"I don’t want it, I want to leave here now."

The secretary yelled with dissatisfaction, then opened the door firmly and walked outside.

After all, knowing the prisoner's murder goal, the secretary could not stay here. As soon as the door opened, a strong wind mixed with heavy rain fell. came in and sprinkled it on everyone.

Most people were awakened.

Li Mu also hugged Xiaolan and woke up from his deep sleep.

Miss Masako had no choice but to close the door.

Conan looked at the note on the ground and his expression changed. He quickly picked up the note and looked at Li Mu aside.


Conan was just about to say something when he saw Li Mu holding Xiaolan in his arms. Xiaolan nestled happily in Li Mu's arms, very intimately.

"Li Mu, what did you do to Sister Xiaolan?""

Xiaolan also realized at this time that she was lying in Li Mu's arms subconsciously, so intimate.

For a moment, Xiaolan's cheeks turned red.

Li Mu calmly let go of Xiaolan, and then explained:"Sorry, I usually grab Xiaolan while sleeping, so I subconsciously grabbed Xiaolan this time."

Xiaolan's face turned red again.

She didn't know what Li Mu meant. He just liked to hug her when sleeping, so this time too.

But Conan didn't know that. He just thought that Li Mu liked to hold rag dolls.

Although Conan wanted to say something, he thought of the secretary outside and quickly handed the note to Li Mu.

"Brother Li, the secretary and aunt left, and he saw this. Li

Mu didn't even look at the note and said directly:"Wake up Detective Maori and ask him what should be done.""

Conan quickly went to call Mouri Kogoro.

Not long after, Moori Kogoro woke up and looked around in confusion.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Uncle Maori, the secretary aunt just left. She saw this before she left."

"Yeah?"Mouri Kogoro also woke up instantly and said quickly:"Then go out and take a look quickly, don't let anything happen."

"Let's go too"

"Yes, together, there is strength in numbers."

The liar and pickpocket also stood up, preparing to go together to find the secretary.

Li Mu watched the men go and said,"Xiaolan, you stay here, it is dangerous here, I will go with Detective Maoli and the others. go"

"I understand, Brother Li, I was not careful."

"Okay, don't say goodbye reluctantly, let's leave."

Moori Kogoro interrupted Li Mu, followed the door, and pulled Conan out with him.

Li Mu and the other two people also went out together, looking for them in the storm.


Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, even if the storm nearby No matter how loud the sound was, it could not cover up the sound of the gunshot.

Li Mu, Mouri Kogoro and others reacted at the same time and hurriedly walked towards the direction of the gunshot.

Then everyone saw the secretary lying in the water.

Mouri Kogoro quickly went over to take a look He glanced at her, then shook his head and said:"It's too late, she's already dead, so let's go back. Although I feel sorry for her, in order to preserve the scene of the murder, we have no choice but to have her stay here."

Then Mouri Kogoro and others found a blanket to cover the secretary's body.

When Li Mu left, he looked at the stationmaster's office through the window, with the corners of his mouth raised and a smile on his face.

After returning to the waiting room, , Mouri Kogoro glanced at everyone, then took out the note and said:"In that case, let me tell you, as early as this evening, someone gave me this note, saying that someone wanted to kill someone, and that person was among you"

"what the hell? With this note, you didn't prevent the murder. You are really a useless detective."One person said with disdain.

Although Mouri Kogoro's face was ugly, he didn't say anything. After all, he really didn't find out who the murderer was.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, suddenly touched his pocket and said,"Oh no, my wallet is gone. The passport and everything are in it. I'll go out and look for it."

"Yeah? Then be careful. Although the murderer may be one of us, he may also be outside."Moori Kogoro said seriously.

"Don't worry, I get it......."

Li Mu left the waiting room, and then braved the heavy rain to find the tied up stationmaster in the storage room.

"Okay, stationmaster, I will go in and subdue the bad guy later. You can go in then."

After Li Mu let go of the stationmaster, he gave him instructions, and then left directly. Before the stationmaster had time to speak, but seeing how powerful Li Mu was, he followed Li Mu and secretly hid in the waiting room. Outside.

Li Mu opened the door and walked in, pretending that nothing happened.

"Li Mu, why did you come back so late? Have you found your wallet?"Mouri Kogoro asked.

He still hasn't found the murderer after such a long time, and even only knew that it was Miss Masako who did it.

Li Mu didn't say anything, and suddenly grabbed the fake stationmaster and pressed it hard to the side.

Everyone was all They were shocked. Some people thought Li Mu was the murderer, and everyone was shocked.

Kogoro Maori was the first to react and said quickly:"Li Mu, what are you doing? Why did you do it so casually? Li

Mu fixed the fake webmaster, looked outside and said,"real webmaster, you can come in.""

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened, and the stationmaster outside came over.

Kogoro Mori was stunned for a moment, then he realized and said:"So, this is the real stationmaster, and this person is fake? The fake webmaster also knew that he had been seen through. 3.5 quickly asked:"Impossible, how did you see through me? Could it be that person who said it?" Li

Mu raised the corner of his mouth and said confidently:"It's very simple. The elimination method. Miss Masako gave us the note, so those we don't know must be eliminated. The only remaining person who has time to kill the secretary is you, so I searched nearby." one time.

Okay, Detective Maori, don’t say anything anymore. Find a rope immediately and tie him up. Then wait until daybreak and the rain stops, then hand it over to the police."


Moori Kogoro reacted, quickly found a rope, and tied up the fake stationmaster.

Until dawn, after the heavy rain stopped, Li Mu and others handed the murderer to the police who arrived. The

Great Voyage of the Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball Start!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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