"This happened because a couple came over for a trip some time ago and encountered a zombie. They were so scared that they ran away and asked me to come and have a look."

He Ye also said with a smile.

Although she was also afraid of these supernatural and terrifying things, she thought this was just a joke.

Xiaolan was a little scared and said softly:"Brother Li, let's go, don't be here anymore. , get out of here quickly. Li

Mu glanced at Xiaolan and said calmly:"Okay, Xiaolan, don't worry, there's nothing wrong at all, there won't be any zombies.""

But Li Mu said it very easily, and Xiaolan felt a special sense of fear.

Kogoro Maori also came over and said softly:"Okay, Xiaolan, don't say there are zombies, it's okay.

I just don’t know if there will be a sequel to the movie Zombie Sword, but it’s probably unlikely."

As soon as he finished speaking, a car stopped next to Mouri Kogoro, and then the car door opened and a man came over.

"We will make a sequel, because other people like it and it is very popular, so we are ready to make a sequel."

Mouri Kogoro reacted and said quickly:"Really? It would really be great to make a sequel, so the starring role is……"

The car door opened a little again, and a woman with purple hair came out, gently flipping her short hair.

"No...Isn’t it Okino Yoko?"Moori Kogoro was stunned for a moment and said.

The purple-haired woman also looked dissatisfied and complained:"What's wrong, are you very angry just because I am not Okino Yoko?"

"Of course not happy."Mouri Kogoro muttered.

However, Mouri Kogoro didn't dare to say anything openly and just suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart. The director on the side also smiled and said:"I'm sorry, because Yoko, who just debuted, and I are good friends. My friend, she only appeared in the first season on a friendly basis, but for the second season, although I also wanted to invite her, her agency seemed to disagree."

"Yeah? what a pity."Moori Kogoro said helplessly.

"By the way, you should come in and rest for a while. We have to film next, so you can come together."

"Really? Very good."

After hearing the director's words, Mouri Kogoro suddenly became happy and quickly followed the director into the villa.

Li Mu, Xiaolan and others also went in together.

As soon as they entered, Xiaolan looked at the villa with envy on his face. , completely forgetting the fear just now

"What a big villa. This villa must be very valuable."

"This is nothing, Xiaolan, I can buy this villa, and I can come here for a vacation or something, and I can also have a bonfire party."Li Mu said with a smile.

Conan Hattori and Heiji despised Li Mu, and at the same time they were jealous.

Handsome, rich, gentle, considerate, this is simply the male god in the eyes of every woman.

That's all, it's a pity. It's a bit painful that this male god is actually their love rival.

Especially Hattori Heiji. He was going to take the opportunity to say something, but Li Mu actually came here too

"I..."Mouri Kogoro's expression suddenly changed, and he said with some pain:"I'm going to the bathroom first, that's it, bye."

After saying that, Moori Kogoro ran to the bathroom on the side.

Li Mu, Xiaolan and others could only wait outside.

After a long time, Mouri Kogoro walked out of the bathroom with a livid face.

However, Mouri Kogoro seemed to be exhausted. He staggered every step he took, giving people the feeling that he would fall down at any time.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you have a bad stomach?"Xiaolan said worriedly

"It shouldn't be. We ate the same thing when we came here. It won't make us hungry, right?"

Conan touched his chin and thought seriously.

Xiaolan's eyes lit up, and she suddenly thought of something. She quickly asked:"Dad, when you came here, you said you were going to the toilet, and then ran into the woods. Could it be that time? , what snacks did you eat?"

"No...no."Mouri Kogoro weakly took out a mushroom and said painfully:"I ate some mushrooms because I was hungry. Li

Mu took the mushroom and joked:"Detective Maori, I really admire you for eating this poisonous mushroom. Fortunately, it is not highly toxic, otherwise I would have to collect the body for you.""

"What? Poisonous mushrooms?"Moori Kogoro was startled. After hearing what Li Mu said clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief. Xiaolan was also a little worried and said quickly:"Brother Li, why don't you take me and my father to the hospital? I'm really worried"

"Okay, let's go together."Li Mu nodded and said.

Li Mu was really worried about such a weak Mouri Kogoro.

Of course, the most important thing is that with these two Conan people, Li Mu always felt that someone might die later, so it would be better to do it sooner. leave

"Great, Heye, come and help me"


Kazuye nodded, and then he and Xiaolan walked to the left and right, holding Maori Kogoro, and came downstairs.

Then Li Mu put Maori 097 Kogoro in the car, and when others were not paying attention, he put Hattori Heiji The car key was removed

"Heye, Xiaolan, get in the car, let’s go quickly, Detective Maori is in too much pain"


He and Ye Xiaolan didn't dare to stop, so they quickly got in the car, and then Li Mu drove away.

Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, Li Mu actually drove away with Xiaolan and Ye.

He thought that Heiye just drove away He helped, but actually got into Li Mu's car and left. Isn't this 'kidnapping' a good girl?

Even Conan was stunned.

After coming to his senses, Conan quickly said:"Hattori, let's go, let's follow quickly. We can't let Xiaolan and the others be alone together"


Hattori Heiji walked to his car and was about to drive when he saw that the car key was missing from his car.

"Hey, Hattori, what are you wasting your time? Why haven't you left? They've already left."Conan shouted anxiously

"Don't talk nonsense. I don't have my car keys. How can I leave?"

Hattori Heiji also yelled in dissatisfaction. He kept turning his hands, but he couldn't find the key to the motor vehicle, let alone chase Li Mu. The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_Feilu reminder You: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites and Recommendations

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