"Hattori, hurry up, look for it quickly, see if it's somewhere, like in your pocket, in the villa."Conan said anxiously.

What he was most afraid of was that Li Mu and Xiaolan were together, and they might do something when the time came.

Hattori Heiji was naturally very anxious, and he rummaged in his pocket quickly. He couldn't find the car keys.

Conan became even more anxious, urging him from time to time.

"That's enough. Are you annoyed or not? I just can't find it, otherwise I would have left long ago." Hattori Heiji shouted.

Conan was also woken up and was not so anxious.

"Hattori, think carefully, where do you put your car keys? Are they in the villa?"

Hattori Heiji also touched the back of his head and thought seriously:"I remember that because we were all our own people here, I didn't unplug it, and then I forgot about it."

"Not unplugged? Conan's face darkened and he shouted dissatisfied:"Damn it, you idiot, how could you forget to take out the car key? What did you think?""

"How can you blame me? I was all focused on you and naturally forgot the car keys. Also, how did I know it would be stolen? And who would steal this motorcycle?"

"This is true."Conan also had a headache.

After all, the people here are all actors. How could these people steal something, let alone a car?

"Forget it, go find the staff, wait until they finish, and ask them to send it off." Hattori Heiji said helplessly.

The same is true for Conan, and if it was really in the hospital, Li Mu and Xiaolan shouldn't be able to do anything.

On the other hand, Li Mu left the villa with Mouri Kogoro and entered the main road.

They drove for a while , Li Mu threw the key in his hand to He Ye

"By the way, Kazuha, this is Hattori Heiji's car key. In order to prevent him from disturbing me, I took it out."


He Ye blushed and took the key.

Since Li Mu wanted to prevent Hattori Heiji from disturbing her, he must have done something with her. He Ye was naturally shy.

The same was true for Xiaolan. After a long time, Li Mu stopped at a hospital at the back, and then sent Kogoro Mouri to the hospital for gastric lavage.

About an hour later, a hospital man walked out of the emergency room

"A few of you, the patient is not serious. He has already had his stomach lavaged. He will be fine in a short time. It’s nothing serious."

"Yeah? That's great. Xiaolan patted her chest with a look of rejoicing.

Seeing that Kogoro Maori was fine, Li Mu turned around and said,"Heye, Xiaolan, Detective Maori will wake up soon. Let's go out and take a rest first." , such as eating, booking a room"

"open...Open house."

Xiaolan and Ye both blushed at the same time and lowered their heads in shame, but did not refuse.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Mu took Ye Xiaolan and left, had dinner at a nearby restaurant, and then found a hotel to book a room.

After entering the room, Li Mu pounced on Ye Xiaolan, and then did very shameful things together.

In the villa.

Hattori Heiji was waiting patiently, and suddenly there was something very bad.

"Hey, Kudo, do you feel something is wrong? You always have an uneasy feeling."

"Yeah, I don’t know what’s wrong, something bad seems to happen, and it happens a lot recently."Conan nodded.

The two of them stopped talking and put one hand on his chest.

After a moment, Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other.

"And Ye/Xiaolan!"

"Damn, something must have happened to He Ye. Could it be that guy did something to He Ye?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing. Hattori, call me."


Hattori Heiji and Conan took out their mobile phones at the same time and dialed.

A few minutes later, they put down their mobile phones at the same time.

"Damn it, I can’t get through the phone call"

"Yes, there is actually no signal here, so we can only ask them for help later."

Hattori Heiji looked at the people filming in the distance, and wanted to ask everyone for help, but he had no choice but to stand aside and wait.

After a while, the filming of the scene was finally finished, and Hattori Heiji walked over and stared at it. Face said:"Excuse me, after you finish filming, can you take us back? We are a little concerned about Detective Maori"

"Okay, that's no problem, but just wait a little longer and we'll pack up and leave."The director did not refuse.

Hattori Heiji and Conan were immediately overjoyed. They could finally leave this hellish place.

Unfortunately, God was not kind, and not everyone wanted Hattori Heiji and the others to leave here.

Ahhhhh... suddenly there was a shrill scream. When the cry came, Hattori Heiji and Conan's expressions changed suddenly, and they rushed to the second floor.

In a room on the second floor, they saw a man lying on the ground, holding his neck with one hand, with pain on his face expression.

Hattori Heiji and Conan quickly walked over to check, then stood up at the same time and shook their heads.

".No, he's dead"

"That's right, potassium cyanide poisoning, I ran out of gas."

"What? How can this be"

"Yes, how did he die."

Everyone looked at the dead people in surprise and started talking one after another. Hattori Heiji sighed and said helplessly:"Kudo, why don't you go to the police with them later and investigate Kazuha and the others by the way. If nothing happens, , come back together again"

"Well, that's it."

Although Conan also wanted to stay at the scene of the crime, he was more worried about Xiaolan and the others, so he had to agree to Hattori Heiji. After waiting for a while, a (Deno Zhao) staff member confirmed that nothing was taken away, and then drove Conan with him. Left.

After arriving at the small store at the bottom of the mountain, the staff first called the police, and then Conan used the phone to call Xiaolan.

In a hotel, Xiaolan and Ye were lying on both sides of Li Mu, closing their eyes and resting happily.

Suddenly, the phone rang, Xiaolan subconsciously took it and said in confusion:"Who is it? What's the matter? Hearing Xiaolan 's feeble voice, Conan suddenly became anxious and asked quickly:"Sister Xiaolan, are you okay? Is something wrong?""

"Conan, there's nothing wrong with me. I just fell asleep and was woken up by you. What's the matter with you?"


He thought something had happened to Xiaolan, but it turned out that Xiaolan was sleeping. Fortunately, they were so worried about Xiaolan, and she was actually sleeping.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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