After entering the hot spring room, Li Mu first came to a small private room where he could change clothes.

Of course, this place is not something ordinary people can own. It can be regarded as a VIP room.

Otherwise, you can only go to public hot springs. Even the place to change clothes is public, and maybe even the bathroom is public.

As soon as Li Mu came in, he and Ye Yuanzi blushed.

Although they have long been accustomed to Li Mu, the two of them are extremely shy every time they see Li Mu.

In another room, Hattori Heiji and Conan both hit Hache at the same time.

"Kudo, what's wrong? Is it your Xiaolan who is talking bad about you?"

Hattori Heiji was the first to joke.

Conan was not to be outdone and gave Hattori Heiji a dead eye.

"I think it's He Ye. Maybe she doesn't like you and often speaks ill of you. She must have said the same thing just now."

"No, it's you. He must be saying bad things about you."

"Not at all? It was He Ye who said bad things about you."

The two of them, Hattori Heiji, were quarreling like this. Little did they know that now both Ye Xiaolan and Ye Xiaolan were relying on Li Mu and were very close.

"Okay, Heye, it's getting late, let's go to the hot springs."

Li Mu let go of Xiaolan, then got rid of Ye Yuanzi, and then walked into the hot spring on the side.

Xiaolan and Ye didn't hesitate and entered the hot spring one after another.

The hot spring in the deluxe private room is very big, even if Li Mu Waiting for others to come in together, but it can still accommodate many people......

Time passed bit by bit.

I don’t know how long it took, but Li Mu opened his closed eyes, and then let go of He and Ye.

"Okay, Kazuye, Sonoko, and Xiaolan, it’s getting late. Let’s go out. I think Hattori Heiji and the others will also come out."


The three women nodded, then picked up a towel on one side, covered themselves, and walked out of the hot spring.

Li Mu went out first.

Just as they went out, the door next door opened and Hattori Heiji's feet stretched out.

Li Mu reacted immediately, He blinked at Kazuye, then immediately closed the door and knocked on the door.

"Heye, Xiaolan, are you okay? It's almost done and it's time to eat."

On the other side, Hattori Heiji and Conan had just come out and saw Li Mu at first sight.

"Li Mu, why are you here? What are you going to do? Li

Mu turned his head calmly and said with a smile:"Of course I want to see He Ye and the others when it's time. After all, we have to go to dinner.""

Inside, He Ye understood immediately. He closed the door first, then put on a bathrobe to cover his body.

Then He Ye opened the door, looked at Li Mu and others and said:"Brother Li, Heiji, we will be fine soon. Just wait a minute"

"Okay, I understand. I'm going to get dressed first and go to a nearby restaurant later. Let's go together."

Li Mu gave the order, then turned around and walked into his private room, opened the door, and then closed it again.

Ten minutes later, Li Mu got dressed and walked back to Xiaolan's room.

Hattori Heiji and Conan had already put on their clothes. Good clothes, and waiting outside Kazuya's room.

After seeing Li Mu, Hattori Heiji turned his head and gave Li Mu a slap on the back of his head. Li Mu didn't care, he was so proud today, and Li Mu would definitely bully him well in the evening. He and Ye, and Xiaolan, bully together to ensure that they can not only enjoy themselves, but also take revenge on Hattori Heiji and the two.

Thinking about it, this kind of life is still a bit exciting.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

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