Outside Suzuki's house, a car drove slowly in, then entered the parking lot and parked the car in the parking space.

Then a young girl with blond hair got out of the car. This girl was Suzuki Ayako.

After Suzuki Ayako got out of the car, she suddenly saw a car in the distance and her face turned slightly red.

Although she was very shy, Suzuki Ayako couldn't help but walked over and hid behind a luxury car to watch secretly.

When she saw Li Mu and Xiaolan Yuanzi inside, Suzuki Ayako was stunned.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let's go."

Li Mu opened the car door and the three of them got out of the car together.

After getting off the car, Xiaolan Yuanzi 16 left first. Li Mu watched Xiaolan and the two leave, but he did not leave.

After all, Suzuki Ayako was still waiting for him secretly, how could he A person left here alone.

After confirming that both people had left, Li Mu walked to the luxury car on one side and took Suzuki Ayako's hand.

"Ayako, how are you? Why are you here? And you must miss me very much, right?"

Suzuki Ayako blushed and looked shy.

She didn't expect to see these scenes and didn't know what to say.

"Well, let's do it now. I believe you will miss me very much."

Li Mu pulled Suzuki Ayako and went directly into the car.

On the other side, Suzuki Tomoko had to come back because she was in the car, and happened to meet Li Mu.

Suddenly, Suzuki Tomoko saw Suzuki Ayako, and her face froze. There was a trace of anger on his face.

Suzuki Tomoko waited until Suzuki Aya was behind him before he walked to Li Mu's car and opened Li Mu's door.

Li Mu was cleaning the dirty things in the car when suddenly the door opened and a man sat down next to myself

"Tomoko, is that you? What's wrong."

Tomoko Suzuki took a deep breath. Although she was very angry, she didn't curse out. Instead, she stabilized her emotions.

"Li Mu, can you tell me, what is your relationship with Ayako?"

Next time in Hawaii, Ayako was drugged. Although I rescued her, on the way back……"

Li Mu didn't hide anything and told what happened last time.

Although Suzuki Tomoko was very angry, she had no choice but to acquiesce in Li Mu and Suzuki Ayako's affairs.

"Okay, Li Mu, tell me, what should you and Lingzi do, and what should Yuanzi do? Can you make Yuanzi accept you two?"

Although Yuanzi seems to have accepted the matter between Li Mu and Xiaolan now, I don't know if she can accept her biological sister.

This didn't matter in ancient times, the key is now in modern times.

Li Mu thinks about it, he doesn't know Yuanzi is yet It’s not about accepting that much, but also whether you will accept your mother.

Instead of spending time to deal with Yuanzi in the future, it’s better to deal with these two people now and let them accept each other.

"Tomoko, don't worry, I will take care of Sonoko. When the time comes, I will give you and Suzuki Ayako an explanation."

Tomoko Suzuki looked at Li Mu who was serious and had to agree.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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