Back in Neon Country, Li Mu drove Mira to his home.

In the next time, Li Mu is going to come to a golden house to hide the beauty.

"Okay, Mira, this is my home, will you live here from now on?"

"This is your home. Mira looked at the mansion and said puzzledly:"Li Mu, this is your home, but what about the one last time?" Could it be that this is also your home?"

"Yes, this is my real home. The small house last time was my villa."

Li Mu nodded slightly and drove the car to the parking garage.

After Mira got out of the car, she looked around curiously.

"Li Mu, your family is quite big. It seems that you are also very rich?"

Li Mu closed the car door, walked to Mira, and held Mira in his arms.

"That is, if you want to raise a queen, how can you not have any wealth, right, Queen Mira? Mira

's face turned red instantly.

Then Mira noticed the smile in the corner of Li Mu's eyes, and immediately regained her arrogance, saying in a queen's tone:"Yes, I am the queen. If you disobey me, don't blame me for being rude.""

"Yo? Queen?"

Li Mu was so happy that he hugged Mira tightly with his right hand and gently flicked her little head.

"Her Majesty Queen Mira, there are no guards around you right now, and I just want to know the strength of the queen."

When Mira heard this, her face turned pale.

"No, I have something to do today, so I will continue tomorrow. I won’t lose to you then."

After saying that, Mira broke away from Li Mu and ran away without looking back.

Li Mu didn't hold Mira either.

That night, Li Mu naturally stayed with Mira and did not leave.

The next day, Mi La and Li Mu woke up together.

As soon as they woke up, Mira saw Li Mu, and her face suddenly turned red.

Li Mu naturally noticed Mira's shy expression, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly

"Mira, you said yesterday that you would teach me a lesson. What's wrong? Are you scared now?"

"Hu...Nonsense, how could I be cowardly? Just wait for me. I will definitely make you kneel down and beg for mercy today."

"Yeah? Then I can let you choose. How do you want to compete with me?"

"Whether you want Taekwondo, Karate, or Kendo, whatever you choose, I can give you a hand."

Li Mu stretched out a hand and teased.

Mira's face darkened slightly.

She is not an idiot now, and she naturally knows Li Mu's strength.

Whether it is Taekwondo or Karate, as long as the fighting strength is, they are so strong.

Really. In a fight, even if Li Mu gives her a hand, she will never be Li Mu's opponent. She might even be taught a lesson by then.

"No, I'm very tired today and don't want to fight with you. I'm going to brush my teeth and wash my face now, then go have breakfast and leave after breakfast." Mira refused without hesitation.

Anyway, she would not fall into Li Mu's scheme.

Li Mu also jumped up immediately.

Today, Mira is going back with him, and she is still looking forward to it.

Of course, before looking forward to it, , it is better to finish breakfast, it is good for his stomach.

He does not want to be a person who only eats soft rice.

But if he can eat soft rice, he does not mind

"Wait for me, let's go out together."

Li Mu immediately followed Mira.

Although Mira heard it, she did not stop, but walked faster.

"Okay, you left so quickly and didn’t take me seriously, so don’t blame me for being rude. I will let you know how powerful I am today."

Li Mu looked at Mira's back, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a strange smile on his face.

Mira's body trembled slightly, and she felt a little worried. She always felt that Li Mu had some conspiracy.

"Huh, I don't believe you can win."

Li Mu didn't say much. Anyway, this day won't take long, and maybe he can achieve his goal tonight.

After eating in the morning, Li Mu was not in a hurry to leave, but stayed here with Mira, preparing to spend some time with Mira.

No matter what other people said, she came all the way to find him, so naturally she couldn't be thrown aside. What's the difference between this and scum?

Wait, scum.

Haha, someone seems to be a scum.


Neon Country Airport.

After Lupine the Third got out of the car, he quickly met Fujiko Mine.

Just after meeting Fujiko Mine, Lupine the Third said excitedly:"Fujiko, where is that business you met? Take me to see it, I will definitely steal everything there."

Fujiko Mine smiled, and Lupine The idiot III is in front. The danger belongs to Lupine III, but the benefit belongs to her.

But even though she was happy, Fujiko Mine still suppressed the impulse in her heart.

"Lupine, let me tell you, that man is a rich man. If you steal something, you can't hide it, otherwise I will be angry."

"Don't worry, Fujiko, I will never hide it secretly, so don't worry."

Lupine III patted his chest and assured Fujiko Mine.

He completely forgot that every time, he would be tricked by Fujiko Mine.

In the distance, Daisuke Jigen and Goemon Ishikawa stared at Fujiko Mine with disdain. He snorted coldly.

The two of them are not the nymphomaniac Lupine III. They have always been wary of Mine Fujiko.

Unfortunately, their IQs are not as good as Mine Fujiko. The only think tank was fooled by Mine Fujiko, so naturally he is not Mine Fujiko. rival

"Well, Lupine, let me say it again, you remember, that guy’s name is Li Mu, he is a rich man, and the password is also very simple, which is a digital password and a fingerprint lock."

"So simple?"

Lupine III exclaimed.

A rich man's treasure house actually uses such a simple defensive measure. This is because he has too much money and wants to give away some.

"Yes, it's that simple. When the time comes, we will go together and we must take all the rubies."

Fujiko Mine's eyes flickered, as if in the next second, she could have all the wealth of Li Mu, and she was very excited just thinking about it. Lupine III didn't think much about it, just seeing Fujiko Mine happy, he also felt very happy.

Poor. Lupine the Third is going to be in bad luck, he actually wants to attack Li Mu.

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