On the tram leaving the waiting room, Li Mu and Mouri Kogoro were sitting in a row.

Conan sat for a while and suddenly said:"Brother Li, how did you know that the webmaster was a fake?"

"Yes, Li Mu, although you have explained it, you are still a little reluctant. Do you know something?"Mouri Kogoro also asked curiously.

Li Mu didn't hide anything and explained:"Because I saw a photo missing from the stationmaster's room, it might be the stationmaster's, so I went to look for it. Finally, Found the webmaster"

"Yeah? Brother Li, you are really smart and observe so carefully."Xiao Lan looked at Li Mu with admiration.

Conan looked at Xiao Lan who was like a little fangirl, and his heart was full of jealousy.

Since Li Mu came, Xiao Lan basically rarely called Kudo Shinichi, and even more Needless to say, the two of them are together.

Every time it is his turn to call Xiaolan, but Xiaolan still looks like she is ignoring him, which is really annoying.

And all of this is Li Mu's fault.

Li Mu noticed that Conan He looked at me and said with a smile:"Conan, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this? Are you also confused by my intelligence? Then you have to be careful and don't be obsessed with me. He is just a legend."

Conan's face darkened again.

It's just a legend not to be obsessed with brother.

How could he be obsessed with Li Mu? Even if he was obsessed, it would be someone else, such as Sherlock Holmes or a football star.

Mouri Kogoro also touched Conan's On the back of his head, he said proudly:"Li Mu, you are overthinking, how could he admire you, why is it me, he must be influenced by me, so he is so good."

Conan didn't know what to say about Li Mu and Mouri Kogoro. Both of them are very narcissistic guys.

Xiaolan sat next to him, covered her mouth and snickered.


After returning to the Maori Detective Agency, Xiaolan sat on the sofa and looked at the sky outside the window.

"I don’t know how my mother is doing. She hasn’t called me for so long. I miss her a little."

After hearing Xiaolan's words, Mouri Kogoro said duplicitously:"Huh, that woman is so happy with Yukiko, how could she think of you? Don't think too much about it."

Xiaolan was immediately dissatisfied, and she puffed up her face and said:"Damn it, Dad, it's not all you, but you actually bully mom, and mom wouldn't run away from home if you didn't."

Li Mu was sitting next to him, drinking hot water and thinking a lot.

Fei Yingli is probably resting with Yukiko in Hokkaido now, enjoying the beautiful scenery of Hokkaido.

Because Fei Yingli will be five months old soon, and there is no telling when she will give birth. Come down, it’s better to leave here as soon as possible.

After all, there may be concubines or people known to Kogoro Mori in the hospitals in Tokyo, so I have to leave here.

If it is not too far to go to the United States, Li Mu will definitely do it if it is not convenient for him to travel back and forth between the two countries. Sent Fei Yingli there

"Okay, let’s not talk about mom. Dad, what about you? What should you do now and how will you face your mother in the future? Will you continue to live like this?"

"Huh, what's wrong? Anyway, if a person is good, he will definitely get better in the future."

Mouri Kogoro snorted coldly and picked up the newspaper on one side.

Xiaolan looked at Moori Kogoro doing nothing, and looked helplessly at Li Mu on the side.

"Brother Li, what do you want to eat for lunch today? I’ll prepare it for you."

"this one? Li Mu thought for a moment and looked at Conan who was jealous:"Conan, what do you want to eat? Why don't we finally let you choose today?""

"Yes, Conan, you choose."

Conan looked at Xiaolan's angelic smile and said quickly:"I want to eat curry rice."

"Okay, let’s have curry rice tonight."

Xiaolan left with a smile.

Li Mu watched Xiaolan leave, and then stood next to Conan, looking Conan up and down.

Conan also noticed Li Mu's gaze, and said seriously:"Li Mu, what's wrong with you looking at me like this? Something?"


Li Mu knocked on Conan and said with a smile:"Conan, who are you talking to? Are you polite? Remember to call me Brother Li."

"It hurts."Conan rubbed his head.

After a while, Conan recovered, looked at Li Mu seriously and said:"Brother Li, who are you?"

This is what Conan is most suspicious of.

He followed Li Mu many times and eavesdropped on Li Mu many times, but did not find anything suspicious. He was discovered by Li Mu many times, but this made Conan even more confused. What kind of person is Li Mu? Such a person.

Li Mu paused for a moment, then lowered his head and said with a scary smile:"Conan, what kind of person are you? You often follow me and eavesdrop on me. Did Dr. Ali ask you to do this?"

"Ah...Dr. Agasa?"Conan was stunned and didn't understand why Li Mu thought of Dr. A Li instead of someone else.

He thought Li Mu had already suspected his identity.

"Yes, I have long heard that Dr. Ali always invents some weird things. Is he using you as a test subject, and then attracts my attention, and finally invests in him?"Li Mu's expression looked like I've seen through you.

Conan's face darkened, and he didn't understand why Li Mu would think so.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that Dr. Ali might really be using him to test his invention.

Of course, This is just a thought

"Not at all? I'm just asking, Bi (De Nuo Zhao) is so powerful as Brother Li, of course I will be curious, right, Brother Li. Conan showed an innocent and bright smile again, as if that was his fake side just now, and this is his real side.

Li Mu also suddenly returned to his normal expression, patted Conan on the shoulder, and said seriously:"Really, Tell Dr. A Li that I am willing to invest in him to see if he has any good inventions. When the time comes, I will buy the patent giant."

"Yeah? Thank you, Brother Li. Brother Li is such a good person. Dr. A Li will definitely be very happy."

Of course, on the surface, Conan smiles so happily, but in fact, he has already begun to complain about Li Mu.

As for Dr. Ali's inventions, all the useful ones are his, and other inventions can only be regarded as waste.

Only Li Mu can see it. On those inventions.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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