A month later, at an airport in Hokkaido, a beautiful woman got on a plane with a child in her arms.

This beautiful woman is of course Yukiko, and next to her is of course Fei Yingri.

Yukiko held the baby for Fei Yingli because she was afraid that someone would suspect that it was Fei Yingli's child and a paternity test would be done at that time.

For example, take Mouri Kogoro, a detective who is sometimes idiotic and sometimes very arrogant.

After getting on the plane, we arrived in Tokyo in less than an hour.

And Li Mu had been waiting here for a long time. After confirming that he didn't recognize anyone, Li Mu immediately walked towards Fei Yingli and Yukiko.

"Eri, Yukiko, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Nothing, not great."

Yukiko took the initiative to hand the child to Li Mu.

Li Mu also took the child and took a serious look.

After a month of growth, the child has indeed grown up, unlike the one who was just born.

The child now is pink and tender. Very cute

"Okay, Li Mu, let's go ahead and not be here anymore. Fei

Yingli pulled up her scarf and pushed Li Mu gently.

Li Mu also realized that with so many people here, it was hard to guarantee that someone would find them.

After the three got in the car, they took the lead to Fei Yingli's law firm.

When they arrived at the firm , Li Mu saw that Kuriyama Midori had been waiting here for a long time.

After all, Kuriyama Midori was one of the few people who knew that Li Mu, Fei Yingri and Fei Yingri were going to have a child.

Moreover, Kuriyama Midi had always disliked Moori Kogoro, so he took the place of Concubine. Eri kept it secret and didn't let others know.

When Kuriyama Midori saw Li Mu and the others, he quickly walked over and looked at the child in Fei Eri's hands.

"Lawyer Fei, is this your daughter? It's so cute. By the way, have you given a name?"

"Yes, it's called Xiaoxue."

Li Mu also decided on this name very early.

Others don't know the gender of the child. If Li Mu is so rich, will the doctor not tell you?"

"Snow? So cute."

Kuriyama Midori put a hand on Xiaoxue's face and touched it lightly.

Xiaoxue's shining eyes looked at Kuriyama Midori

"Okay, Miss Kuriyama, let's go in and sit down instead of staying outside. Feiyingli interrupted Kuriyama Midori, and then they entered his office together.

At the same time, outside, Xiaolan was walking on the street, and suddenly saw Feiyingli's office.

"Conan, isn't that my mother's place? Why is it open?

Conan also reacted and said quickly:"Sister Xiaolan, go up and take a look.""


Xiaolan also thought there was a thief and quickly followed Conan.

When she arrived outside Fei Yingli's law office, Xiaolan opened the unlocked door and ran in secretly.

As soon as she came in, Xiaolan saw Fei Yingli He was holding one in his hand. Fei Yingli also noticed Xiaolan and was stunned.

It was over.

Yukiko and Kuriyama Midori felt like the sky was falling. They had just come back and were seen by Xiaolan. They had to use their luck. Are you carrying it like this?

Xiaolan was also stunned for a moment, and then she realized it and said quickly:"Mom, whose child is this? It's so cute."

Fei Yingli reacted immediately. Xiaolan didn't know that this was her child. She just thought it was Fei Yingli who was holding her temporarily, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Mu reacted quickly and said quickly:"Xiaolan, this is me. A relative’s child, but he was no longer able to take care of it and could only leave it to me.

But as you know, I usually don’t have time, and I don’t worry about hiring a nanny. I happened to meet my lawyer and Yukiko at the airport today, so I asked them for help. Fei

Yingli's reaction was also not slow, and she said seriously:"I happened to raise you up when you were a child, and you and Li Mu are also good friends, so I decided to help.""

"Really? Great, this kid is so cute."

Xiaolan had no doubts and looked at Xiaoxue happily.

Xiaoxue was indeed very cute, and Xiaolan was caring.

This made Xiaolan feel touched.

"By the way, Mom, don’t you still have a job? Can you do it alone? Will something happen to the child?"Xiaolan said worriedly

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Isn't it still me? Anyway, I have no job and no income recently, and it just so happens that Li Mu paid a lot of money to ask me to take care of his children."

Yukiko patted her own grandeur, and looked at Li Mu proudly.

Li Mu's face darkened, not knowing that Yukiko was taking the opportunity to blackmail Li Mu.

But Li Mu still had to say:"Yes, I decided to give Yukiko Lawyer He Fei earns a monthly salary of US$200,000 to take care of my children."

Fei Yingli also smiled.

"Xiaolan, how about this job? Isn’t this a good job? Even if I had a job as a lawyer, I wouldn’t be able to earn so much."

"That's nice, but can you give me a hug? I want to hold my baby too."

Xiaolan looked at Xiaoxue with some longing.

Somehow, after Xiaolan saw Xiaoxue, her heart softened and she felt a very different feeling.

"OK, Xiaolan, come and give me a hug."

Fei Yingli handed Xiaoxue to Xiaolan, but her expression was very strange.

She suddenly thought about what Xiaoxue would call Xiaolan in the future, whether it was sister or mother.

From her side, Xiaolan was Xiaoxue's Sister, but from Li Mu's perspective, Xiaolan should be Xiaoxue's stepmother.

In short, Fei Yingli felt a little strange.

But Li Mu didn't care so much, leaning next to Xiaolan, looking at Xiaolan and Xiaoxue.

The two of them are now They get along so harmoniously, and they will get along very well in the future.

Xiaolan hugged her for a while, then lowered her head and said to Conan:"Conan, what do you think, do you want to take a look? Xiaoxue is very cute."

Wow wow wow...

Suddenly, Xiaoxue burst into tears.

Xiaolan suddenly became anxious and quickly looked at Fei Yingli.

"Mom, what's going on? Why is she crying?"

"Oh, maybe I'm hungry, or maybe I need to pee."

The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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