Tomoko Suzuki's face suddenly turned red, and she couldn't help but pull Li Mu's hand.

Unfortunately, Li Mu didn't intend to let go now, so he held on tightly to prevent his hand from leaving Suzuki Tomoko.

Yuanzi glanced at Li Mu, shook his head helplessly, and then took a step forward and came to Li Mu.

At this moment, Shiro Suzuki turned around and said,"By the way, Li Mu, what do you want to eat today? How about a French meal?"

Tomoko Suzuki froze.

Fortunately, Sonoko was standing in front of Li Mu at this time, blocking Suzuki Shirou's sight.

But at this time, only Sonoko's body is a little crooked, and the matter between her and Li Mu will be clearly seen by Suzuki Shirou.

Even Li Mu was a little stunned, and then said quickly:"Whatever, the French meal is not bad, just eat this"

"Well, just eat this."

Suzuki Shiro nodded, and then continued to walk forward.

He did not notice what happened between Li Mu and Suzuki Tomoko. When they arrived at the restaurant, Li Mu and others sat down and waited for a while, and the French meal was ready.

Eat. After dinner, Li Mu sat and waited, not in a hurry to leave.

After Suzuki Shiro finished dinner, he took the lead and said:"I went to the study to read. You can take a bath and have a good rest."

After Li Mu watched Suzuki Shiro leave, he leaned on the dining table and glanced at the girls.

"How about everyone, do you want to go back to yesterday's life together?"

Tomoko Suzuki's face suddenly turned red. Although she was shy, she was more expectant.

"Okay, let's get together then. The four of us will definitely make you surrender."

Suzuki Ayako, Sonoko and Xiaolan didn't have any intention of refusing. Suzuki Tomoko agreed, so naturally they had to agree too.

"Well, let's go together."

Li Mu immediately put down the tableware and walked towards the guest room.

Tomoko Suzuki and the four girls quickly followed Li Mu.

After walking for a while, Li Mu suddenly stopped and looked at Suzuki Shiro's room with the corners of his mouth raised.

In the study, Suzuki Shiro was reading. Wiping his eyes, he slowly left his seat.

In the bathroom, Suzuki Shiro vaguely heard the sound in the pool.

Looking through the glass sliding door, Suzuki Shiro could see two figures, and the two figures were still there. Lean a little

"Tomoko, is that you? Who are you with."

Li Mu stopped, and then waved to Yuanzi.

Yuanzi reacted and said quickly:"Dad, it's me, and my sister Xiaolan are here. Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, Dad, what can you do?" Suzuki Ayako also said

"It's nothing, I'm just asking. I have something else to do, so I won't disturb you."

Suzuki Shiro retracted the hand he was about to extend, and then left slowly.

To be honest, just now Suzuki Shiro really thought that Li Mu and Suzuki Tomoko had done something sorry for him.

"Li Mu, are you okay? End it quickly, what if you are accidentally discovered?"

"It's okay, don't worry, you won't be discovered."

When he arrived at Yuanzi's room, Li Mu started to rest directly.

At the same time, at the Maori Detective Agency, Conan waited for a long time, but still didn't see Xiaolan, and suddenly felt a little anxious.

"Uncle Maoli, where is Sister Xiaolan? Why hasn't she come back today?"

"Oh, are you talking about Xiaolan? She won't be back today and will spend the night at the eldest daughter's house of the rich family, so we'd better take a shower and sleep."

Conan's face suddenly turned bitter. He really didn't want Xiaolan and Li Mu to be together, but the two of them were together.

Helpless, Conan had no choice but to follow Mouri Kogoro to rest.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

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