"What? Brother Li, can I get you something? I know, I'll go there now."

Xiaolan hung up Li Mu's call, and then said sheepishly:"Officer Mu Mu, I'm going out for a moment, excuse me for disturbing you."

"It doesn't matter, Xiaolan, you go ahead."

Officer Megure waved his hand indifferently, and then looked at Masumi Sera.

After Xiaolan left the crime scene, she immediately came to the bathroom on the first floor.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care."

On the other side, Sera Masumi and Conan searched for a while, and then found evidence

"Officer Megure, we already know who the murderer is and we also know the evidence."

"Really? Sera, please tell us quickly, we have been waiting for a long time."

Officer Megure has already waited for the flowers to fade, and the suspects have been waiting for a long time.

Sera Masumi did not hesitate and immediately told Officer Megure his thoughts.

More than ten minutes later, Officer Megure looked at Looking at the collapsed manager, he said sharply: 097"Then sir, do you have anything else to say?"

The manager sat paralyzed on the ground and said weakly:"No, yes, I killed the lady, and the method was exactly the same as this lady."

Subsequently, the manager even revealed his reason for the murder.

"Okay, let’s discuss the details with the Metropolitan Police. Officer Takagi, please take him away."

"Yes, Officer Megure."

Officer Takagi immediately took the murderer away.

Then Officer Megure said hello to Sera Masumi, and then left the hotel.

Sera Masumi did not leave with Officer Megure, but stayed where he was. After waiting for a while, Sera Zhenchun said helplessly:"By the way, where are Brother Li and Xiaolan, where are they now?"

Conan also realized that he seemed to have forgotten Xiaolan and Li Mu.

Now he doesn't know where these two people are, let alone what they have done secretly.

"Sister Serang, let’s go find Sister Xiaolan."

Conan hurriedly walked outside.

"Xiaolan, okay, you can go and take a rest."

As soon as Xiaolan went out, she saw Wailiang Zhenchun, Conan and others.

"Sister Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Conan saw Xiaolan and quickly looked at Xiaolan, fearing that something would happen to Xiaolan.

"without...Nothing, just in the bathroom, sorry to keep you waiting."

Conan looked at Xiaolan suspiciously, and then looked around.

"By the way, Sister Xiaolan, where are Brother Li? Where is he now and why didn't I see him?"

"Xiaolan, Conan, are you two looking for me (bgdf)?"

Li Mu ran out of the other bathroom and looked at everyone with a smile.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Li Mu coming out of the bathroom next door.

He was really afraid of what Li Mu would do to Xiaolan just now, but now he saw Li Mu and Xiaolan Lan didn't have anything, so he wasn't so entangled.

"Okay, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, it’s getting late, we should go back"

"Yes, it's getting late, so I should go back, that's it."

Sera Masumi also noticed the sky outside and ran away quickly.

Li Mu did not stay in the hotel anymore and left the hotel with Xiaolan and others.

After leaving the hotel, Li Mu left with Xiaolan and Conan. , as for Yuanzi, he separated from Li Mu.

As for Li Mu, he sent Xiaolan home, and then returned to Fei Yingli's home.

After all, Fei Yingli had just given birth to a child, and she still needed Li Mu to comfort her at this time. How could Li Mu possibly Leave.

And Li Mu also plans to accompany his concubine Yingli well.

At night, when Li Mu came back, he looked at Yukiko who was cooking

"Yukiko, I’m really troubling you today."

Yukiko blushed, stretched out her hand to push Li Mu's face, and even threw her hair in Li Mu's face.

"Okay, don't be like this anymore, I have to cook and have dinner soon."

"By the way, where is Yingli? Where is she now? Did you go to rest?"

"Yes, Yingli has been quite sleepy during this period. It is probably because she has just given birth and is still quite tired, so she is resting now. Go and wake her up to eat."

"I know, but let's wait."

Li Mu was not in a hurry to wake up Fei Yingli. After all, she was quite tired during this period and could give her more rest. After a while, Li Mu waited until Yukiko had prepared dinner before waking up Fei Yingli. I had a dinner with Fei Yingli.

As for what else Li Mu and Yukiko can do after dinner?

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites and Recommendations

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