"Okay, Yukiko and Eri, go and wash yourself. Look at you, you look like a little cat."

Li Mu knocked the two women's heads.

The two women didn't say much. They walked to the bathroom on the side and cleaned it roughly.

Li Mu also tidied it up.

After all, the home still needs to be kept clean and tidy. The most important thing is to prevent someone from suddenly coming.

After Li Mu packed up, Fei Yingli and Yukiko also came over.

Li Mu reached out and grabbed a person, turned around, and then walked to the window on one side.

With At the same time, downstairs, Mouri Kogoro followed the woman and happened to arrive under Fei Yingli's apartment.

Mouri Kogoro raised his head and murmured to himself:"Isn't this Eri's apartment? Is that woman's lover here too? What a coincidence."

While speaking, Maori Kogoro happened to see the figures of Li Mu and Fei Yingli in the window, and was stunned.

After a long time, Maori Kogoro came to his senses and gritted his teeth and said:"Damn it, this guy Eri, no wonder he cares about me. Ignore him, I must catch that person."

After saying that, Maori Kogoro no longer cared about chasing the woman, and quickly ran into Feiyingli's apartment.

After Maori Kogoro found Feiyingli's door, he slapped her hard

"Yingli, Yingli, open the door quickly. Why don't you open the door quickly?"

In the room, Fei Eri and Yukiko were all shocked.

They never expected that Mouri Kogoro, who usually doesn't come here, actually came over.

And from the anxious tone and expression, they must have known the secret between them and Li Mu.

1 After a while, the two women started to panic.

But Li Mu was very calm and said quickly:"Okay, he probably saw us through the window, don't worry.

Now listen to me, I will hide later, and you two will go there together, and then we will talk about you playing around and chatting together. Anyway, we didn't do anything just now."

Li Mu was also lucky. He had tidied up the room just now, and there weren't too many dirty things.

Otherwise, I don't know what Maori Kogoro would have thought when he came in and saw the torn nurse uniform.

"Okay, hurry up and hide."

Fei Yingli and Yukiko also relaxed, then slowly opened the door, and then opened it.

"Yingli, tell me, who is the man in your room?"

As soon as Mouri Kogoro came in, he shouted loudly.

That tone, that expression, how scary, how scary

"What, Kogoro, am I so like a man? And is he still a stinky man?"

Yukiko didn't care about the angry Mouri Kogoro, leaning on Fei Eri and joked.

Mouri Kogoro was also stunned for a moment.

He thought it was some stinky man, but it turned out to be Yukiko.

Wait, it's Yukiko.

Mouri Kogoro suddenly understood Come over, he misunderstood Fei Yingri. There was no man in the room, only Yukiko.

When he thought of this, Mouri Kogoro's face turned pale, and he could imagine Fei Yingri's expression, she would be very angry.

Sure enough, Mouri Kogoro twisted slowly Looking over, he immediately saw Fei Yingli's angry gaze.

Mouri Kogoro wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said awkwardly:"Eri, listen to me, I just saw two figures, I thought they were thieves? So I'm a little angry, sorry"

"Oh, is it so? But your expression just now seemed like you wanted to eat me up. Did you mean that?"

While speaking, Fei Yingli's face was not red at all.

Although Li Mu was in her room now, she was not at all vain.

Yukiko also took another look at Fei Yingli.

Being able to eat Mouri Kogoro to death, Mouri Kogoro was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything, which shows how powerful Fei Eri is.

Mouri Kogoro was even more frightened and said in horror:"Eri, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I was just... worried about you."

After saying that, Mouri Kogoro winked at Yukiko, hoping that Yukiko could help him talk. Yukiko snickered, and then said:"Okay, Eri, that's about it. I think Kogoro is also worried about you. It doesn't mean anything else, so don't be angry."

Of course Fei Yingli is not angry. After all, what happened between her and Li Mu is true. There is nothing to be angry about.

And Li Mu is still in her room now. She needs to send Maori Kogoro away quickly.

"Okay, do you have anything else to do? Could it be that you came here specifically to catch me?"

"No, no, no, how is this possible? I... I'm just working, yes, it's just work. Yingli, I'm sorry, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Mouri Kogoro didn't dare to say anything. He quickly exchanged greetings and left without looking back.

After Yukiko watched Mouri Kogoro leave, he joked:"Eri, you are really powerful. You scared Kogoro. They all ran away, and that guy was really a strict henpecker."

After Mouri Kogoro escaped from Fei Li's house, he hid behind the stairs and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death. If I had known better, I wouldn't have been so impulsive."

Mouri Kogoro regrets that now

"Wait, I forgot about my work."

The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball of the Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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