That night, Li Mu was invited by Yuanzi and came to her home.

As soon as he entered Suzuki's house, Li Mu saw a lot of people, probably the seventh and eighth aunts here.

Of course, the leaders are Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Jirokichi, and the others are just distant relatives.

Most of these people were very polite after seeing Li Mu. After all, Li Mu's identity was there.

Li Mu said hello, then sat next to Sonoko and looked at the solemn Suzuki Shiro.

"Uncle"zero ninety-seven" father, don't you know why you invited me?"

Suzuki Shiro was about to say something, Suzuki Jirokichi on the side said softly:"Expression, your expression is better."

"I see. Suzuki Shiro nodded, and then said kindly:"Li Mu, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known that guy Tomizawa Yuzo was actually married and planned to hold an engagement party.""

"Yes, Ayako is my lovely niece, how dare that bastard do this." Suzuki Jiro Yoshiya shouted dissatisfied.

Anyone who knows that their relatives have been deceived by others will feel very angry.

Li Mu looked calm and said politely:"Uncle, I was just joking. I just passed by occasionally and took the proposal scene. , maybe this is what God has decreed, to prevent Ayako from getting hurt."

"Yes, by the way, Li Mu, I specially invited you to dinner today to thank you."Suzuki Shiro said

"You're welcome, uncle."

Li Mu did not refuse. Tonight, Li Mu planned to stay here and have a good taste of the mother and daughter.


In the living room, on a long dining table, everyone was eating dinner together.

The person on the main seat is naturally Suzuki Shiro, followed by Li Mu and Suzuki Jirokichi on both sides, and below are Suzuki Tomoko, mother and daughter.

Li Mu happily had a dinner, and then accepted the invitation of Suzuki Shiro and stayed for the night.

"Li Mu, let me take you to your room.

Yuanzi excitedly pulled Li Mu to the room prepared for Li Mu.

Although Li Mu is not here every time, Yuan will bring Li Mu here every time

"Li Mu, please rest here today."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and gently hugged Yuanzi into his arms.

"Yuanzi, I will go there at twelve o'clock today, please don't close the door."

As for why it's twelve o'clock, it's because Li Mu will definitely have activities before then.

Yuanzi blushed and lowered his head shyly.

"Brother Li, I will wait for you, don’t forget it"


Li Mu clicked on Yuanzi's face, then returned to the room, changed into pajamas, and then left invisibly........

Came to Suzuki Shiro's room.

At this moment, Suzuki Shiro was looking at documents in the guest room.

Since losing that function, Suzuki Shiro spent most of his time exercising, working or reading, and worked until ten o'clock every day before going to bed.

Li Mu also knew this habit of Suzuki Shiro just because he came here many times.

Moreover, Suzuki Shiro's study is in a small cubicle in the room, and next door is a huge library.

In the middle of the room, there is also a bathroom.

After Li Mu sneaked in, he confirmed that Suzuki Shiro was studying quietly, and came to the side of Suzuki Tomoko alone.

On the other side, Suzuki Shiro read a book for a long time, wiped his eyes, and then left the study.

Back in the bedroom, Suzuki Shiro didn't see Suzuki Tomoko, 3.5 shouted softly


After Suzuki Shiro walked into the bathroom, he looked at the voice behind the vacuum door and smiled:"Tomoko, it turns out you were taking a shower. I thought you were out."

"Want to take a good dip in hot water, what about you? What's matter?"

"It's nothing, I came here to have a look, I wanted to ask you to make me a cup of coffee, but I'll forget it and let the servant make a cup."

After saying that, Suzuki Shiro left.

The Great Voyage: The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_

Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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