Maori Detective Agency, Li Mukeng came here after finishing Serang Zhenshun.

As soon as he entered, Li Mu saw Yuanzi Xiaolan sitting on the sofa, talking happily.

As soon as Yuanzi saw Li Mu, he quickly waved his hand and said:"Brother Li, here, here."

Li Mu did not hesitate and sat directly between Yuanzi and Xiaolan, his body close to the two.

Conan was drinking tea. When he saw where he was sitting today, he was very dissatisfied. He stared at Li Mu with his eyes, hoping to put pressure on Li Mu.

Li Mu ignored Conan and didn't care at all that Conan was staring at him. Instead, he moved closer to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan didn't pay attention, but was a little excited. She wished that Li Mu would be close to her like this, forever and ever.

"Damn it, I must kill him."

Conan shouted in his heart, wishing to kill Li Mu immediately, but unfortunately he just thought about it and didn't have the courage.

"By the way, Sonoko, what were you discussing just now? You look very happy. Yuanzi also thought of something and said quickly:"Brother Li, are you free this Sunday?" The Suzuki Tower of our Suzuki family is open. Do you want to go and play when the time comes?"

"Okay, Sunday? When I have time, we can go watch the beautiful scenery together."Li Mu nodded and agreed.

The beauty invited her, how could Li Mu refuse?

Click... the door of the detective office opened. Mouri Kogoro thought he was a guest, so he quickly stood up and said:"Welcome, may I ask you a question?……"

Before he finished speaking, Mouri Kogoro saw Sera Masumi outside the door, and his face fell instantly.

He thought he was a guest, but it turned out he wasn't.

Sera Masumi noticed Mouri Kogoro's face and smiled:"Uncle Detective, do you need to be so unhappy? Do I dislike you so much?"

"Xiao Seriang, don't think too much, it's just that my father hasn't worked for a long time, so life has been a little confusing recently."Xiaolan smiled awkwardly.

As for the money earned by Mouri Kogoro, he has already used it for playing with small steel balls, so there is no money left for fun.

Sera Masaki didn't have much, so he sat aside, a little unhappy. Said:"Oh, I was unlucky today. I was tricked by others and even received a warning from Officer Memu."

"What's wrong? Did you encounter any case today? Yuanzi asked curiously.

Conan also became interested and quickly pricked up his ears.

"What else could there be? Today I went to follow a person, and he discovered me and tricked me, which made me call the police."Shiliang Zhenchun said dissatisfied.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, and then asked seriously:"Shiliang, what's wrong? What happened? Tell me, and we will give you some advice."

"Yes, Seriang, tell us."Sonoko said.

But looking at her smile, she looked like she wanted to join in.

Even Conan became interested and looked at Sera Masumi with great interest.

Sera Masumi's head was covered with black lines, and she only discovered the person now, They are completely cunning friends.

Although speechless, Sera Masumi still said:"The person I was following today found me, so he tricked me and pretended to be a drug deal, which made me call the police. As a result, I was scolded by Officer Megure."

"Wa hahaha……"Mouri Kogoro couldn't help laughing, and said proudly:"Sera, you should learn from me, Moori Kogoro, so that you won't be discovered."

Conan looked at Moori Kogoro with contempt. If it was Moori Kogoro, Nine times out of ten, you will be cheated.

Sera Masumi also had a grimace on her face.

Sonoko suddenly thought of something and said quickly:"By the way, Sister Sera, why are you following that person? Is there something wrong?"

Sera Masumi's face suddenly froze, and she didn't know what to say.

You can't say that my brother cares about his ex-girlfriend being cheated on, so he sent me to follow her. This is too shameful.

Anyway, she couldn't say this.

"By the way, Yuanzi, what were you talking about just now? Is there anything important?"

Sonoko also knew that Sera Masumi didn't want to say anything, so he didn't ask too much. He quickly said,"That's it. My newly built Suzuki Tower is ready. I want you to go and have a look. Do you want to go with us on Sunday?"

"Suzuki Tower? Okay, let’s go together then. I also want to see the tallest tower at present. It will definitely be fun. Sera Masaki nodded and said

"By the way, let's go to dinner together, I'll treat you. Li Mu suddenly said.

As soon as he heard about dinner, Maori Kogoro's eyes lit up and he said quickly:"Okay, okay, let's go to dinner together, Li Mu, you treat me." Xiaolan

's face darkened, she glanced at Mouri Kogoro and said,"Dad, you don't want Li Mu to invite you, just to reduce your life burden, right?""

Although Mouri Kogoro was embarrassed, considering his wallet, he said seriously:"What's the point of being embarrassed? We are friends, and we should treat guests to dinner. Li

Mu smiled and said nonchalantly:"It doesn't matter, let's go together. It just so happens that I have made money again recently, only tens of billions.""

It's only tens of billions.

Conan and Sera Masumi have black lines on their heads. This is probably the biggest one this year.

Mouri Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he quickly walked to Li Mu, grabbed Li Mu's arm, and said with a look on his face of flattery

"Li Mu, you have earned so much money, and I’m afraid you won’t be able to spend it all in this life. Do you want me to spend some of it for you so that the money doesn’t go to waste?"

Xiaolan looked at the unruly Mouri Kogoro, stepped forward, grabbed his ears, and pulled him to one side.

"Okay, Dad, if you have this free time to think about things, you should think about how to make money."

"I see."

A few minutes later, outside Poirot's coffee shop downstairs, Mouri Kogoro looked at the door and didn't know what to say. He originally thought he was going to some big restaurant, but it turned out to be the coffee shop downstairs. He could afford the place and asked Li Mu to treat him.

Although he was speechless, Maori Kogoro walked into the coffee shop. After all, he didn’t want it for free.

Li Mu noticed Maori Kogoro’s expression and smiled:"I’m sorry, Detective Maori, I do this for myself, as it can reduce some costs and is convenient."

"Yes, dad, right here."Xiaolan said without caring at all.

"I get it, I eat here."

Mouri Kogoro picked up the menu, ordered a lot, and vowed to take revenge on Li Mu.

The Great Voyage: The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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