On this day, Li Mu was sitting in the Maori Detective Agency drinking tea, and Conan was sitting next to him.

Xiaolan, on the other hand, was holding the phone and talking to Yuanzi with a happy expression on her face.

Conan looked at Xiaolan who was so happy and felt jealous. He wondered why Xiaolan was so happy.

At first he thought it was Li Mu, but now Li Mu is next to Conan, so it must not be Li Mu, but someone else.

Conan felt a headache when he thought that there was a love rival here.

After a long time, Mouri Kogoro came back.

Xiaolan looked at the sudden appearance of Mouri Kogoro and smiled:"My father is back. That's it for today. Goodbye."

After saying that, Xiaolan hung up the phone.

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Xiaolan suspiciously

"Dad, I have something to do, so you can prepare lunch by yourself today."

Xiaolan confessed to Maori Kogoro, then picked up the bag and left with a bright smile.

Maori KogoroHe quickly focused his attention on Xiaolan and then looked at Li Mu.

He originally thought that Li Mu had kidnapped his daughter, but now it seems that it was not Li Mu, but someone else.

When he thought of a hateful brat kidnapping his daughter, Mouri Kogoro became angry and secretly followed Xiaolan.

As soon as Conan saw Mouri Kogoro setting off, he followed behind.

Li Mu was very calm. He had already captured Xiaolan and Yuanzi, so he naturally didn't need to worry about what Xiaolan would do behind his back.

But since Mouri Kogoro and the others are following behind, Li Mu can't look after his house alone here.

Li Mu put down his teacup and followed Xiaolan secretly, first to a library and then to a restaurant.

After arriving at the restaurant, Li Mu sat next to someone, with his back to Xiaolan, eating food aimlessly.

Anyway, he doesn't need to know much at all, so he doesn't need to listen to anything more.

However, Mouri Kogoro and Conan seemed to be very worried about Conan. They pricked up their ears from time to time and listened to the conversation between Xiaolan, Sonoko and others.

"Xiaolan, the sandwiches in this shop are really good, but the sandwiches in Poirot’s Coffee Shop are even better. Yuanzi said happily.

On the other hand, a male waiter listened to Yuanzi's words and smiled quickly:"Really?" Can you tell me the address of that coffee shop (bgdf) so that I can go and taste it one day?"

"ah. Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said:"That coffee shop is..."

"Can't! Suddenly a middle-aged man yelled and said quickly:"That guy often talks bad things about other people in the blog's food forum, which makes the restaurant unable to operate, so you can't tell him.""

The waiter frowned slightly, then stood next to the middle-aged man with a smile on his face.

"Yeah? But please pay attention to me, I still have many ways to do it, be careful I will destroy you.

Next to him, Li Mu frowned slightly. This guy actually planned to destroy his coffee shop.

Although Li Mu was not particularly good at it, how could he let these scum ruin it? Li Mu smiled and took out a business card and handed it to this

"Sir, this is my business card. Please give me your advice in the future.

The waiter was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion:"Why did you give this to me? Do we know each other?""

"I don’t know him now, but I will know him in the future. By the way, I forgot to tell you that I am a detective and mystery novelist. Likewise, Poirot’s coffee shop is also mine.

Poirot's coffee shop is just downstairs from the Maori Detective Agency. If you want to write about it on your blog, I will also write about it in my mystery novels, such as how you speak ill of others and how your shop is terrible."Li Mu said with a smile.

The waiter didn't know that Li Mu was provoking, so he said with interest:"What, are you very capable? Then I will write bad things about you, on my food blog, and then you will be finished"

"Oh, is it so?"

Li Mu took out a camera and murmured to himself:"I just captured what you said. When the time comes, hand it over to Manager Matsumoto, whom I know. By then you will be finished. Prepare to go to jail."

"What? Bastard, you tricked me."

The waiter grabbed Li Mu and reached out to snatch the camera from Li Mu's hand.

Li Mu waved his right hand, and the camera turned into his wallet and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter didn't react and grabbed Li Mu's wallet directly. Then everyone was stunned

"Okay, you actually grabbed my wallet, tell me, what do you want to do, or else I will expose you on Detective Conan's blog."Li Muyi said righteously


The waiter was stunned for a moment, then became angry. He stretched out a hand and hit Li Mu.

"Damn it, you bastard, you dare to play tricks on me, go to hell."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, dodged slightly, avoided the waiter's attack, and then walked aside.

"Damn, the waiter hit someone, the waiter hit someone, the waiter in this store hit someone."

Li Mu kept running around, and the waiter kept chasing Li Mu behind Li Mu.

At this time, Li Mu and the waiter instantly became the focus of everyone.

Xiaolan Yuanzi and others also noticed Li Mu , stunned for a moment

"Isn't that Brother Li? What's wrong?"

"I don’t know, go and have a look."

"Hey, Conan, go help."

Moori Kogoro also reacted and quickly walked to Conan's side, then grabbed the waiter and pressed the button for Li Mu.

"Hey hey hey, do we need help?"

Thinking of Li Mu's powerful fighting power, how could he be afraid of a waiter.

So Conan can be sure that Li Mu did it on purpose.

When Li Mu saw Mouri Kogoro holding down the waiter, he smiled and said,"Okay, Detective Mouri, thank you."

Mouri Kogoro also said in confusion:"Li Mu, why did he hit you?"

"Oh, this guy threatened other people and said random things about other people’s restaurants. I just said one thing and he was going to say bad things about my Poirot’s Coffee Shop on the food forum, and he was accidentally photographed."

After saying that, Li Mu proudly raised the camera in his hand.

Maori Kogoro frowned slightly, not knowing why the two people were quarreling.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu novels

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