In the hotel restaurant, Li Mu and others were sitting here eating some desserts.

After all, the two just made a bet, so they need to wait here.

After about an hour, Sera Masumi looked at the sky outside.

"Brother Li, Xiaolan, let’s go take a look. It’s almost done now."

"OK, let's go."

Li Mu paid first and then left the place.

Xiaolan and the other two followed Li Mu.

Finally, Conan glanced at Li Mu and snorted:"Huh, I don't believe in dead people anymore. He just happened to be at the scene of the crime."

Conan was very dissatisfied with his politeness. Li Mu actually said that he was favored by the God of Death.

Is this possible?

Everyone walked for a while and came to the swimming pool again.

"Miss, Miss……"

"Something seems to have happened. Sera Masumi said with a serious face.

Conan's face darkened, he looked at the manager, and suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

"What happened?"WorldMasumi asked first.

Conan was also very nervous, fearing that something big would happen and the halo of Death's Favor would be unable to be removed from his head.

When the manager saw Li Mu, he was also anxious and said quickly:"I'm sorry, our eldest lady is missing. Have you seen her?"

The eldest lady is gone.

Although it was just missing, they also felt that something might have happened.

Maybe he's dead.

Especially Conan, his face was extremely livid.

In this situation, combined with his previous situation, no matter how you look at it, you think the eldest lady is dead.

"Then let's search together, maybe we can find the eldest lady."

Sera Masumi suggested.

She was not only looking for someone, but also to confirm that the eldest lady was not dead.

"That'll trouble you."The manager said gratefully.

Then several people searched in the swimming pool for a while, but found nothing, and then went to search elsewhere.

Half an hour later, everyone returned to the swimming pool again, and then they saw a figure, floating Above the swimming pool.

This person is none other than the young lady Li Mu and others have been looking for for a long time.


The manager and another man hurriedly ran into the swimming pool and hugged the eldest lady.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and said to the people next to him:"Okay, why don't you two call the police quickly? Serang Xiaolan, please remember to treat me to dinner tonight. , don’t forget."

Masumi Sera smiled awkwardly.

As for Conan, his face was as dark as coal. This young lady was so incompetent that she bullied him like this.

More than ten minutes later, Officer Megure rushed over. Coming over, Officer Mumu saw Li Mu, and then took a peek at Conan.

I should have known that if something happened here, he would definitely be involved.

Officer Mumu didn’t say anything and started asking directly.

After asking, Officer Mumu looked again To Li Mu

"Li Mu, what about you? Why are you here?"

"Oh, Officer Megure, we just planned to swim here, but unfortunately we were kicked out by this young lady.

By the way, Officer Megure, this eldest lady has a bad temper. She scolded all three of them today, so it is natural that she should be killed."

After listening to Li Mu's words, Officer Mumu reached out and touched his chin, then glanced at the three managers next to him.

"So, all three of them have the motive to kill, right?"

The three people were taken aback when Officer Memu glanced at them.

"Officer Megure, this matter is none of my business. I didn’t kill the person."

"Yes, Officer Megure, I didn’t kill anyone either."

The three people explained quickly, for fear that Officer Megu would doubt them.

Officer Megu was not that easy to fool, and asked quickly:"Then tell me what happened, and I will analyze it then."

"Yes, Officer Megure."

The three people hurriedly walked up to Officer Memu and roughly told what happened today.

After hearing this, Officer Megu touched his chin and started thinking seriously.

"That being said, you don't have time to kill anyone. Could it be someone else did it? But

Li Mu was very interested and said with great interest:"Officer Mumu, according to Conan's death effect, they should be the ones who killed him, but I don't know what method they used.""

"Yeah? This is indeed the case, every time a strange technique is used, and we can't find it every time."

Officer Megure also had a headache. Every time a case happened, they and the police would never expect it. In the end, it was Kogoro Mori who took care of it.

Suddenly, Officer Megure's eyes lit up and he looked at Li Mu excitedly.

".Li Mu, how are you? Do you have any ideas? Do you know who the murderer is?"

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth.

"Officer Megure, can you give me two cups, one is larger and the other is much smaller, fill the larger one with water"

"Officer Takagi."

Although Officer Memu didn't know what Li Mu was thinking, he knew that Li Mu must know something.

Even Conan and Sera Masumi looked at Li Mu.

After all, they still had no clue yet, but Li Mu actually knew something.

No. How long? Officer Takagi held a large water vat and a cup and handed them to you.

"Li Mu, how about it? Do you want to do any experiments for us?"

Li Mu said nothing, picked up a coin and put it into the water jar, then picked up the cup and covered it directly.

In an instant, the coin in the cup disappeared.

"No...Gone, the coin (the Nuo Zhao) disappeared."Officer Megure was surprised.

The eyes of Conan and Sera Masumi on the side lit up, and they had some understanding of the case in their minds.

Only Officer Megure didn't understand yet, and asked quickly:"Li Mu, what's wrong, who is the murderer? Who, you said that, I don’t even know."

Li Mu did not tell the murderer, and looked at Serang Zhenjun

"Officer Megure, I have a stomachache, so no need. You'd better ask Sera to help you. I think she already knows, so I'll leave first."

Li Mu left first.

Officer Megure glanced at Li Mu, but had no choice but to look at Sera Masumi.

When he saw the smile on Sera Masumi's face, Officer Megure breathed a sigh of relief. At least Sera Masumi seemed to know What a huge thing.

After Li Mu came to the bathroom, he took out a phone and called Xiaolan.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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