"Okay, I'm done eating. I have something to do today, so I'll leave first."

In a restaurant, Li Mu wiped the corners of his mouth, walked around, put down his chopsticks, and said hello.

"It's okay, you can go, we have work in the afternoon and can't be with you."

Miwako waved her hand, indicating that Li Mu could leave.

Yumi and Miike Naeko didn't say anything.

After Li Mu left the restaurant, he drove to the Maori Detective Office.

As soon as he entered the office, Li Mu saw the figures of several people.

Xiao Ran, Kazuha, Sonoko, and of course Hattori Heiji and Conan.

When Hattori Heiji saw Li Mu, he suddenly felt unhappy

"It's you, what are you doing here?"

Li Mu glanced at Hattori Heiji and then looked around.

"Xiaolan, has your home been sold to Hattori Heiji? Although Xiaolan didn't understand what Li Mu meant, she still said:"No, this is still my home and has not been sold.""

"Oh, not sold."Li Mu emphasized his tone and gave Hattori Heiji a look.

"This is not your home, why can't I come here."

Hattori Heiji's face darkened, but he didn't say anything.

After all, this was indeed not his home, so he naturally couldn't say anything.

But it was precisely because of this that he became even more unhappy and resentful towards Li Mu. Li Mu's eyes rolled. Zi walked around in a circle, and then said seriously:"Heye, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I know a newly opened hot spring, do you want to go take a bath together?"

"OK, let's go together."

Sonoko was the first to agree.

Naturally, Xiaolan and others would not refuse.

Hattori Heiji's expression changed and he quickly said:"Conan, let's go together. I've been too tired recently and need a good rest. The hot springs are very good."

"Yes, yes, hot springs can relax your body and mind, it’s okay……"

Conan quickly nodded in agreement and talked about a lot of reasons for soaking in hot springs.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and looked at Hattori Heiji and Conan seriously.

"Sorry, you are not welcome there. You should go to another hot spring bath somewhere else."

"What, you don’t welcome me? Why don’t you welcome me? It’s not your hot spring. Why can’t I go?" Hattori Heiji shouted angrily

"Sorry, that is my property. You are not welcome there now, so there is no need for you to go there."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

He didn't know what Li Mu was thinking, he was just looking for trouble for him.

It must be revenge for what he just said.

Conan reacted even more and said sternly:"Brother Li, I know you must be a good person, right, dear brother Li."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and rubbed Conan's head.

"Be good, Conan, and I will give you a very luxurious private room for you to enjoy."

Anyway, if you don't let them go, they will definitely be worried. It's better to let them go.

Li Mu also has a way to get rid of them, so there is no need to worry.

"Well, thank you, Brother Li."

Conan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he can be with Xiaolan and prevent Li Mu from doing anything to Xiaolan, Hattori Heiji can completely get rid of him. Hattori Heiji's face turned dark. Conan actually abandoned him like this. The friendship between the two people Where is it?

After calming down for a while, Hattori Heiji forced a smile.

"Brother Li, you are a good person, just let me go, okay?

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and then he said righteously:"Hattori, you don't have to be like this. You are a grown man, and you are not a beauty, nor a child. It is really disgusting."

Do you want me to retaliate by spitting out all the food I ate today?"

Hattori Heiji's face froze.

If it weren't for entering Li Mu's hot spring, he would never betray his integrity.

But in order to enter, Hattori Heiji could only hold back his embarrassment and said:"Brother Li, can you let me go?."

Bian Heye snickered, and then said seriously:"Brother Li, I think let him go, otherwise he will definitely feel itchy in his heart."

Hattori Heiji also nodded quickly.

"OK, let's go."

Li Mu didn't refuse this time. Anyway, he had enough tricks on Hattori Heiji. After leaving the Mori Detective Agency, Li Mu drove to a hot spring hotel outside the suburbs.

After arriving at the hot spring hotel, Li Mu directly opened three large private hot springs.

"Hey, Li Mu, why do you have so many? You can open two, one for men and one for women. That's fine." Hattori Heiji said in confusion.

Li Mu walked directly inside without even looking at Hattori Heiji.

"Sorry, I'm not used to sharing a hot spring with boys. Of course, if I can share a hot spring with girls, I wouldn't mind opening two."

Hattori Heiji's expression changed, and he quickly said:"Hahaha, if you don't like it, just be alone. It's best to have a hot spring for girls."

"Yes, that's it."Conan also said quickly.

Xiaolan Yuanzi and the three looked at each other.

They were sure that when it came time to soak in the hot spring, Li Mu would sneak over there.

In fact, Li Mu also planned to wait until a while later and sneak over there.

"Okay, let's go into our own private room. In the evening, everyone will meet at a nearby restaurant. Now let's go our separate ways."

Li Mu walked into his private room first, otherwise Hattori Heiji and Conan would be worried.

In fact, the two of them were really worried. It wasn't until they confirmed that Li Mu had entered that they also entered their private room.

The Great Voyage The Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!

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