"Okay, Tomoko, let's go. I've been here for a long time, and Sonoko should be anxious."

Suzuki Tomoko stared at Li Mu's back and gritted her teeth angrily.

If she hadn't seen it today, she wouldn't have known about it.

When they arrived in the living room, Xiaolan Yuanzi and others had been waiting for a while. As soon as they saw Li Mu, Yuanzi Then he said with some worry:"Brother Li, why did you come here? I thought something was wrong with you."

Suzuki Ayako's face turned slightly red.

Why is Li Mu so late? He's not with her.

Even Suzuki Tomoko couldn't help but give Li Mu a look.

"Sorry, it took a long time and kept you waiting."

Li Mu smiled and sat at the dining table in the living room.

At the dining table, Suzuki Shiro saw Li Mu coming and did not doubt it. He smiled and said:"Okay, since Li Mu is here, let's eat too."

Li Mu looked at the smiling Suzuki Shiro and was filled with emotion.

He had just bullied the two Suzuki Ayako sisters and even ate Suzuki Tomoko's tofu, but Suzuki Shiro actually greeted him with a smile.

This is life.

"Uncle, thank you."

Li Mu thanked him meaningfully, then picked up the chopsticks and tasted it slowly.

Early the next morning, Li Mu and others drove to Wuhe Port.

In Wuhe Port, a very luxurious yacht It has stopped at the shore.

Li Mu and his party have been waiting for a long time.

Not only Li Mu and Xiaolan Yuanzi, but also Suzuki Tomoko and Suzuki Ayako are participating.

Except for Li Mu and his party, there is no one else.

This is also equivalent to Li Mu A yacht party with his harem, or not a party at all

"How about it, Brother Li, this is my yacht party, isn’t it great? Yuanzi said with some pride.

Of course, this is not to show off, and Yuanzi is not the kind of person who likes to show off.

"That’s right, not bad, we’ll do it."

Li Mu nodded, then nodded on Yuanzi's face, and then boarded the yacht with a salute.

As a man, Li Mu naturally moved. After getting on the yacht, Li Mu randomly found a room.

Because it was a luxury yacht, It's a lot, enough for Li Mu and others to have a room each.

"Brother Li, how are you? After the ceremony, you can start the tour."

In order to prevent others from getting in the way, Li Mu specially took the position of captain.

"Don't worry, I'm still very good at yachting. Let's go now."

Li Mu drove the yacht and followed the navigator to an uninhabited island on the sea.

As for why there was no one, Li Mu would definitely not let others come and disturb him.

When he arrived at the uninhabited island, Li Mu parked the yacht On the shore, then anchored

"Okay, Xiaolan, we’re here at the garden. It’s a good place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Let’s stay here today."

"Okay, Brother Li. Yuanzi nodded, then picked up his clothes and put them on next to Li Mu.

Li Mu glanced at Yuanzi, stretched out his hand and slid it on Yuanzi.

Yuanzi blushed and glared at Li Mu shyly.

"Brother Li, you are also serious. My mother is still here. What if she sees her?"

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you see it."

I don't know how many times I've seen Tomoko Suzuki. I'm probably tired of seeing it. Why would I still care?

On the yacht, in their respective rooms, the three girls Tomoko Suzuki and Ayako Suzuki also changed into their own swimsuits and then left. came out.

As soon as the three girls came out, Li Mu's eyes lit up.

Both Xiaolan and Suzuki Ayako were full of youthful vitality.

Suzuki Tomoko on the side had a figure that was not inferior to Suzuki Ayako, and she also exuded a different aura. At this moment, Li Mu knew what heaven on earth is.

This is heaven on earth.

Yuanzi noticed Li Mu's gaze, shook her tea-colored hair proudly, and showed off her figure in front of Li Mu.

".Li Mu, how are you? I have a pretty good figure."

The corners of Suzuki Tomoko's lips raised, she took a step forward and showed off her figure.

"Li Mu, what do you think of me? My figure (De Nuo Zhao) is also pretty good, right? Li

Mu raised the corners of his mouth, clapped his hands and praised,"It's indeed very good. Yuanzi and Madam's figures are among the best.""

Although Xiaolan and Suzuki Ayako on the side were a little shy, they still stood in front of Li Mu so that Li Mu could see them.

Li Mu glanced at the two of them, then pointed to the beach and said:"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Madam, I am now Go and fix the tent. You can go swimming now. When I fix it, you can go up again."

"Okay, Li Mu, I’ll leave it to you."

Tomoko Suzuki blinked at Li Mu, and then jumped into the sea with a plop. The Great

Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites, Recommendations

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