After Mouri Kogoro left Fei Yingli's house, he then thought of his work and quickly looked for the woman.

It took more than ten minutes for Mouri Kogoro to finally find the woman, and then hid in the dark to monitor her.

It took two hours, and Mouri Kogoro finally took a picture of the woman.

And it’s a scene of intimate contact with a man.

Mouri Kogoro proudly clapped the camera in his hand and murmured to himself:"Hahaha, this is such a simple job, I have received half a million, how should I spend this half a million well?"

"Wait, I've made Yingli unhappy today, why don't I invite her to dinner, call Yukiko, and ask her to speak for me, so I have to settle this matter no matter what."

Although Mouri Kogoro has been separated from Fei Yingri for ten years, his feelings for Fei Yingri are still very good.

Unfortunately, because of Li Mu's ruthless love, no, Li Mu's love for Fei Yingri made Fei Yingri forget about Mao Li Xiao Goro

"Yes, that's it."

Moori Kogoro thought for a while and decided to invite Fei Yingli to dinner to resolve today's misunderstanding.

But he was a little embarrassed to ask him to do it. At least he had to ask other people to help.

"By the way, Yukiko, you can ask her for help."

Moori Kogoro's eyes lit up, he quickly picked up the phone and called Yukiko. Ding, ding, ding...Ding-ding-ding...

Suddenly, a cell phone ring interrupted everyone.

Li Mu turned around and saw a light on Yukiko's phone.

Yukiko reacted and quickly picked up the phone

"Sorry, this is my phone."

Yukiko was about to answer the phone when she suddenly saw the ringtone on her phone and quickly patted Fei Yingli.

"Eri belongs to Kogoro, he called me. Fei

Yingli reacted and covered her mouth with her other hand.

Seeing this, Yukiko answered the phone

"Hey, Kogoro, what's the matter?"

Moori Kogoro glanced around, covered the phone and said:"Yukiko, if Eri is there with you, can you not let her know."

This expression looked like he had done something bad.

The poor Mouri Kogoro didn't notice that there was actually no one next to him.

Yukiko was happy and joked:"What's wrong, don't you want Eri to know? Could it be that you want to hook up with me? Kogoro."

After saying that, Yukiko winked at Feiyingli.

Feiyingli's face turned dark, and she actually hooked up with Yukiko behind her back.

Although she no longer has feelings for Maori Kogoro.

When she thought of this, Feiyingri patted Li Mu and asked Li Mu continued.

Li Mu naturally would not refuse.

For a moment, an unusual sound came out.

Of course, it was not Fei Yingli’s voice, but the sound of Li Mu’s tossing and collision.

"How is it possible, Yukiko, there is just one important thing, please don’t talk nonsense.

By the way, is there any sound over there? I seemed to hear some strange noise."

Moori Kogoro explained quickly, and at the same time he was full of curiosity.

How come this voice was exactly the same as the voice in the short movies he usually watched secretly.

Except that a certain woman's voice was missing.

"Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just Kogoro, Eri’s cat, playing with something. By the way, what’s the matter with you?"

Yukiko changed the topic calmly, with a smile on her face, and she winked at Fei Yingli from time to time.

"By the way, Yukiko, I plan to invite you and Eri to have dinner together tonight. You must come to the newly opened Western restaurant nearby."

"Invite us to dinner?"

Yukiko paused and looked at Fei Yingli on the side.

Fei Yingli resisted the impulse and shook her head at Yukiko, indicating that she would not agree.

However, Li Mu became interested, grabbed Yukiko, and nodded to Yukiko to indicate agreement. Yukiko immediately agreed. He understood and quickly said:"Okay, we will definitely get there tonight, that's it."

After saying that, Yukiko hung up the phone directly.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Fei Yingli sat up quickly and patted Li Mu dissatisfied.

"Li Mu, you are serious, how can you promise for me? I have never promised"

"Okay, don't talk anymore. You can go over there tonight and we can pretend we met by chance. That's fine."

"Li Mu, really, why did you think of asking me to have dinner with that sloppy uncle?"

"Okay, it doesn't matter. When the time comes, I will be by your side and nothing will happen."

Li Mu comforted Fei Yingli and pulled her into his arms.

Yukiko on the side also echoed:"Yes, Yingli, we will all be by your side when the time comes, nothing will happen."

Fei Yingli is naturally not afraid of anything, but she is dissatisfied with Li Mu's agreement so casually.

But now that it has come to this point, no matter how dissatisfied Fei Yingli is, she has no choice but to accept it all.

"Okay, let's take a good rest, we have someone to treat us tonight."

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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