On the third day, Mira became the queen, which was naturally the time for Li Mu to leave.

But how could Li Mu leave alone? At least someone should accompany him.

For example, Princess Mira.

At the airport, Keith looked at Li Mu who was packing up his gifts and said thank you:"Mr. Li, thank you very much this time, otherwise I really don't know what I should do.

This is my respect, a small gift, I hope you can accept it."

Li Mu glanced at the check in Keith's hand, shook his head and said,"No, I don't need this, and I've already received a very nice gift, so I don't need anything else."

A check, Maybe for others, there's a lot of money.

But for Li Mu, it was nothing at all.

Moreover, Li Mu has already taken Mira away. Is there anything more valuable than Mira?

"Really? I still want to thank you."

Keith was filled with admiration in his heart.

But if he knew about Li Mu and Mira, he doesn't know if he would admire Li Mu so much.

"Okay, I'm leaving, goodbye."

Li Mu didn't stay long. He pulled a large suitcase and walked into the airport on one side.

After watching Li Mu leave, Keith turned to look at the maid on the side.

"Didn't Queen Mira come? Mr. Li is leaving today, won’t she send him off?"

"Lord Earl, the Queen said that she does not want to separate. She believes that we will meet each other if we are destined."The maid said quickly


Keith had no doubts and turned around to leave.

On the other side, after Li Mu got on the plane, he confirmed that no one was there and opened the suitcase in his hand.

"Ok? Really, it's so small here."

After Mira came out of the suitcase, she couldn't help complaining.

"Well, not being discovered is already pretty good."

Fortunately, this is a private airport and there is no security check. Otherwise, how could Mira escape from Vespania?"

Li Mu patted Mira and pulled her into his arms.

Mira's face was also confused. Red, but did not refuse

"By the way, Mira, you are the queen now."

Mila's face turned red instantly, she quickly stood up and ran away as if running away.

Mira was not happy on the plane.

"Run, can you run away?"

Li Mu rushed forward and pushed Mira down directly.


Neon Country Airport.

Li Mu looked at the airport outside and reached out to pat Mira.

"Okay, Mira, you can get up, we're here"

"Ah, are you here?"

Mila also woke up and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

After waking up, Mira reacted, quickly got dressed, and then followed Li Mu.

As soon as she got off the plane, the staff on the plane looked at Mira, who was behind Li Mu, was immediately stunned.

Isn't this their Majesty the Queen? When was she also on the plane?

How come they didn't know

"rice...Princess Mila, why are you here?"

Mila also reacted. This time she did not hide in the suitcase and came out, so she was discovered immediately.

"Hahaha, you go tell Keith that I still have something to do, so leave first and ask him not to come to me."

After saying that, Mira took Li Mu's arm and ran away.

"Alas, Princess Mira."

By the time the staff reacted, Mira had already run away.

Kingdom of Vespania.

Keith also smiled bitterly after receiving the news from the crew.

He never thought that Mira would actually escape secretly with Li Mu. Oh.

Li Mu, this handsome guy who looks like a human being, actually abducted their Queen of Vespania.

"Earl Keith, what should we do now? Should we go and bring Her Majesty the Queen back?"

Besides, a guard said

"No, since Her Majesty the Queen is going to go there, let her go. For important matters, we can chat via video chat."

Keith hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to let Mira let herself go, relax and get out of the shadows.

"Yes, Count Keith."

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