The daytime passed like this, and at night, Li Mu and others sat beside the bonfire, singing this song, dancing, and eating good food.

But this time they absorbed the lessons learned during the day, so everyone did not drink, they just ate barbecue and lived a very fast life.

After a long time, Yuanzi put down his dinner plate and winked at Li Mu.

"Li Mu, it's getting late, I'm going to rest."

Of course, that's what he said on the surface, but secretly Yuanzi winked at Li Mu and signaled Li Mu to come over quickly in the evening.

"Got it, I will."

Li Mu also blinked to indicate that he understood.

Next to him, Xiaolan and Suzuki Tomoko noticed the situation of Li Mu and the two of them. They couldn't help but blush and lowered their heads shyly.

When they were in the morning, Yuanzi told them that they naturally knew Li Mu and Yuanzi. What are you talking about?

They also have some expectations in their hearts

"Okay, everyone, I'm going to have a rest. You can do whatever you want."

Li Mu went into the tent to rest alone.

After watching Li Mu leave, Sonoko looked at Suzuki Ayako and Suzuki Tomoko and said,"Sister, mom, I'm a little scared at night in the big forest here. Please come over and stay with me."


If Tomoko Suzuki hadn't known what Sonoko was thinking, she might have thought Sonoko was really scared.

But Ayako Suzuki didn't know that much, so she nodded and said,"Okay, Sonoko, I'll accompany you tonight. Seeing that Suzuki

Ayako had said this, Suzuki Tomoko also nodded and said:"Okay, let's come together.""

Xiaolan didn't expose all this. She pulled Yuanzi and the four of them squeezed into a tent together.

In the middle of the night, the moon lit up the entire sky.

Suddenly, a black figure approached the tent of Yuanzi and others.

The next day, Yuanzi He woke up first and looked at Li Mu on the side, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Li Mu, I'm hungry. Go outside and prepare breakfast."

"Okay, I'll go get ready."

After Li Mu left, Suzuki Tomoko and Suzuki Ayako looked at each other.

Before today, they never thought that they would accompany a man with another woman.

And this woman was also their family and relatives.

The two were silent. After a long pause, Tomoko Suzuki took the lead and said:"Ayako, this will be it from now on. What do you think?""

"OK, that's it, Mom." Suzuki Ayako nodded and said.

Xiaolan was relieved when she saw that the two had settled each other.

To be honest, she didn't know what to say. Now that the two of them didn't quarrel, she was relieved.

Outside, Sonoko left When he arrived next to Li Mu, he hugged Li Mu and tapped Li Mu on the face.

"Li Mu, how are you? You had a good day today. You have taken care of the three of us Suzuki family members like this. You will definitely be very happy."

"Yes, I'm very happy, thank you."

Li Mu tapped Yuanzi's face, feeling a little happy.

Yuanzi noticed Li Mu's smile, hooked Li Mu's shoulders, and winked at Li Mu

"How are you, Li Mu, are you particularly happy?"

"Okay, Yuanzi, you are so kind, I will definitely thank you properly tonight, and you can just enjoy the love I give you with peace of mind."

Sonoko's face turned red instantly.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!

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