The lunch at noon was finished quickly, and then Li Mu stayed at Xiaolan's house for the entire afternoon and left the Maori Detective Agency in the evening.

In the car, Li Mu was driving while thinking about where he should go in the afternoon, whether to go to Yuanzi's house or just Xiaolan's house.

After thinking about it, Li Mu felt that he rarely went to Miyano Akemi's place, and then decided to go to Miyano Akemi's place.

Driving outside Miyano Akemi's house, Li Mu suddenly saw a car.

The key thing is that the person sitting in the car is actually Shuichi Akai.

Although Li Mu didn't know why Shuichi Akai was outside Miyano Akemi's house, he could roughly guess that it had something to do with Miyano Akemi.

"It’s interesting, I didn’t expect to meet Shuichi Akai, and here he is."

Li Mu drove the car away from Akai Shuichi, then found a place to stop, put the car away, and dressed up.

Making sure that Akai Shuichi would not be discovered, Li Mu walked into Miyano Akemi's house.

Akai Shuichi When he saw Li Mu, he quickly sat up straight, looked at Li Mu seriously, and thought about who Li Mu was.

Unfortunately, Li Mu covered himself, so Akai Shuichi couldn't see Li Mu's face clearly.

In the living room, Miyano Akemi took a look When he arrived at Li Mu, he was immediately overjoyed. He quickly walked to Li Mu and threw himself into Li Mu's arms.

"Li Mu, it's you, you're here."097

Li Mu tapped Miyano Akemi on the face, then hugged her and sat on the sofa on the side.

"Mingmei, have you been out these days?"

"No, what's wrong?"Miyano Akemi said doubtfully.

"There's none?"

Li Mu murmured, and did not suspect that Miyano Akemi had lied to him.

Now Li Mu was a little confused. Since Miyano Akemi didn't go out, how did Akai Shuichi know about it.

Li Mu didn't believe that Akai Shuichi could predict the unknown. It must be for some reason.

Miyano Akemi noticed Li Mu's expression and quickly asked:"Li Mu, what's wrong? Did something happen? Does anyone in the organization know about me?"

While speaking, Miyano Akemi was a little anxious.

If the people in the organization knew about it, wouldn't it mean that Haihara Ai was also in danger.

Li Mu looked at the worried Miyano Akemi and quickly comforted him:"Don't worry, Mingmei, the people in the organization are not I know about you, but I just saw a person, Shuichi Akai, outside."

Akai Shuichi.

This name was like a thunder, shocking Miyano Akemi.

Miyano Akemi lowered her head, wondering what was going on.

Li Mu gently hugged Miyano Akemi and said softly:"What's wrong, Miyano Akemi? What's wrong with you? Do you want to go see him, tell him clearly, and make this matter clear?"

Miyano Akemi actually wanted to meet Akai Shuichi. But considering that Li Mu was beside her, she didn't speak.

After all, Miyano Akemi is now Li Mu's person, and she also recognizes Li Mu in her heart, so naturally she won't meet Akai Shuichi. It has something to do.

Li Mu saw Miyano Akemi's hesitation, grabbed her hand, and held it in his hand.

"Okay, Mingmei, go see him or give him a call. I know his mobile phone number."

Li Mu didn't have Akai Shuichi's number, but Li Mu still had Okiya Subaru's cell phone. Li Mu took Miyano Akemi's cell phone and dialed a cell phone number, but it didn't go out.

As long as Miyano Akemi pressed a button , you can type out

"Okay, Mingmei, this is his number, you better make it clear to him."

After saying that, Li Mu did not stay, but walked into the room on the side.

Miyano Akemi tremblingly picked up the phone, hesitated for a long time, and finally dialed.

Downstairs, Akai Shuichi, who was watching, suddenly Hearing the ringing of his cell phone, he glanced at his cell phone and saw an unfamiliar number, and hesitated.

Shuichi Akai raised his head, and then saw Akemi Miyano next to the window, holding a mobile phone in her hand. After hesitating for a while, Akai Xiuyi still connected the (bgdf) mobile phone


"Xiuyi, is that you?"

Akai Shuichi's body trembled, but he was wondering in his heart whether Miyano Akemi was actually Miyano Akemi, or whether it was a fake by Belmode.

After a moment of silence, Akai Shuichi still said:"I am not Shuichi, my name is Okiya Subaru, may I ask you What's matter?"

Miyano Akemi was also disappointed in her heart. Akai Shuichi didn't believe her.

Although this is a normal reaction of a person, Miyano Akemi still couldn't accept Akai Shuichi.

"I don’t care whether you are Akai Shuichi or Okiya Subaru, but one thing is that I have said goodbye to the past and everything in the past. Please don’t follow me in the future."

After saying that, Miyano Akemi hung up the phone, closed the curtains and left.

Before Akai Shuichi could speak, Miyano Akemi had already left.

Somehow, Akai Shuichi felt a sense of loss in his heart, as if he was a very important person. The thing was about to leave him.

In the room, Li Mu listened to the conversation between the two, the corners of his mouth raised, and he couldn't help but applaud the two of them in his heart. Akai Shuichi's vigilant performance pushed his relationship with Miyano Akemi into the abyss. It was impossible to get back together again.

And Li Mu had no intention of resurrecting the two.

Li Mu opened the door and walked to Industrial Mingmei's side, gently pulling her into his arms and giving her warmth.

"Mingmei, don't be sad, I will definitely protect you and Xiao Ai and won't let you two get hurt."

Miyano Akemi felt warm in her heart. She hugged Li Mu's waist with both hands and rested her head on Li Mu's chest.

After hugging for a while, Li Mu took out a handkerchief and said seriously:"Mingmei, take a rest and I'll go and clean up this room. Wipe the fingerprints inside, and we'll leave then"

"Wait, let me help you. You wipe it once while I wipe it again so that nothing is missed."Miyano Akemi said seriously.

"Okay, then let’s work hard together."

Li Mu walked to a room and wiped it carefully, and then Miyano Akemi came over and wiped it. It took the two of them two hours to wipe all the traces in the entire room to ensure that no one else would Discovered.

If it weren't for the worry that Xiaolan and the others would know that he was hiding in a golden house, Li Mu wouldn't have bothered to wipe his fingerprints so seriously.

But when Li Mu gets rid of everyone and can sleep together, Li Mu won't have to worry about it. It has been discovered.

As for now?

Work harder.

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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