"By the way, Yumi-chan, are you okay today? I just saw a strange person who was not from our apartment. I thought he was a bad guy."Haneda Hideyoshi said worriedly.

"What? weirdo?"Yumi's face changed, and the spirit of the police immediately took hold of her.

"Who is that person, what does he look like, what does he wear mean?"

"I didn't see that person's face, but he was wearing black clothes and a coat. He was over 1.8 meters tall and was wearing leather shoes."Haneda Hideyoshi thought.

Yumi looked at Haneda Hideyoshi with a strange expression.

Why did she think that the person Haneda Hideyoshi was talking about was Li Mu who walked out of her room?

"About what time?"

"Just now, less than three minutes later, you went over and saw him."

Yumi immediately understood."Zero Nine Seven", the person Haneda Hideyoshi was talking about was Li Mu, and he happened to be seen by Haneda Hideyoshi.

"Okay, let me make it clear to you, that guy is my boyfriend, we are already together, and we will get the certificate soon."

Yumi also planned to make it clear to Haneda Hideyoshi and not let him continue to pester her, so that Li Mu would not misunderstand it.

Haneda Hideyoshi suddenly seemed to be shocked by thunder, and he was stunned. He recalled the flowers that Yumi had just said in his mind..

Yumi has actually received a marriage certificate.

For a moment, Haneda Hideyoshi couldn't accept it.

After a long time, Haneda Hideyoshi came back to his senses and looked at Yumi with some discomfort.

Yumi was also a little embarrassed, but when he thought that he and Haneda Hideyoshi were separated , and she was relieved.

After all, they broke up and she could find someone she liked. There was no problem with that.

"In fact, you are a good person. Unfortunately, I can no longer wait for you, but I believe that you will definitely find a better person."

The normal procedure for breaking up is to give a good person card to make you feel at ease and break up peacefully.

The other is to look down on you and think that you can't give me what I want, and then abandon you ruthlessly.

Yumi can actually say good things..

Haneda Hideyoshi opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly he didn't know what he should say. After a moment of silence, Haneda Hideyoshi forced a smile and said:"I'm sorry, Yumi~, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have been so slow. Goodbye."

After saying that, Haneda Hideyoshi left in despair.

Yumi watched Haneda Hideyoshi leave. She wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say it.

After all, they were separated, she also said.

After Haneda Hideyoshi returned to his room, he thought about it. Don't worry.

He is afraid that Yumi will be deceived, deceived by that sweet-talking man, and will be sad when the time comes.

This is also a few people such as Haneda Hideyoshi. Even if his girlfriend is snatched away, he will still care.

Haneda Hideyoshi thought for a while, and then decided to check on Yumi to see if Li Mu was a good person. After thinking about it,

Haneda Hideyoshi no longer hesitated and left quickly, looking around quickly.

After a while, Haneda Hideyoshi He found Li Mu's figure, and then followed Li Mu secretly.

Haneda Hideyoshi just followed for a while, and was discovered by Li Mu.

Li Mu pretended not to notice, and continued walking forward, but halfway through, Li Mu He took out a towel.

Although he was not worried about being exposed, he couldn't let Haneda Hideyoshi know. At least he couldn't be discovered before Li Mu left this world.

After a while, Li Mu suddenly ran into a small alley, and then suddenly He jumped and immediately avoided the tracking of Haneda Hideyoshi.

Haneda Hideyoshi walked into the alley and did not see Li Mu. He quickly walked through the alley, but still did not find Li Mu.

"Could it be that I was discovered?"

Hada Hideyoshi muttered, and then continued to search around, but still couldn't find Li Mu, and finally had to give up.

Li Mu looked at the leaving figure of Haneda Hideyoshi and sneered.

This guy actually wanted to follow him. He simply overestimates his capabilities.

And this guy actually wants to see if he can give Yumei happiness and whether he has deceived Yumei.

If according to the values ​​​​of this world, Li Mu seems to be a scum and a scum, but in fact , Li Mu has no intention of letting anyone go.

"Wait, this guy will definitely not give up, why not play with you."

Li Mu was worried that he had nothing to do recently. He couldn't be obsessed with the world of mortals every day. He could just use Haneda Hideyoshi to kill time.

After thinking about it, Li Mu didn't stay long and left directly.

On the other hand, after Haneda Hideyoshi returned home, he didn't do anything. Rest assured, Yumi picked up the phone and called someone.

In a certain hotel, Sera Masumi was chatting with her mother when she suddenly heard the phone call and quickly answered the call.

"Hey, Brother Hideyoshi, what's the matter? What, follow a person, okay, I promise you."

After Sera Masumi hung up the phone, she said to her mother:"Mom, Brother Hideyoshi asked me to help track a person. I'm leaving now. You have to be careful."

"I'm fine, don't worry. Since Hideyoshi asked you for help, you have to be serious and don't be lazy."said the sister outside the field.

"I won't, and when have I been lazy?"

Masumi Sera patted her chest, then turned around and left the hotel, arriving at Haneda Hideyoshi's home.

"Brother Hideyoshi, what do you want from me? Tell me who you are following."


Haneda Hideyoshi flipped through it, then found Yumi's photo and handed it to Sera Masumi.

"Zhenchun, that’s her. I hope you can help me track her. 3.5, okay?"

"good. Are you kidding? You asked me to follow her. Officer Yumi from the Metropolitan Police Department, are you sure you are not kidding?"

Sera Zhenzhen was ready to agree, but then he saw Yumi's photo and couldn't help but scream.

After all, it was too difficult to follow a policeman for nothing, and it was a policeman he knew.

Although some wanted to refuse, but Thinking that it was his brother's mission, Sera Masumi still said:"Brother Hideyoshi, tell me what the reason is, otherwise I won't be able to help you track a policeman."

If the reason is reasonable, Sera Masumi will not help Haneda Hideyoshi.

If it is not reasonable, then he is his brother...It can also be discussed.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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