"By the way, Sister Xiaolan, is Uncle Maoli okay now?"

Although he was speechless, Conan still showed great concern for Moori Kogoro.

"Oh, Dad."Xiaolan also realized that she had just had so much fun with Li Mu that she actually forgot about Mouri Kogoro.

Conan heard Xiaolan's exclamation and asked quickly:"Sister Xiaolan, did something happen?"

Xiao Lan reacted and said quickly:"No, it's nothing. Dad is fine. Conan - don't worry."

"Yeah? I see-"Conan was speechless.

Next to him, Li Mu also woke up, looked at Xiaolan who was answering the phone, and stretched out his sinful hand.

Xiaolan was startled, glared at Li Mu with beautiful eyes, and pointed at her mobile phone.

Heye woke up at the same time and said confusedly:"Xiaolan, what's wrong? Who is calling?"

On the other side of the phone, Conan heard Heye's voice and said quickly:"Sister Xiaolan, is it sister Heye? She also across"

"Yes, by the way, I'm going to see my father. After all, I've been sleeping for a while, and Brother Li is still watching over me, that's all."

Xiao Lan quickly hung up the phone, and then complained:"Brother Li, you are serious, what if Conan hears it? Really?"

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore, Xiaolan, let’s go to the hospital. Detective Maori may not have eaten yet."

Li Mu shaved Xiaolan's nose, and then put on clothes alone.

Xiaolan thought about it and put on clothes.

Then Li Mu, Ye and three others took a car to the hospital, and Maori Kogoro's ward.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro has also woken up.

When he woke up, Maori Kogoro saw that Li Mu, Ye and others were not there, and complained from time to time.

When Xiaolan came over, Maori Kogoro said dissatisfied:"Xiaolan, you are really, I It's been like this, but you're still not by my side. It's so abominable."

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't get much rest yesterday night. After having a meal, I went to rest. I'm really sorry."Xiaolan said apologetically.

Standing aside with Ye, she covered her mouth and snickered.

Naturally, they had taken a break just now, but they were doing some very happy things with Li Mu.

Maori Kogoro was no longer entangled in this matter. , covering his stomach and said:"Xiaolan, why don't you hurry up and get me something to eat? I just had my stomach washed and I'm starving now.""

"Sorry, I'll go get ready now, you wait."

Xiaolan walked out quickly, and Li Mu naturally followed. After all, it was impossible to accompany an uncle like Mouri Kogoro.

After a while, Xiaolan came back with a package of food.

"Dad, I went to buy some porridge. You can try it."

"What? Porridge?"Mouri Kogoro's face changed slightly, and he hugged me with dissatisfaction. Do you want some delicious food? Really, I am unlucky, and you still abuse me?"

"Don't want to eat? Are you sure you don't want to eat it?"Xiaolan said with a gloomy face.

Xiaolan is very scared now, and most people will be scared when they see it.

Mouri Kogoro was also startled, and said quickly:"Of course. I know how to eat it. In fact, the porridge is still very delicious. of"

"Is this right? You need to nourish your stomach now, after all, you just had gastric lavage surgery."Xiaolan immediately recovered her smile.

It was hard to imagine that the terrifying face just now was Xiaolan's.

Although Maori Kogoro felt very unhappy, he had no choice but to pick up the spoon and eat it by himself.

After finishing the porridge, Maori Kogoro put down the spoon and pulled up the quilt

"Okay, Xiaolan, I'm going to rest, but you can't leave. I don't want to find you by then."

"Don't worry, dad, I won't leave"

"Yes, Uncle Maori will not leave."

He Ye also comforted.

After all, the two of them had just spent time with Li Mu. Naturally, they wouldn't have any needs in a short time, so they wouldn't leave.

"Hope so."

Moori Kogoro was lying on the hospital bed, and soon fell asleep.

Li Mu sat next to him, and Xiaolan stood next to Li Mu, close to Li Mu.

After a while, Li Mu felt bored and pulled Xiao Lan. Lan, let her lean on his shoulders

"Okay, Xiaolan and Heye, you should just lie here and rest. You can probably leave tomorrow."

······Asking for flowers·······


Xiaolan and Ye both relied on Li Mu happily, with charming smiles on their faces.

I don't know how long it took, Xiaolan and Ye just grabbed Li Mu's shoulders and rested for a while.


At the same time, Hattori Heiji spent a whole night and finally found the key to solving the case, then cracked the case and caught the murderer.

That night, Hattori Heiji wanted to leave, but there was no room in the police car, so the two of them did not leave.

Early the next morning, Hattori Heiji, led by the director, came to a local hospital and found Kogoro Mouri's ward.


"Really, Kudo, you shouldn't have come back yesterday. Take a good look at them. I always feel something is wrong."

"Don't worry, Hattori, they're accompanying uncle, so if anything happens, it won't be in the way. Conan said nonchalantly

"Let’s hope so."

Hattori Heiji didn't say anything. He came directly to the ward, and then opened the door of the ward. He was stunned. He saw Li Mu sitting in the middle of the stool in the ward, with Ye Xiaolan and his head resting on Li Mu's legs next to him. The whole person huddled together, looking very intimate.

After a long time, Hattori Heiji realized what he was doing, rushed forward, and shouted dissatisfied:"Damn it, you guy, what did you do to Kazuha."

This shout instantly excited Li Mu, Ye, Maori Kogoro and the others.

Maori Kogoro even rubbed his head and said dissatisfied:"Really, who is it? It's so noisy so early in the morning, it's annoying me to death.."

Even Conan himself was startled and quickly tried to dissuade him:"Hey, Hattori, are you crazy? This is a hospital. Do you want to be taken away? Hattori

Heiji also came to his senses, gritted his teeth and said:"Kudo, didn't you see?" He Ye actually lay on his lap, and they were so intimate"

"Nonsense, Xiaolan is like this too, but this is a hospital, you should at least be careful and don't make too much noise."Conan was equally dissatisfied.

The Invincible Dragon Ball of The Great Voyage begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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