In the room, after Fei Yingli fed Xiaoxue, she walked out holding the sleeping Xiaoxue.

"Mom, how are you? Is Xiaoxue okay?"

Xiaolan quickly walked to Xiaoxue and looked at the sleeping Xiaoxue carefully.

However, Xiaoxue had already fallen asleep, and Xiaolan did not dare to speak, so she could only watch.

After a long time, Li Mu saw that the sky was almost dark outside, and whispered Said:"Xiaolan, let's go to dinner, let's go together, and call Detective Maori by the way."

Feiyingli and Yukiko couldn't help but glance at Li Mu.

It's a little bit weird to let Mouri Kogoro eat with Feiyingli and the daughter Feiyingli secretly gave birth to....

However, neither of them refused. Anyway, as long as Mouri Kogoro didn't see it, it would be fine.

"Okay, I'll call daddy."

Half an hour later, in a restaurant.

Mouri Kogoro was sitting on a stool, looking at Yukiko holding the child, and was filled with emotion.

"Yukiko, I didn’t expect you to take over the job of taking care of children for two hundred thousand dollars., such a high salary."

When he thought of two hundred thousand dollars a month, Maori Kogoro's eyes widened.

Such a lot of money would be enough for him to use for a long time.

Maori Kogoro thought for a moment, and said with a stern face:"Li Mu, look at it. What about me? Can I take care of this child for you? I only need 150,000 yuan a month."

Li Mu looked at Mouri Kogoro with a strange expression.

Yukiko and Fei Yingli also had strange expressions on their faces, but they passed away in a flash.

Li Mu said even more rudely:"Detective Mouri, are you sure you can take care of them? I remember you were raised by Xiaolan, right? Can you take care of the children?"

Moori Kogoro blushed.

Indeed, since he and Feiyingli separated, he was indeed pulled up by Xiaolan.

After resigning, he basically didn't make much money, but Feiyingli's support.

Later, Conan helped , which made a lot of money, but that was already the time when Xiaolan grew up.

"Li Mu, you are right, I am indeed not suitable to take care of children (bgdf), but Xiaolan can. Let her take care of you in normal times, and you only need to give tens of thousands of dollars occasionally."Moori Kogoro said without moral integrity.

Xiaolan's face darkened and she said dissatisfied:"Dad, what do you mean, you asked me to work for you, and then do you still have to pay you?"

"What do you mean, give it to me? I'm keeping it for you. What if you don't spend it?"

Moori Kogoro said,"I'm doing it for you."

If Xiaolan didn't know Moori Kogoro, she would really believe it.

But precisely because of her understanding, Xiaolan couldn't let Moori Kogoro keep the money.

"Okay, you two, I think it’s almost done, so I’d better order some food."

Mouri Kogoro didn't say anything else, and quickly picked up the menu and ordered it carefully.

More than ten minutes later, after all the food was served, Li Mu and everyone had lunch immediately.

After lunch, Maori Kogoro left because he had work. went to the restaurant, while Li Mu went shopping with Xiaolan and others.

In the afternoon, Li Mu, Fei Yingli and others went to Fei Yingli’s house

"By the way, Mom, I also want to be with Xiaoxue. Can I stay here tonight?"

Xiaolan looked at Fei Yingli expectantly.

"this..."Fei Yingli looked at Xiaolan's longing eyes and felt a little reluctant.

In the end, Fei Yingli could only nod and said:"Okay, then you will be here tonight." Li Mu also understood Fei Yingli's thoughts and said,"Then I will go back first and send Conan back by the way." Originally.

Tonight, Li Mu planned to have fun with Fei Yingli.

But since Xiaolan stayed, he definitely couldn't be with Fei Yingli, otherwise he would be discovered

"Great, thank you, Mom."

Xiaolan was a little happy and quickly walked to Xiaoxue's side, happy and happy with Xiaoxue who was sleeping soundly.

Li Mu turned his head and pulled Conan's clothes.

"Okay, there are three ladies here, you'd better leave with me"

"Okay, Brother Li."

Conan agreed happily.

As long as Li Mu didn't stay, there was no need for him to stay.

After all, he was just worried about Li Mu and Xiaolan being alone together, and there was no need to watch Xiaolan every day.

Li Mu came with Conan Maori Detective Agency left Conan behind and went back alone.

As for whether Li Mu will be with Xiaolan, it goes without saying that Li Mu will definitely sneak over there in the evening. Anyway, Li Mu has the key there..

The most important thing is that Li Mu believed that neither Xiaolan nor Fei Yingli would say anything even if they saw it.

Soon, it was night.

Seeing that the sky was almost dark, Li Mu came to Fei Yingli's house alone. Outside the house, I took out my mobile phone and sent a text message to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan had just left Xiaoxue and returned to her room when she heard the ringtone of her mobile phone and quickly opened the text message.

I was outside and opened the door secretly - Li Mu.

Xiaolan immediately knew that Li Mu had sneaked over, and her face turned red, but she still secretly left the room and opened the door.

On the other side, Fei Yingli and Yukiko were in the same room, talking.

Suddenly, Yukiko seemed to hear something, He said softly:"Yingli, listen, are there any sounds in Xiaolan's room next door?"

Fei Yingli also immediately pricked up her ears, secretly listening to the sound in the next room.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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