After a while, Yumei returned home, pushed Li Mu's arm and said:"Li Mu, my house is here, you can get up, why don't you get up quickly?"

"Ah, are you here?"

Li Mu rubbed his sleepy eyes, and then looked around.

Just as he was about to get off the car, Yumi suddenly stopped Li Mu and took out a hat and handed it to Li Mu.

"Li Mu, please wear a hat, it will be bad if you are accidentally seen."

Li Mu thought about it. If he was discovered and Miwako knew about it, Li Mu would have a headache, so he should hide what should be concealed.

After putting on the hat, Li Mu followed Yumi and entered Yumi's home.

"Li Mu, go ahead and cook. You will be in charge tonight."

Thinking of Li Mu's cooking, Yumi had a look of expectation in her eyes, and then sat on the sofa on the side.

Li Mu shook his head and did not refuse Yumi.

After more than half an hour, Li Mu took the last dish and placed it on the dining table. superior

"Okay, Yumi, let's eat"

"Okay, Li Mu."

Yumi quickly ran to the dining table, occupied a seat, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Li Mu smiled, picked up the chopsticks and tasted it.

I don't know how long it took, Li Mu put down the chopsticks, and then held it with both hands. 097 lowered his chin and looked at Yumi.

Not long after, Yumi also finished his dinner, and then noticed that Li Mu had been staring at her and lowered his head shyly.

"Li Mu, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Of course it's to fuck you."

Li Mu suddenly rushed to Yumi and carried her to her room, and a big battle began.

On this day, because Haneda Hideyoshi was worried about Yumi, he did not watch TV or practice chess. Instead, he He returned to his room.

Suddenly, Haneda Hideyoshi heard a woman's voice coming from the next room from time to time.

This voice was like the voice he had heard, in some movies, exactly the same.

For a moment , Haneda Hideyoshi realized that his ex-girlfriend, the woman he had always loved deeply, was having fun with other men.

Haneda Hideyoshi subconsciously grabbed the quilt, closed his eyes, and tried not to let himself think of Yumi.

What he liked It's a very painful feeling for a woman to be"shouting" so happily under other men.

It's like the pain of those loyal (bgdf) fans who say that their gods and goddesses are actually getting married. It breaks my heart. The pain of scratching his lungs.

Haneda Hideyoshi quickly took out the earphones and put them on his ears to block out the sound.

But the sound always surrounded his ears and he could not recall it.

After a long time, the voices of Li Mu and Yumi finally disappeared. disappeared, and at this moment, Haneda Hideyoshi's face was covered with tears.

These were tears of lost love.

In the room, Li Mu hugged Yumi tightly and said softly:"Yumi, do you think Haneda Hideyoshi next door knows about our affairs?" I won’t regret that I gave up on such a beautiful woman like you."

Yumi was startled for a moment, then she held her head high and said proudly:"That's right, don't look at who he lost. It was me, a peerless beauty.

But this is all his fault. If he didn't seize the opportunity, I wouldn't like you. You can't blame me."

Indeed, it's also to blame that Haneda Hideyoshi was mentally retarded. He insisted on getting the seven-time chess champion, but was misunderstood by Yumi.

And Yumi fell into Li Mu's arms.

If Haneda Hideyoshi directly confessed his love and proposed marriage, he wouldn't Let Li Mu seize this opportunity and get Yumi.

Things are as simple as that

"Okay, Yumi, no more words. Let’s go to bed early today. I’m going to go out and have some fun tomorrow."

That's right, have fun with Haneda Hideyoshi.

Li Mu believes that Haneda Hideyoshi will never give up and will definitely continue to arrange for people to follow him.

Maybe tomorrow, Sera Masumi will be waiting outside the door of the room Looking at him.

Yumei didn't know what Li Mu said, but said happily:"I understand, then let's take a rest early."

In fact, just as Li Mu thought, Haneda Hideyoshi did plan to send people to continue to follow Li Mu, but to follow Li Mu directly.

So that night, he called Sera Masumi again.

In the hotel, Sera Masumi was helpless Hang up the phone.

Next to her, the sister outside the field said softly:"What's wrong? Is it that idiot Hideyoshi who asked you to follow her ex-girlfriend."

She was also very speechless. She didn't understand why Haneda Hideyoshi asked Sera Masumi to follow his ex-girlfriend.

And the reason was actually because he was afraid that his ex-girlfriend would be deceived by her current boyfriend.

Even though she was speechless, Sera Masumi still couldn't help it. Bu said:"There is no way. Brother Hideyoshi said that man is at Officer Yumi's house. I can only go there early and solve the problem for him early.""

"Okay, but be careful not to be discovered by others, especially the female police officer"

"Got it, mom."

Sera Masumi walked to the bed on one side and pulled his mother into sleep together.

The next day, Sera Masumi got up early in the morning, and then came to the outside of Yumi's house and began to supervise early in the morning.

Under the cool morning breeze, Sera Masumi looked at the little stars in the sky, her head covered with black lines

"What an idiot I am, I actually came here to supervise you early in the morning. Would that person leave so early?"

"No, you can't be so stupid. It's better to go to Brother Hideyoshi's house and wait there. That person might escape here."

Sera Masumi clapped his hands, and then quickly called Haneda Hideyoshi and asked Haneda Hideyoshi to come pick him up.

Not long after, Sera Masumi was taken to his own home by Haneda Hideyoshi

"Brother Hideyoshi, you are so boring, why not give up? How could Officer Yumi be in danger, let alone be deceived?"

"No, Mazumi, you must help me, I can't watch Yumi-chan being deceived by others."

Sera Masumi looked at Haneda Hideyoshi who looked like a nymphomaniac, and wanted to give Haneda Hideyoshi a beating, but he had no choice.

"I understand, Brother Hideyoshi, I will definitely help you monitor that man."

After saying that, Sera Masumi Haneda Hideyoshi sat at the gate and secretly looked out of the peephole. The two of them, one after another, took turns monitoring the room next door.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_See no underline For version novels, please download Feilu Novels

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