Yukiko thought the same thing and couldn't help but push Fei Yingri.

"Yingli, it seems that your daughter usually likes Li Mu, but now she is also thinking about Li Mu."

"Okay, Yukiko, don’t talk anymore, let’s have a good rest, it’s getting late."

Feiyingli gave Yukiko a wink, then turned around and turned off the light.

Yukiko had no intention of continuing to tease, and closed her eyes directly.

Wow wow wow... suddenly, Xiaoxue burst into tears again.

Feiyingli quickly got up and confirmed that Xiaoxue He didn’t urinate on his body, so he immediately took off his clothes and fed Xiaoxue.

"Okay, Brother Li, you can go"

"I know -, I'm leaving now."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, nodded at Xiaolan's face, and then turned around and left. After leaving Xiaolan's room, Li Mu had no intention of leaving. He quietly came outside Fei Yingli's room and opened the door.

Just as the door opened, Yukiko and Fei Eri were stunned for a moment.

"Li Mu, why are you here?"

Li Mu quickly closed the door and sat next to Fei Yingli.

"Of course I miss you."

Li Mu tapped Yukiko's face, and then looked at Fei Yingli who was feeding.

Xiaoxue was eating the food happily, and suddenly saw Li Mu, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

It seemed like she was protesting to Li Mu again.

Li Mu also He didn't continue and left Fei Yingli immediately.

Xiaoxue stopped crying when she saw Li Mu leaving.

Yukiko smiled

"Li Mu, it seems like your daughter doesn't like it, so be careful in the future."


Li Mu sat between Fei Yingli and Fei Yingli, looking at Xiaoxue who was serious.

After a while, Xiaoxue immediately closed her eyes and took a serious rest after her stomach was full.

Fei Yingli quickly put Xiaoxue on her bed and sat down. Next to Li Mu.

Until the next day, when the sun rose, Li Mu was still sleeping.

However, Xiaolan next door woke up first and then came outside Fei Yingli's room.

Knock, knock...

Xiaolan knocked. He opened the door and shouted softly:"Mom, are you okay? Can I come in?"


Fei Yingli suddenly reacted.

Yukiko was also startled and said quickly:"Xiaolan, can you help me cook? We were too tired yesterday evening.""

"okay, I get it"

······Asking for flowers·······

Xiaolan thought that Yukiko and Feiyingli were too tired to take care of the children, so she didn't say anything more.

Fei Yingli quickly patted Li Mu's arm.

"Li Mu, okay, Xiaolan is going to cook now. You should leave quickly."


When they arrived at the living room, Li Mu did not leave. Instead, he sat alone in the living room and waited.

Anyway, you can just find an excuse then. Why should you be so serious?


After a while, as soon as Xiaolan came out of the kitchen, she saw Li Mu

"Brother Li, why are you here? Why are you here so early today?"

"Yes, I just came here. What, Xiaolan, are you making breakfast today?"

"Yes, Brother Li, just wait and breakfast will be ready."

Xiaolan didn't doubt Li Mu at all, she just thought someone opened the door for Li Mu just now.

In the room, Fei Yingli also walked out.

As soon as she came out, Fei Yingli saw Li Mu and suddenly became anxious.

"Li Mu, why are you still here? What if Xiaolan sees you?"

"Don't worry, I've already told Xiaolan, I just came here, you let me in, don't worry."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Dragon Ball begin with!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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