Early the next morning.

Outside, Suzuki Shiro got up, did a little morning exercise, and then came outside Li Mu's room.

However, Suzuki Shiro called for a while, but no one paid him any attention.

Suzuki Shiro only came outside Sonoko's room

"Yuanzi, are you awake? What's for breakfast? Also, why is Li Mu missing? where is he?"

Yuanzi was looking at Li Mu when he suddenly heard Suzuki Shiro's voice and was startled.

"Dad, you don’t have to worry about Brother Li. Brother Li often does morning exercises. He probably goes to do morning exercises. Mom does the same. Maybe they are together."

"Yeah? I see."

Suzuki Shiro nodded, turned around and left directly.

When he came to the restaurant, Suzuki Shiro had been sitting in the living room and waiting for a while.

After seeing Li Mu, Suzuki Shiro smiled and said:"Li Mu, Tomoko, you guys are good at exercising. Good exercise. Ah, it’s good for physical and mental health, but Sonoko and Ayako, you should also exercise well."

Suzuki Ayako and Sonoko suddenly blushed. They exercise every morning and do this kind of exercise. This is too bad.

Even Suzuki Tomoko felt a little embarrassed.

"Then uncle, I will definitely ask you to exercise more in the future. By the way, I will take my wife and Sonoko with me to exercise well."Li Mu said politely.

"Yeah? That's great, Tomoko Sonoko and the others will leave it to you."Suzuki Shiro smiled, not knowing the hidden meaning of Li Mu's words.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, turned around, and winked at Suzuki Tomoko, Sonoko and others.

"Madam, Yuanzi, let’s exercise more together from now on, it will be good for our physical and mental health."

Xiaolan also glared at Li Mu.

"Okay, let’s eat. Yuanzi was also afraid that Li Mu would continue talking, so he quickly pulled Li Mu to sit at the dining table.

After breakfast, Li Mu said goodbye to everyone, and drove away with Xiaolan.

In the car, Xiaolan looked at Li Mu dissatisfied.

"Brother Li, I need to say something. You must be careful in the future, otherwise something will happen easily."

As she spoke, Xiaolan felt a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Xiaolan, there will be no problem. By the way, Xiaolan, please come with me tonight."

Xiaolan blushed, but did not refuse.

"Okay, I get it, but please be careful"

"Got it, don't worry."

Of course Li Mu couldn't let Conan know.

After all, worried Conan is still very cute.

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Li Mu liked excitement, so he didn't pay so much attention and ended up doing many outrageous things.

Soon , Li Mu came to the Maori Detective Agency.

As soon as he arrived downstairs, Conan saw Xiaolan and flew over quickly

"Sister Xiaolan, you are back. Did you enjoy this camping trip?"

Happy, of course happy, Li Mu is very happy.

After all, he has taken care of Sonoko and Suzuki Tomoko, how can he not be happy.

It can be said that these days are the happiest days that Li Mu has lived in so many years. This is simply a life like a fairy.

"Okay, I'm so sorry, Conan, I will definitely take you there next time."Xiaolan said with a smile.

As for next time, I'm sorry, how could Li Mu let this guy Conan bother him.

It's impossible in this life.

But Conan was very excited, with a smile on his face.

"Yeah. Thank you, Sister Xiaolan, you must take me there next time"

"Well, definitely."

Xiaolan still showed a sunny smile.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!

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