The next day, Li Mu left Fei Yingli's house and immediately came to the Maori Detective Agency.

Li Mu's daily itinerary is roughly the same.

During the day when Xiaolan went to school, Li Mu went to Fei Yingli and other people's homes to have a good time.

But if Xiaolan is at home, Li Mu will of course go back to Xiaolan's house and stay with Xiaolan.

As soon as he arrived at Xiaolan's house, Li Mu saw Yuanzi, Sera Masumi and others planning to leave. They seemed to be going out for something.

"Xiaolan, what's the matter? Are you going out to play?"

When Conan saw Li Mu, his face turned dark instantly, and his original happy expression disappeared.

He was still happy about going out with Xiaolan and the others, but in the end, there was another person.

And he was the most annoying person in the way.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were overjoyed, with smiles on their faces

"Brother Li, you are here too"

"Brother Li, we are about to go out, do you want to come with us?"

Don't agree, don't agree.

Conan prayed in his heart and didn't want Li Mu to go out with them.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

After hearing the two people's invitation, Li Mu agreed without hesitation:"Okay, I agreed. It just so happened that I If you are free today, let's go together."

Conan's face was dark, but he had no choice but to follow Li Mu.

After all, even if he didn't want to go, he had to go. He couldn't let Li Mu and Xiaolan be together.

Absolutely not.

Li Mu followed Xiaolan and arrived. A lingerie store in Ginza.

When he arrived outside the lingerie store, Conan's face suddenly turned red and he felt a little embarrassed.

However, after seeing Li Mu enter, Conan was not so embarrassed and followed him directly.

Li Mu looked at the people who walked in. Conan, his eyes wandered around, and then he grabbed Conan

"Okay, Conan, this is not a place for children. You'd better get out of here."

Xiaolan was about to leave Conan behind, but suddenly she thought of what happened yesterday, and her expression became serious.

"That's right, Conan, you'd better go out, this is not convenient for children."

She can't let Conan stay and end up being interested in women and then peeking again

"Hi, Sister Xiaolan."

Conan gave Li Mu a wink, then turned and left.

Although he felt a little unwilling, considering there were so many people here, he didn't think Li Mu would do anything.

Sera Masaki looked at Conan who was leaving and said,"Little Lan, why did you let Conan leave? He's just a kid, nothing serious."

"Of course there is no problem with children, but Conan is almost like an adult, and he always likes to do some outrageous things, and is also interested in men and women. I have to educate him well no matter what."

As he spoke, Xiaolan was also helpless.

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched. How could Conan do that? Li Mu would make trouble from time to time.

But Li Mu didn't feel guilty. Who asked Conan to disturb him so often that he could only teach Conan a lesson.

Conan left. After entering the underwear store, although I was a little speechless, I had no intention of staying outside and waiting.

"Forget it, let's leave and go somewhere else to see what's the point of being here."

After saying that, Conan wandered around nearby.

Li Mu stood in the underwear store, waiting for Xiaolan and others with peace of mind.

After a while, Sera Masumi took the lead to come out and circled in front of Li Mu.

"Li Mu, how about it? This dress is pretty good, right?"

Li Mu looked at it carefully and found that it was indeed good.

"Yes, this dress is very good, Seriang, this dress suits you very well, not bad."

If it weren't for the fact that her figure wasn't a little worse, and she was only in the A-level,

Sera Masaki would be really good. It's a pity that Sera Masaki is still a little bad.

Sera Masaki also noticed Li Mu's regretful eyes, and muttered:"Li Mu , do you need this? I can still grow up in the future. After all, my mother is still very spectacular. I believe that I will be spectacular too."

On one side, a curtain opened, and Sera Masumi walked out, showing off her figure.

"Yes, Sister Sera’s figure can grow in the future, but what about mine? Brother Li, mine should be pretty good, right?"

Li Mu looked at Sonoko's balloon and couldn't help but take another look.

This figure is very good.

Shiliang Zhenzun noticed Sonoko's figure and said with some envy:"Sonoko, your figure is really good, why is it so good?"

After saying that, Sera Masumi came over and put her hand on Sonoko, feeling her figure.

"Yuanzi, you were not so big last time, why are you so big this time? Did you eat anything during this time?"

You can eat whatever you eat.

Yuanzi blushed. He did eat something special, and Li Mu would give it to her every time.

But sometimes she would eat it, and sometimes she would absorb it.

Again In addition, Li Mu's hand also gave him a lot of help.

Of course, Yuanzi would not tell this secret to Shiliang Zhenchun.

This is her and Li Mu's secret.

Not long after, Xiaolan also walked out, wearing light clothes. In blue clothes, she walked shyly next to Li Mu.

Li Mu also noticed Xiaolan and took a serious look.

"Xiaolan, your figure is really good, not worse than Yuanzi."

Poor Conan is still shopping in the Ginza hypermarket, but Li Mu can look at Xiaolan and Yuanzi's figures, which are very good.

Xiaolan's heart turned red after hearing Li Mu's compliment, and she felt extremely shy inside.

"Brother Li, you really are."

Seliang Zhenchun looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi seriously, and suddenly there was a trace of doubt in her heart.

She always felt that the relationship between Li Mu and Xiaolan Yuanzi was unusual. No matter how she looked at it, she did not feel that the two were ordinary friends.

But Serang Zhenchun Then she didn’t think much about it. After all, how could Li Mu be related to Xiaolan Yuanzi?

She must have thought too much.

Unfortunately, she didn’t know that the relationship between Li Mu and Xiaolan was really extraordinary.

Both of them had already He dedicated everything to Li Mu, and most people didn't know about this.

Only Li Mu and a few people knew about it.

Shiliang Zhenjun didn't think too much and focused on Xiaolan.

Only now did she realize that Xiaolan's figure seemed to be good, much better than before.

Looking at her airport again, Sera Masumi suddenly felt a little jealous.

Why didn't she see that her figure had improved by leaps and bounds? It was all because of Xiaoran Sonoko. Long.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

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