After Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai gave instructions, they came to Xiaolan's side again.

While talking, Li Mu suddenly saw a light shining on the building opposite.

Then Li Mu heard the sound of the sky breaking and the sound of glass breaking.

I saw a yellow bullet hitting the glass of the Suzuki Tower, and then hitting a middle-aged man next to it.

The middle-aged man fell to the ground with a sound, and a bright blood flower emerged from his mouth.

Li Mu reacted and quickly pushed Xiaolan down, then lay on top of Xiaolan and used his own body to block the bullet for Xiaolan.

Although Li Mu knew that the murderer's target was not Xiaolan, how could Li Mu give up such a good opportunity?

"There's a sniper attack, everyone get down quickly."

Everyone listened to Li Mu's shouting and hurriedly got down.

Dr. A Li also pushed down the three little gangsters of the Young Detective Team and blocked everyone with his fat body.


Conan looked at Xiaolan being pushed down by Li Mu and gritted his teeth angrily. He wished he could replace Li Mu and hold Xiaolan down.

But when he thought of the murderer, Conan quickly said:"Dr. Ali, give me the car keys."

"Okay, be careful."

Dr. Ali handed the key to Conan.

Conan took the key and left quickly.

Li Mu watched Conan leave without any thought of stopping him, and it was even less possible to investigate the murderer.

Anyway, he didn't know the person who died. And it is better to do less than to do more of this kind of thing. It is better not to meddle in other people's business.

As for charging into the battle, let Conan do it. He only needs to pick the fruits of victory at the end.

After lying like this for a long time, Sonoko raised his head and cautiously He asked:"Is there anything going on now?"

Li Mu already knew that the murderer had left, so he stood up calmly and walked towards the center of the tower.

"Okay, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, come here, you can't be sniped from outside."

Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others stood up quickly, and then walked towards Li Mu.

The others did the same.

Then Li Mu and others waited in the Suzuki Tower for a long time, and only after it was over, were they taken to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Someone from the Metropolitan Police Department In a small conference room, Li Mu looked at the people around him speechlessly.

What he hated most was being involved in a certain case. Then he would have to take notes and waste time.

Moreover, this case had something to do with Teacher Judy and others. relationship, it was obviously another troublesome case, and the most important thing was a waste of time.

After a while, Officer Memu came in and said:"I'm sorry to invite you here, but you are related to this case, so I can only let you coming"

"Where are you, Officer Megure?" Mouri Kogoro said very politely.

Officer Megure nodded, and then said seriously:"Everyone, we have a general understanding of today's case. Unfortunately, we just don't know who the murderer is. for what purpose"

"No, Officer Megure, we do know who the murderer is."

Teacher Judy came out, took out a photo, and posted it on the wall.

"Officer Memu, the murderer may be him. Hunter, a member of the American Navy SEALs, is an ace sniper who has killed enemies many times in the Middle East battlefield in the past three years."


Everyone was stunned for a moment. It was hard to imagine that this murderer was actually a Navy SEAL.

But Li Mu realized, wasn't this just a movie from a certain theater version? It's a pity that he had almost forgotten about it.

"That's right, he's the SEAL's sniper rifle."Teacher Judy nodded and said

"So why did he kill that person today? Is there any deep hatred between the two of them?"Officer Memu looked at Teacher Judy with confusion.

Teacher Judy took out a photo again and said:"This is the Silver Star Medal, awarded to heroes who are brave in combat. Hunter once had one.

However, an Army officer later accused him of illegally shooting civilians. Although the evidence was insufficient and the prosecution was not established, Hunter was also regarded as a stained hero.

In a subsequent battle, Hunter was shot in the head. Although he survived, he later retired.

Not long ago, a journalist in the United States was shot and killed, and he had written reports many times, which made Hunter unable to bear the pressure.

As for the person who was shot today, he was the person who recommended bad real estate to Hunter, causing Hunter to go bankrupt."

"It turns out that was the case, so Hunter did have enough possibility to shoot him. In this case, the murderer was Hunter."Officer Megure murmured to himself.

After saying that, Officer Megure thought of something else, turned to look at Sera Masumi and said:"By the way, what about you? Why did you follow the deceased?"

"Oh, that's it. A relative of one of my classmates married him, but he felt something was wrong with him, so he asked me to investigate." Sera Masaki said.

"Huh, I just said it, you'd better not learn any detective games. Look at you, you were tricked last time and injured this time."

Moori Kogoro snorted, but there was still concern in his eyes.

Sera Masumi smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

After all, she was really unlucky these two times. First she was tricked, and this time she almost got shot. Fortunately, he was lucky.

Officer Megure did not dwell on Sera Masumi's matter and continued to ask:"Teacher Judy, does Hunter have any other goals? Do you FBI know about it?""

"have. Teacher Judy nodded, took out another photo and said,"These are the three guys. One of them testified that he shot the civilian officer, and the other one was a witness."

The other person (De Nuo Zhao) was his sister's boyfriend, but he later dumped his sister, which was the real culprit that caused his sister to commit suicide."

"There are three more human giants?"

Officer Mumu suddenly had a headache. Three people means three murders. The police also have a headache.

"Officer Megure, don't worry, since there are two foreigners, maybe they are abroad and have nothing to do with you."Moori Kogoro said nonchalantly.

"Right, then I just need to solve the case."Officer Megure said happily.

Teacher Judy looked at Officer Megure like this, which made Officer Megu feel a little numb.

"What's wrong, Teacher Judy, is there something wrong?"

"Officer Mumu, unfortunately, these two people are currently in Neon Country, and Hunter has also entered the country."


The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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