"Well, Brother Li, I will go there first."

Xiaolan smiled at Li Mu, and then walked into the women's bathroom on the side.

Maori Kogoro and Conan naturally walked into the men's bathroom.

And Li Mu continued to sit on the bench, leaning his head on the wall behind, He closed his eyes and rested his mind.

After an unknown amount of time, Mouri Kogoro and Conan walked out with solemn expressions.

Mouri Kogoro was about to ask someone something, but Conan came over first and hit him lightly, and Point to Li Mu

"Uncle Maoli, you can ask Brother Li"

"Yes, why didn't I think of that?"Mouri Kogoro suddenly realized.

Instead of asking others, it is better to ask Li Mu. At least Li Mu is with them and will not deceive them.

After Maori Kogoro figured it out, he secretly walked to Li Mu and asked softly:"Li Mu , let me ask you a question, have the two of them left here?"

Li Mu looked at the two people on one side. One was chattering and muttering something, and the other was a female secretary, the secretary of the congressman.

Although he didn't know what Mouri Kogoro meant, Li Mu still said:"The two of them He didn't leave the spot, he kept sitting here, and, what's wrong, what happened?"

Moori Kogoro looked at the person next to him warily, then took out a crumpled note and handed it to Li Mu

"Li Mu, take it and take a look."

Li Mu opened it and took a look, then folded it up again and gave it to Mouri Kogoro.

"Then there are three people who are suspicious. The liar, the pickpocket, and the station attendant Masako are all particularly suspicious."

"fraud? pickpocket?"Moori Kogoro was stunned for a moment and said in surprise:"What a liar, what a pickpocket, Li Mu, what did you say? Conan didn't seem to want to lose to Li Mu, and said secretly:"The salesman brought so many company introductions. This is a common method used by scammers. As for the tourist, he picked up things for others, got close to them, and then stole.""

After saying that, Conan looked at Li Mu proudly.

Maori Kogoro's head was full of black lines, and these two people were actually liars and thieves.

Li Mu noticed Conan's gaze and smiled:"Of course, this is not absolute. Yes, maybe they are well-intentioned or salesmen, and I just happened to see their wanted poster."

Conan's face darkened. He was actually one step weaker than Li Mu.

Mouri Kogoro stopped worrying about this matter and asked softly:"What about Miss Masako? How did you know this was Miss Masako?"

Conan also looked at Li Mu suspiciously.

To be honest, Conan had doubted many people, but he had never doubted Miss Masako.

Li Mu smiled and said,"Because Miss Masako might have put it in secretly when she was putting on the towel. Also, take a look. You can tell by carefully comparing the words on the poster."

Similarly, Li Mu also proudly picked Conan

"The words on the poster?"Mouri Kogoro looked at the poster on one side and took a serious look at it.

After a moment, Mouri Kogoro responded. He quickly took out the note and took a serious look at it.

"Yes, it was indeed written by Miss Masako. What a pity she wanted, who would kill whom?"

Moori Kogoro was puzzled again. He had no idea who was going to kill whom.

Li Mu looked at Moori Kogoro who was thinking hard and patted his shoulder.

"Okay, there are so many of us here, but Miss Masako doesn’t dare to say it directly, it means that the person has a weapon. Remember, no matter what, you can’t make it clear and pretend not to know who said it."

"Don't worry, I won't be that stupid."

Although Mouri Kogoro is a little simpler-minded, he still knows some things. Once he tells them, the prisoner will definitely run away.

Soon, the time has reached night. Moori Kogoro took the blanket from Miss Masako and lay down They slept together in the lobby.

Li Mu took the lead in arranging a place for Xiaolan, and he lay next to Xiaolan, surrounding Xiaolan by the wall.

Conan looked at Li Mu who had taken the lead and gritted his teeth angrily, but only Neng lay next to Li Mu and stared at Li Mu.

Maori Kogoro didn't care, but looked at the people around him seriously.

After a while, Maori Kogoro became a little tired, wiped his eyes, and then lay down to rest.

······Asking for flowers·······

Conan was the only one who was still nervously paying attention to everyone around him. Every time he saw someone, he thought seriously.

Li Mu pushed Conan and said softly:"Okay, Conan, I'll watch them. Just have a good rest and don't be exhausted.""

"Then leave it to you, Brother Li."

Although I don't understand why Li Mu is so kind to him, he is indeed very tired and needs a good rest.

After Conan lay down, he fell asleep not long after.

Li Mu waited for a while and observed everyone. Seeing that everyone was sleeping, he also slept with Xiaolan next to him.

As for who the murderer wanted to kill, and what it had to do with him, as long as the target was not him or Xiaolan, he would not take the initiative to intervene.


What's more, it's still a night watch to catch bad guys. You have a crazy mind to do such a stupid thing.

Conan is stupid, but Li Mu can't be stupid.

Just like that, everyone fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but the secretary who was sleeping suddenly woke up. As soon as she moved, she saw a note next to her.

The secretary subconsciously opened it and then thought of the message written by Miss Masako.

She immediately knew who wrote it, and she also knew who the murderer wanted to kill, and her expression suddenly changed.

The secretary stood up secretly, then walked to the side and looked at something on the nearby wall, but didn't see anything.

At this moment, Conan woke up and looked at the secretary in a daze.

"Auntie, what can I do for you?"

"without...Nothing, I don't want to waste time here, I want to get out of here and find a taxi."

The secretary was obviously startled. When she saw it was Conan, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Miss Masako came out and quickly stopped her:"Can you please not leave? There are no taxis outside now."

Miss Masako has actually guessed who the murderer's target is, but it is not convenient for her to say. She just hopes that the secretary will not leave here. The

Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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