Haneda Hideyoshi hesitated for a moment, not sure whether he should say it or not.

You can’t say that I’m worried that my ex-girlfriend will be deceived by a scumbag, so please come and follow her for me.

Although hesitant, Haneda Hideyoshi still said:"Masumi, I want you to investigate who her boyfriend is. Yumi is my ex-girlfriend. I am afraid that she will be cheated."

Masumi Sera opened her mouth wide with a look on her face. He looked at Haneda Hideyoshi in confusion.

There are actually people in this world who are investigating their ex-girlfriend, and are still worried about her being in danger.

Soon, Sera Masumi reacted and quickly put his hand on Haneda Hideyoshi's forehead.

"Brother Hideyoshi, is there something wrong with your head? Since she is your ex-girlfriend, why should you care about her?

And Officer Yumi is your ex-girlfriend. Why didn’t I know about this? When did this happen? Haneda

Hideyoshi became even more embarrassed and could only say:"Okay, Mazumi, can you help me? I always feel that that man seems to be a bad person. You don't want Officer Yumi to be deceived by bad people, right?""

"Bad guy?" Sera Masumi touched her chin, 16 said seriously:"That's true, and police officer Yumi is also our friend, so we should help her. So, I promise you."

"Great, thank you, Zhenchun"


In the afternoon, after Li Mu finished doing his own thing, he sneaked to Yumi's side, and then saw Sera Masumi following behind.

Li Mu smiled and followed a traffic policeman. It was estimated that Sera Masumi would be easy to follow today.

In fact, this is indeed the case for Sera Masumi. After driving a motorcycle and following Yumi for a day, she got a headache.

The corner of Li Mu's mouth raised. He did not meet Yumi rashly. Instead, he took out a phone and called Yumi.

After Yumi answered the phone, after listening to Li Mu's words, she subconsciously looked at Sera Masumi in her rear car mirror.

After Li Mu reminded her like this, she did feel as if she had seen Shiliang Zhenjun many times today, but she didn't pay attention to it before.

Now after listening to Li Mu's words, Yumi naturally knew that someone was following her.

However, Yumi did not panic. Instead, she pretended not to see anything and continued to do her own thing.

After a while, Yumi thought of something and said something to Miike Naeko next to her.

Miike Naeko nodded after hearing this.

Yumi waited for a while, then pretended to leave the police car and go to the toilet.

Seeing this, Sera Masumi quickly followed Yumi to the outside of a restroom.

After waiting for a long time, Sera Masumi suddenly became anxious, as if worried that something had happened to Yumi, and hurriedly broke into the bathroom.

Miike Naeko saw Sera Masumi following behind, so she picked up her pistol and followed Sera Masumi quietly.

After Sera Masumi entered the bathroom, he immediately opened the bathroom door. Suddenly, a black gun was placed in front of Sera Masumi.

"Don't move, you are under arrest."

Miike Naeko also rushed out at this time and took out Sera Masumi.

Sera Masumi was stunned. He didn't know that he had been tricked by the two policemen Yumi.

Although he was speechless, Sera Masumi quickly pulled away. own hood

"Officer Yumi, it’s me, I’m Masumi Sera, we know each other."

"It's you?"Yumi still knew Sera Masumi.

Since it was Sera Masumi, Yumi also relaxed her vigilance and asked:"It's you, so why are you following me? Is there anything wrong?"

Masumi Sera hesitated for a moment. You can't say that your ex-boyfriend is worried about you. Let me follow you.

But if I don't tell you the reason now, Yumi probably won't believe her, and maybe she will be arrested.

"Officer Yumi, actually I am a detective. Someone is worried about your boyfriend, so let me investigate him."

"Worried about my boyfriend?"Yumi was stunned for a moment, and then thought of Haneda Hideyoshi. Only that guy knew

"Haneda Hideyoshi, is it him? Officer Yumi muttered, and then said:"It must be that guy who actually did such a thing behind my back. I must not let him go.""

Masumi Sera smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

She betrayed Haneda Hideyoshi. It is estimated that Haneda Hideyoshi will be in trouble by then, but she cannot be blamed. Who asked her to work for Haneda Hideyoshi?

"Okay, you can leave, but if you continue to follow the police officer, you should know the consequences."Yumi waved her hand and said

"Yes, officer, I'm leaving now."

Masumi Sera didn't care about following Yumi and left the bathroom quickly.

Seeing that Masumi Sera left, Miike Naeko quickly said:"By the way, Officer Yumi, why don't I remember that you have a boyfriend? When did this happen? ?"

Officer Yumi's face suddenly turned red. She subconsciously forgot that Miike Naeko was still here. She wasn't accidentally exposed.

"Hahaha, Miaozi, you don’t want to know. By the way, let’s go, don’t waste time here."

After saying that, Yumi took the initiative to pull Miike Naeko out of the bathroom.

Although Miike Naeko was curious, since Yumi didn't want to say it, she had no choice but she couldn't help being curious.

After Li Mu watched Sera Masumi leave, He followed Yumi, waited until Yumi got off work, appeared in front of her, and stopped Yumi's car.

"Li Mu, it’s you, why are you here?"

Yumi was stunned for a moment, then quickly opened the door and put Li Mu in.

After Li Mu got into the car, he held Yumi's hand and said with a smile:"Yumi, what's wrong? Are you curious, how did you meet me?"

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. I already know who the guy I bought today is following me. He is my ex-boyfriend. I don’t trust you and am afraid that you will bully me, so I asked a detective to come over and investigate me, so you have to be careful."

After saying that, Yumi was still afraid of other people nearby, and quickly looked around, fearing that Sera Masumi would come out of nowhere again.

Li Mu looked at Yumi who was worried and scared, and pinched her ears.

"Okay, Yumi, don't worry. I already confirmed when I came here that she was not here, so you don't have to worry."

Yumi breathed a sigh of relief, and then drove away quickly, fearing that Li Mu would be discovered by Sera Masumi. Li Mu leaned on the back seat of the car, closed his eyes, and slowly fell asleep.

The Love of the Great Navigation Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Novels

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