On the beach, Li Mu and others were lying down, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Next to him, Sonoko glanced at Li Mu, and then at Tomoko Suzuki on the side.

"Brother Li, go and apply sunscreen on my mother. It’s not convenient for her to be alone."


Li Mu knew what Sonoko was thinking immediately, nodded, and then walked to Tomoko Suzuki.

"Aunt, let me put on sunscreen for you."

Li Mu stood next to Suzuki Tomoko, with his back to the others, and blinked at Suzuki Tomoko. Suzuki Tomoko secretly raised her head, and then noticed Li Mu's gaze, her face suddenly turned red, and she covered her face with her hands again.

"plum...Li Mu, come on, hurry up.

Later, when Xiaolan saw that Li Mu was wiping so seriously, she was not angry. Instead, she was stunned and looked at a loss. Yuanzi noticed Xiaolan's expression and said softly:"Xiaolan, I have already taken care of my mother." Got it"


Xiaolan was confused again. This operationfamiliar.

But that's because she and Sonoko are good friends.

That's okay, then wouldn't it be...

Yuanzi had no choice but to explain.

Xiaolan opened her mouth, feeling speechless.

There is such an operation, this is too……

"Xiaolan, I have no choice but to do this. You should be able to accept it. You don’t want Li Mu to go to jail, right?"

"No...How is this possible? It’s just that I felt a little uncomfortable for a moment."

"By the way, Sonoko, where is your sister? manage? how did you convince her"

"My sister?"

Yuanzi paused, touched his chin, and really thought about it.

"Xiaolan, the same conditions have been met."


With such a sister, Xiaolan is also speechless.

"Yuanzi, wouldn’t this be bad? What if...What if something goes wrong?"

"No, Xiaolan, the matter has been done anyway, so we must continue to do it, and drag her sister into the water, so that nothing will happen to Li Mu.

Xiaolan, you don’t want anything to happen to Brother Li, right? He is so kind and always treats us very well."

Xiaolan lowered her head and pondered.

Li Mu had saved her many times in the past, but her heart could no longer tolerate other people, and she could no longer even live without Li Mu.

"Okay, Yuanzi, I will let you and Li Mu stay together today, and you must deal with Sister Ayako."

"That's it, we will arrange a chance for Li Mu today."

Sonoko looked at Suzuki Ayako with a glimmer of light in her eyes.

"Brother Li, is my mother okay? Then wipe it for my sister by the way."

"Ah I?"

Suzuki Ayako exclaimed and said quickly:"No....No, I don't need it. I can ask my mother to wipe it for me. You can do it for the garden."

Although they accidentally got together yesterday evening, Suzuki Ayako is still a little shy and has no intention of serving Li Mu with Sonoko.

"Well, well, Ayako, I'm not free, just ask Li Mu to help you."Tomoko Suzuki betrayed Ayako Suzuki without hesitation.

Ayako Suzuki's face turned slightly red and she stopped talking."

The Great Voyage: The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball" begins!

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