Moori Kogoro looked a little confused.

Li Mu walked up, exchanged a few words with Mouri Kogoro, and then left the hotel together.

In the hotel, the sister outside the domain stared closely at Li Mu who was walking outside, not knowing what to think in her mind.

The Great Voyage Bei Fei Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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