"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, come here, I have something to ask you."

Sera Masaki couldn't suppress the doubts in her heart and waved to Xiaolan and the other two.

Although the two were curious, they still walked to Sera Masaki.

Sera Masaki grabbed Xiaolan's and Xiaolan's arms and walked over. In the corner of the clothing store

"Xiao Seriang, what’s the matter with you looking for us?"

"Yes, sister Serang, if something happens, you have to hide and tell it secretly. Shiliang

Zhenchun glanced at Li Mu warily, and then asked softly:"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, let me ask you a question, why do you guys grow so fast? I haven't seen you for a while, and you have changed a lot.""

Xiaolan Yuanzi and the two were stunned for a moment, then noticed Serang's pure eyes and immediately reacted.

"What's wrong, Sister Sera, do you want to be like us? Sonoko joked, with a smug look in her eyes, which made Sera's eyes very unhappy.

Xiaolan's face also turned red, but she still said:"Xiao Sera, don't you care?" Why did you think of asking me this question again?"

Sera Masumi was also a little shy.

But for the sake of her future, Sera Masumi still suppressed her shyness and said:"Although my mother is very good, I still have some anxiety in my heart. If I can Just increase it quickly"

"Oh I got it."

Yuanzi smiled, and the corner of Li Mu's mouth on the side twitched.

He felt that Sera Masaki must have been led astray.

Sera Masaki waited until the two of them stopped laughing, then held Xiaolan and Yuanzi's arms.

"Well, Yuanzi, don’t tell me yet. I really want to know how you can become so outstanding in just one vacation."

Xiaolan's cheeks were slightly red, and she didn't know how to explain it to Serang Zhenzun.

It can't be said that their current achievements are all due to Li Mu. How can such words be said out loud?

On the contrary, Yuanzi's eyes wandered around, and the corners of his mouth raised. , grabbed Sera Masumi’s arm

"Sister Shiliang, this is actually very simple. I owe all this to Brother Li, he is very powerful."

"Li Mu? Shiliang Zhenchun glanced at Li Mu and said puzzledly:"Why did he help you? Is it possible?"……"

Sera Masumi suddenly stopped and blushed.

"Yuanzi, could it be Li Mu?……"

As he talked, Sera Masaki was too embarrassed to say it, and his face turned red.

Sonoko Xiaolan also blushed.

Sera Masumi was actually right, but even if she was right, they couldn't admit it.

"Xiao Seriang, you think too much, how could we do this."Xiaolan was the first to explain.

Yuanzi also quickly echoed:"Yes, sister Shiliang, we are so good because of Li Mu....His company has excellent products that can increase your size without the side effects"

"Yes, that's it."

Xiao Lan explained with a blush.

Anyway, it is impossible for them to admit that all the credit for their achievements is Li Mu's, and they are too embarrassed to admit it.

"Is it really."

Shiliang Zhenchun looked at Li Mu seriously, and did not doubt what the two people said.

Moreover, Li Mu belongs to a big company, so he should have this type of medicine.

"By the way, Sonoko, are there any side effects?"

This is what Sera Masumi is most concerned about. If there are side effects, then she will not use it.

But if there are no side effects, she doesn't mind using it to increase her 'beauty'.

Sonoko looked at Sera Masumi seriously, She looked at Xiaolan to the side speechlessly.

She was all talking nonsense, Sera Zhenzhen actually believed it, what else could she say.

Xiaolan was also speechless, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"What's wrong, Yuanzi, are there any serious side effects?"

Sera Mazun exclaimed, and then looked at Xiaolan and Sonoko carefully.

No matter how you looked at it, it was incredible.

Sonoko's face turned red again, and she quickly explained:"You are overthinking. Look, the side effects I am talking about are not General side effects, just……"

After speaking, Yuanzi winked at Xiaolan and motioned for Xiaolan to change the subject for her.

Xiaolan reacted and quickly said:"This is because of the price. Although this has no side effects, it is expensive and ordinary people cannot afford it, so it is not on the market."

"price? How much?"Sera Masumi blinked her big eyes and showed her little tiger teeth.

"One hundred million...100 million US dollars, because the price is too expensive, so it cannot be put on the market for fear of arousing the jealousy of women and causing too much confusion."

Li Mu looked at the two women who were talking seriously, and the corner of his mouth twitched, but he did not interrupt the two women.

"One hundred million dollars?"

Sister Shiliang's face turned pale.

She really couldn't afford such an expensive thing.

Obviously, she could only say goodbye to such a good thing.

"Okay, Sister Shiliang, don’t worry about this matter. Let’s go. After buying the things, we can leave."

Yuanzi didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he pulled Serang Zhenshun and wanted to leave.

"Okay, let's go."

Seliang Zhenzun didn't dwell on this matter, and walked slowly to the cashier.

Li Mu walked to Yuanzi, and when Yuanzi wasn't paying attention, he patted Yuanzi's little head.

"Yuanzi, you did a pretty good job just now. You are so good, but you are not just taking medicine. Yuanzi

Xiaolan blushed at the same time and gave Li Mu a look.

The two women didn't say anything. They picked up the clothes they bought and went to the cashier to pay.

After leaving the cashier, Li Mu and the others left. This clothing store.

As soon as he left, Li Mu saw Conan waiting outside with black lines on his head.

As soon as Conan saw Li Mu, he quickly said:"Sister Xiaolan, you are out."

Of course, Li Mu was simply ignored by him.

It was already good if he didn't bully Li Mu. How could he talk to Li Mu?

Li Mu didn't care. The more arrogant Conan became, the more fun Li Mu had in bullying Xiaolan tonight.

Ah, cut....

Conan suddenly said hello and touched his nose in confusion.

Somehow, he suddenly had a very bad feeling in his heart, as if something big was about to happen.

He didn't doubt Li Mu, he just thought he caught a cold by accident.

"Conan, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go back."

Xiaolan showed an angelic smile and left first.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

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