Just when they woke up, the two women saw Hattori Heiji in front of them, and they were actually lying on Li Mu.

The two of them were startled and quickly sat upright, with a faint blush on their cheeks.

"Heiji, why are you here? What time is it now?"

"when? Hattori Heiji said with a dark face, pointing at Li Mu:"Kazuye, did this guy do anything to you yesterday?""

"What to do, nothing."Kazuye said seriously.

As for whether he did anything yesterday, and why he went to the hotel to book a room if he didn't do anything.

Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuye suspiciously, feeling a little unsure.

But since Kazuye said so, he was too embarrassed to continue. What? I can only think that the two of them didn't do anything.

Li Mu looked at the jealous Hattori Heiji, raised the corners of his mouth, stretched out his hand and gently tapped his thigh.

"Alas, I'm a little sore, and my legs are really tired."

Hattori Heiji suddenly became jealous.

How he wished Kazuha could lie on his lap like this instead of Li Mu's.

Now that Li Mu is taking advantage of him and still behaves, it is unbearable. 16

"Hey, Li Mu, are your legs sore? Would you like me to pinch and knead it for you, maybe it won't be sore anymore."

This is an obvious act of revenge by Hattori Heiji. If Li Muhui is stupid enough not to see it, then he is a fool."

"Well, since you made such a sincere request, I will give you a chance."Li Mu patted his thigh and said.

Anyway, Li Mu is not afraid of Hattori Heiji cheating. It doesn't matter even if Hattori Heiji uses any tricks.

"Okay, I'll knock your leg for you. Don't feel the pain, it's too much."

Hattori Heiji chuckled sinisterly, took a step forward, and stretched out his hands.

Then Hattori Heiji suddenly punched Li Mu hard and hit Li Mu's thigh directly.

"How is it? Does it hurt? Do you want me to be gentler?"

Li Mu touched his thigh, and then looked at Hattori Heiji seriously.

"Hattori, you came so early today, you must have not had breakfast, right?"

Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why Li Mu asked, but he still nodded and said,"Yes, it's too early today, so my work and I...Conan didn't have breakfast"

"Yeah? If you haven’t had breakfast, no wonder you don’t have any strength at all. Is this still considered a man? You can't just work harder and be more serious."

Hattori Heiji's face suddenly darkened.

He actually said that he had no strength and was not a man.

"Okay, since you said I am not a man, then I will use all my strength."

After saying that, Hattori Heiji raised his hands and smashed them on Li Mu.

It has to be said that Hattori Heiji's strength was quite strong, but unfortunately it was nothing when he met Li Mu. After fighting for a while, Li Mu swung Waving his hands:"Bu, do you really have no strength? With this little strength, how can you beat your legs? I think you should eat more.""

"What? I can not?"

Hattori Heiji became angry and used all his strength to hit Li Mu on the leg. With this force, most people will definitely feel pain.

Even Conan and others felt a little painful just looking at it. It’s a pity that I met Li Mu

"Heiji, you'd better be gentle, this will hurt Brother Li."Kazuha said with some distress.

Kazuha felt distressed, and Hattori Heiji was naturally unhappy, and the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger.

"He Ye, don't worry, Li Mu won't feel any pain, right? Li Mu, this is nothing, right?"

Li Mu leaned on the wall behind, closed his eyes, and said with a happy smile:"Yes, it really doesn't hurt, Hattori, you should use your strength to breastfeed. Hattori

Heiji said nothing, but looked at Li Mu with a smile, and the power in his hands became stronger and stronger.

After a while, the doctor came and interrupted Li Mu and Hattori Heiji.

The doctor checked Maori Kogoro and confirmed that Maori Xiao There is no big problem with Wulang and he can be discharged from the hospital on the same day. At the gate of the hospital.

Li Mu looked at He Ye who was reluctant to leave, waved his hands and said:"Okay, everyone, let's say goodbye today. Remember not to miss me.""

"Don't think too much about who will miss you."

Hattori Heiji shouted, then looked at Kazuha and said:"Okay, Kazuha, let's go, it's getting late."

"All right."

He Ye nodded, looked at Li Mu reluctantly, turned around in three steps, and finally left.

After Conan watched He Ye and others leave, he turned to look at Xiaolan and said with a smile:"Sister Xiaolan, yesterday What are you and Brother Li doing?"

What else can you do?

" Xiaolan blushed and said dissatisfied:"Okay, why do children know so much? This is a girl's private matter.""

"Girls' private affairs?"Conan immediately touched his chin and thought seriously.

What is a girl's private matter? Is it something shameful for men and women to do?

But then Conan rejected it. Although it was a matter between girls, It's definitely not that kind of thing.

It's a pity that Conan is only a child after all, and there are so many private affairs of girls. How could Conan know such 097 specific things.

So no matter what Conan thinks, it is impossible to know what the private affairs of Xiaolan are..

Li Mu looked at Conan who was racking his brains but still couldn't figure it out. The corners of his mouth raised, but he had no intention of telling him.

Conan also noticed Li Mu's smile and asked quickly:"By the way, Brother Li, what did you do yesterday? ?"

If you know what Brother Li did yesterday, maybe you can know what Xiaolan did yesterday.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, patted Conan's little head, and said seriously:"Conan, I did a manly thing yesterday, you still Children, ask again when you grow up. Okay, let's go."

After saying that, Li Mu walked to the car on the side.

Conan looked at Li Mu suspiciously and touched the back of his head. He didn't know what Li Mu meant.

After all, those words were so empty. How could he know what it means to be a man, specifically? What was it?

After thinking about it for a long time, Conan didn't figure it out, and Li Mu's car had already arrived, so he didn't think much and got in the car. On the way back, Conan was still thinking about it. The corners of Li Mu's mouth raised when he saw Conan's headache expression made Li Mu feel very happy.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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