Early the next morning, Li Mu and Miyano Akemi quickly left their current residence while Akai Shuichi was not outside.

On the night when Li Mu and others left, Akai Shuichi came again and waited downstairs for a long time.

At night, Shuichi Akai saw that the lights in the house were not turned on. He walked upstairs curiously and opened the door to take a look.

I saw that the room was very clean, but there was no one there, let alone Miyano Akemi.

Akai Shuichi hesitated, picked up two inconspicuous but commonly used things and left


On the weekend, Li Mu and everyone gathered at the Maori Detective Agency and made an appointment to go to the Suzuki Tower just built by Yuanzi's family.

Outside the office, Li Mu drove his car and parked it here.

Near the car, Mouri Kogoro and others were there, but"Zero Nine Seven" had no intention of getting in the car.

Li Mu stretched out his head and asked doubtfully:"Detective Maori, what's wrong? Why haven't you come up yet? Is there anyone else?"

Maori Kogoro glanced at Conan next to him, holding a cigarette in his mouth and said,"Who else is there? , not even this kid, his young detective team is also going, which made us wait for a long time."

Conan smiled awkwardly, and said slightly apologetically:"I'm sorry, Uncle Maori, this is the homework of our society. Preparing to make a model of Suzuki Tower, so you know"

"Operation? Make a model? Homework for primary school students?"Li Mu said suspiciously

"Yes, that is our homework. Conan nodded.

Li Mu leaned on the car door and said with emotion:"Homework for elementary school students. I also miss my elementary school days. It was so happy and fast, but the homework was a big failure.""

"What's the matter, Brother Li, were your homework a lot difficult when you were a child?"Xiaolan asked curiously

"Xiaolan, do you know? My homework when I was a child was to copy the words you knew, many times, sometimes until nine o'clock in the evening. You can tell me how painful it was."

While speaking, Li Mu recalled what happened when he was a child, which was very painful.

Xiaolan's face darkened, and then she smiled bitterly:"Really? Then it is indeed particularly terrifying."

At this moment, a yellow beetle car came slowly.

Li Mu reacted and said quickly:"Okay, Detective Maori, they are here, let's go. The Suzuki Tower is a very good place."

"Yeah? Don't be too boring."

Mouri Kogoro sat in the passenger seat nonchalantly, and the others got in the car together.

Then the two cars left one after the other.

An hour later, Li Mu arrived at the Suzuki Tower, and then got on with everyone. He reached the top of the Suzuki Tower.

After climbing the tower, Li Mu patted Maori's shoulder, pointed into the distance and said:"Detective Maori, what do you think of the scenery here? It's very high and beautiful."


" Maori Kogoro's expression suddenly changed. He looked at the sky outside. Not a single building could be seen, which shows how high it is here.

Xiaolan patted Li Mu on the shoulder and said,"Brother Li, please don't bully me." Dad, you clearly know that he is afraid of heights, how could you do this?"

"I...I'm afraid of heights."Mouri Kogoro stared at Li Mu closely and said seriously:"I will be afraid. Do you think this is possible? I'm not afraid of heights."

Although he looked calm, Li Mu felt that Mouri Kogoro seemed to be forcibly calming down.

Li Mu did not continue to tease Moori Kogoro, and turned his head to look aside.

"By the way, Sonoko, didn’t you say that Sera Masumi came here too? why not here"

"Oh, are you talking about Sister Sera? She said she had work and it was too late today. Yuanzi said.

Li Mu didn't say anything, walked to the fence and looked at the scenery in the distance.

Although it was broad daylight, the scenery was not that beautiful, but once it was night, the scenery with various lights was even more beautiful.

Yuanzi chatted with Xiaolan for a while, then walked to Li Mu and leaned on Li Mu.

"Brother Li, what do you think of this tower? Is the view good?"

"It's not bad, but it should be good tonight. It's broad daylight and there's nothing interesting about a building."

"That's true. I'll bring you over to take a look at it in the evening. After saying that

, Yuanzi looked at the little ghost next to him and said:"Today's opening ceremony, but there will be no irrelevant people coming. You must thank me properly."......."

"Thank you, Sister Yuanzi"

"Yes, you are such a nice person."

All the little ghosts thanked each other.

Only Hui Yuan Ai pulled Li Mu's trousers and turned his head to signal to one side.

Li Mu understood and walked to the other side with Hai Yuan Ai.

Conan noticed that Hai Yuan Ai and his wife People, their hearts were full of doubts, and they didn’t understand why the relationship between Li Mu and Haiyuan Ai was so good. Not sure

, Conan pulled Dr. A Li’s trousers and asked quickly:"By the way, Dr. A Li, what on earth is going on?" What's going on? Why is the relationship between Haiyuan and Li Mu so good?"

"I don't know about this, but Xiao Ai often goes out alone, saying she goes to Li Mu's house, but I don't know the details."Dr. Ali said.

"What? Go often? Conan exclaimed and said quickly:"Dr. Ali, why didn't you tell me this kind of thing?""

"How do I know that this matter is so important, and I think it doesn't matter if she goes to Li Mu's house, after all, you also know Li Mu."Dr. A Li said a little aggrieved.

Conan touched his chin and said seriously:"Dr. A Li, next time Haiyuan goes out and says he is going to Li Mu's house, you must tell me. I will go take a look then, in case she do something dangerous"

"Okay 3.5, I understand, Xinyi, I will definitely tell you when Xiaoai leaves alone."

Xiao Ai didn't know that Conan was paying attention to her, and she quietly said to Li Mu:"Li Mu, what's wrong with my sister? Why are you in such a hurry to retreat?"

Li Mu glanced around, and then said:"Your sister was found by Akai Shuichi. She should have found it by following you. You should be careful and don't be followed."

"Shuichi Akai?"

Haihara Ai naturally knew who Akai Shuichi was, and she didn't expect that she was actually being followed by someone else.

"Brother Li, don’t worry. Next time, I will investigate thoroughly and won’t be followed by others."

"Just pay attention to yourself."

The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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