After entering the hotel, Li Mu and others went to the men's and women's changing rooms.

Although Li Mu really wanted to go to a changing room with Xiaolan and the others, it was simply impossible. He could only share a changing room with Conan.

After changing clothes, Li Mu and Conan walked out one after the other.

On the other side, Xiaolan Yuanzi and the other three also got dressed one after another and walked out together.

Xiaolan wore a light blue swimsuit, which completely highlighted her beautiful figure.

The front is convex and the back is curved, very excellent.

As for the garden, it is also not bad, comparable to Xiaolan.

Only Sera Masumi is a little worse. If she hadn't been wearing this type of swimsuit, others wouldn't know whether she was a boy or a girl.

"Brother Li, what do you think of my clothes? Is it particularly outstanding?"

As soon as Yuanzi saw Li Mu, he quickly walked up to Li Mu and showed off his beautiful figure.

Xiaolan was a little shy, but she still stood in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu looked at it, especially the figures of Yuanzi and Xiaolan. Very on point

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, your clothes are really nice and they suit your figure especially."

Not only Li Mu, but also Conan was stunned, with a blush on his face and feeling dizzy.

"So Li Mu, what about me? How are my clothes? How do they compare with Xiaolan and the others? Sera

Masumi pulled her suspenders and turned around in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu glanced at Sera Masumi and said with a smile:"Serayo, you have really good taste. This swimsuit suits you very well.""

Although Sera Masumi's figure is not very good, she is a flat girl, but her clothes are still very good.

"Yeah? I also think my clothes are good, it would be better if my figure was better."

Sera Masumi took a look at her figure. Although she said she was very confident, she still had a headache.

"Okay, Sister Shiliang, don’t look any further. It’s not a big place no matter how you look at it. Let’s go." Sonoko pulled Sera Masumi and couldn't help joking.

"Who said that, my mother’s place is still very spectacular, and I believe that I will be very spectacular in the future."

Sera Masaki emphasized, but didn't pay too much attention to it.

The swimming pool on the top floor.

Li Mu frowned slightly as he looked at the large crowd nearby.

Sonoko also had a headache.

"Really, although I know there are more people here, it is too much. Can we still go down?"

"I think if we go down now, it’s no different from making dumplings. Why don’t we sit nearby and chat."

The dumplings are really vivid.

Conan was speechless after hearing Li Mu's complaints.

"Okay, let's chat nearby and then go in."

Yuanzi had no choice but to listen to Li Mu's advice.

In this way, Li Mu, Yuanzi and his party could only chat from time to time.

"Hey, what are you doing? Why are you so bad?"

Suddenly, a sharp voice reached Li Mu's ears.

Li Mu and others subconsciously turned their heads to look.

They saw a woman who looked like a young lady was lecturing another woman.

Yuanzi glanced at the two of them, lowered his head and said secretly:"Li Mu Brother, that woman is the eldest daughter of the Takeda family. She is usually unruly and willful. As for that woman, she seems to be the illegitimate daughter of the Takeda family and is often bullied by the eldest daughter.

As for the other two people, the old man is the manager of the hotel, and the man is the fiancé of the eldest lady."

Li Mu looked at the eldest lady who was cursing in all directions, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This plot, coupled with Conan next to him, made it feel like someone was dying.

Xiaolan noticed Li Mu's abnormality and couldn't help but ask:"Brother Li, How are they? What happened to them?"

"without...It’s nothing, I just think that woman seems very annoying. Do you think someone among the other three people will kill her, and it’s still today?"

"kill...Kill her? This shouldn't be possible."Sera Mazumi said with some uncertainty.

But she couldn't guarantee it. After all, in this world, murder cases often occur, and she was somewhat used to it.

"Yes, Brother Li, it should be impossible."Xiaolan said the same thing.

Li Mu smiled and glanced at Conan next to him.

"Alas, with this situation and the fact that someone is favored by the God of Death, there is probably another murder case today, which gives me a headache."


The person favored by the god of death, this is probably him.

Even Sonoko couldn't help but take a peek at Conan next to her.

"Brother Li is right. According to past times, a murder will definitely occur today."


Sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have come.

On the other side, the eldest lady was scolding everyone.

The old manager suddenly stretched out his hand and said:"Miss, your necklace, your necklace has disappeared."

"What? My necklace? The eldest lady was also anxious and said quickly:"Look for me quickly. It must be in the swimming pool. Get both of them out. Also, be sure to check other people's bags. Maybe it's in their place.""

"But, Miss……"

"Go quickly, what are you doing here?"

"yes. Li

Mu looked at everyone and said helplessly:"Let's go. It seems that we can't do it today. Let's go back.""

"Yes, let’s go. 097"

Yuanzi was also a little helpless, but others had already kicked her out, so what else could she do.

Several people had just left the swimming pool, and Li Mu suddenly said:"Oh, Yuanzi, look at that woman, she is so arrogant today, saying Maybe when we come over later, that guy has been killed by others."

Xiaolan felt ashamed for a while.

"Brother Li, it should be impossible. Li

Mu rolled his eyes and said seriously:"Xiaolan, although this is not good, let's make a bet. The loser will treat us to dinner.""

"Okay, Xiaolan, just agree, I don’t believe anything will happen today."Seliang Zhenchun said first.

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, and then said:"Okay, Brother Li, I don't believe this world is so bad, I'll bet you"

"Okay, let's go have dinner first, and then we'll have a good time with you, and I'll treat you to something nice in the evening."

Li Mu has long been determined and can win.

Because he sensed the murderous intention in someone's heart.

But that woman was so hateful that she actually kicked him out. Li Mu did not intend to save her and allowed her to be killed by others..

It can be said that Li Mu has definitely won this bet.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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