"Mom, breakfast is ready and we can eat it."

Xiaolan walked out with a plate of dishes, walked straight to the dining table, put the dishes down, and then returned to the kitchen again.

Fei Yingli was shocked because Li Mu's hand was still close to her.

If Xiaolan Lan raised her head slightly and probably could see Li Mu and her affairs.

Fortunately, Xiaolan didn't see it.

However, Fei Yingli was still startled and said quickly:"Li Mu, okay, take your hand back quickly, don't be Xiaolan saw it"

"Got it, it won't be discovered."

Li Mu didn't want Xiaolan to find out now, so he immediately withdrew his hand.

Not long after, Xiaolan brought out all the breakfast from"Zero Nine Seven", and Li Mu and others sat down at the dining table one after another.

After breakfast, Xiaolan He quickly picked up his backpack

"Mom, I'm going to school. Goodbye."

"Then be careful."

Li Mu watched Xiaolan leave, put down the chopsticks in his hands, and looked at Fei Yingli and Yukiko.

"Yukiko, it's just you two and me now, should we do something? Feiyingli

Yukiko's face suddenly turned red and she stopped talking.

Outside, Xiaolan left for a while and suddenly found that she didn't have her mobile phone with her, so she quickly returned.………

"Mom, are you here? I left my mobile phone at your house. Can you help me get it?"

Yukiko was nearby, picked up her mobile phone, and then went to open the door.

"Xiaolan, is it you, your mobile phone? Now, here it is, don’t forget it in the future"

"Thank you, Aunt Yukiko."

Xiaolan just took a peek into the living room.

Although she didn't see Li Mu and her mother, Xiaolan didn't think much about it. She just thought that something happened to them.

"Xiaolan, what's wrong? Is there anything else? Yukiko smiled.

"It’s nothing, Aunt Yukiko, I’ll leave first, goodbye."

Xiaolan took the phone, turned around and left.

In the afternoon, Li Mu waited until Xiaolan was out of school and met by chance near the middle school, and then the four of them went back together.

"Sera-san, you have recovered quite well from your injury, now."

Li Mu looked at the energetic Serang Zhenjun and made some jokes.

Serang Zhenjun's face darkened and he said speechlessly:"Brother Li, there is no need to talk about this kind of thing anymore. More than a month has passed since the last incident. It’s been months, I’ve already recovered

"Yes, Brother Li, it has been more than a month. Sister Shiliang should be fine, how could she still be injured?"Yuanzi also said with a smile.

"This was true. After all, Seriang was only injured in the shoulder and was not shot near the heart. He should have recovered by now."

Li Mu nodded.

When Shiliang Zhenjun was shot, Fei Yingli had not yet given birth to a child.

Now Fei Yingli and Li Mu's child is one month old, and Shiliang Zhenjun should have recovered no matter what.

"By the way, Brother Li and Sister Shiliang, do you want us to go swimming? I know a hotel with a swimming pool. Let’s go together. Yuanzi suddenly thought of something and said happily. It

's still summer now, and it was summer when Fei Yingli was pregnant.

Although there won't be any weird weather like snow in June in this world, at least summer is still quite long.

"OK, let's go swimming together."

Seliang Zhenzun is also interested.

Not to mention Li Mu, since Yuanzi and Xiaolan are going, Li Mu will naturally follow.

Moreover, this is swimming, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi are two beauties, and they are idiots. Will refuse.

The few people had just walked not far when they saw Conan at a corner........

As soon as Conan saw Li Mu, he quickly asked:"Sister Xiaolan, where are you going?"

"conan. Sera Masaki's eyes lit up and he said quickly:"It's you. We are about to go to the swimming pool. How about it? Do you want to go?""

Li Mu's face darkened and he asked Conan to go. Wouldn't this be causing trouble for him?

"Seriang, what’s so good about going to the swimming pool? Children should still study. Also, Conan, have you done your homework? Go do your homework."

Conan's face also darkened. Li Mu definitely did it on purpose and didn't want him to go. In this case, he had to go.

"Sister Xiaolan, sister Seriang, I’m going too. The weather is so hot. Can you take me with you?"

Xiaolan's heart was soft to begin with, but seeing Conan so pitiful made her heart even softer.

"Okay, Brother Li, why don't you let Conan go with you? Children, you can do your homework in the evening."

Xiaolan has said so, what else can Li Mu do?

"Well, let's go with Conan."

Li Mu could predict that whichever swimming pool they went to this time, someone would definitely die in that swimming pool.

This was still when 3.5 was less. When it was more, it was probably a serial murder case.

When Conan saw Xiaolan agreeing, he immediately He was overjoyed and looked at Li Mu proudly, with an expression that deserved a beating.

"Okay, Xiaolan, Brother Li, let’s go."

Yuanzi walked in front first, leading the way for everyone, and then came to the outside of a high-end hotel.

"How about this hotel? It's quite luxurious. It has a very nice swimming pool. Let's go."

"Really? This hotel looks really upscale."

Sera Masumi took one look at the size of the hotel and couldn't help but praise it.

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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