At night, no matter how long it took, Li Mu suddenly woke up and looked at Mira beside him.

Mira was fast asleep at the moment and did not notice Li Mu's gaze.

But after a while, Mira suddenly woke up, and then saw Li Mu.

Although the sky was a little dark, Mira could still see Li Mu's shining eyes and her cheeks were slightly red.

"Brother Li, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Because you are very beautiful, very beautiful, so I can't help but look at you one more time, hoping to keep you in my heart forever."

Li Mu praised him without hesitation.

Especially since Mira just called him Brother Li, if he didn't praise him well, he would feel sorry for Mira.

And this is a workplace skill. If you want to do well, praise is Indispensable.

This is not kneeling and licking, just good words.

Everyone wants to hear good words, and Mira is no exception.

After hearing Li Mu’s sweet words, Mira felt warm in her heart and liked Li Mu even more

"That...Do you like me more, or do you like that person named Xiaolan more?" sheWhat I want to know is who is more important in Li Mu's heart compared to her or Xiaolan.

Mira still doesn’t know that there are many women in Li Mu, and she and Xiaolan are just one of them.

Among so many people, she only knew that Xiaolan and Li Mu had an unusual relationship. As for the others, she was still kept in the dark.

Of course, Li Mu wouldn't say it stupidly. It's better to keep this kind of thing in mind.

If he told this, it would probably be Brother Cheng's fate.

But compared to Brother Cheng, Li Mu is much better. At least he has taken care of many people, so he doesn't have to worry about the Shura field breaking out.

"In my opinion, you are excellent and so is she. Both of you are an indispensable part of my life."

Li Mu naturally won't be partial, nor will he favor anyone.

Anyway, Mira already knows. If he lets him know his attitude early, he won't need to worry about the future.

Although Mira didn't get the answer she wanted, she already Knowing Li Mu's heart is enough

"Li Mu, I remember what you said today. If you dare to be sorry to me in the future, I will kill you and let you know how powerful I am."

As soon as he finished speaking, a chill flashed in Li Mu's heart.

What bastard said this to Mira? He was not causing trouble for himself.

If Li Mu knew who that guy was, Li Mu would definitely go there first and use scissors to cut that guy off. , let him know what to say and what not to say.

Although Mira’s strength cannot kill Li Mu, it is best not to leave such evil thoughts behind

"Ahem, Mira, can you tell me who told you this? Can such a thing be done? This is harming our future."

Li Mu looked at Mira and spoke righteously. He felt that it was better to keep Mira's thoughts that should not be left behind.

This is the enemy of the future of mankind.

"how? Are you scared? Let me tell you, this is what I saw on TV, this is what those women do to deal with scumbag men. Mira seemed to see Li Mu's fear, and suddenly became proud.

There was a smile in her eyes.

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched!!

He swore that he would investigate the program carefully tomorrow, and then completely kill him Ban.

Yes, it is a complete ban. No TV station can broadcast this program.

How can such a garbage program be left?

It is best to show more programs about ancient emperors. After all, the ancient emperors can have three thousand beauties

"Mira, I have something very important to tell you. You can’t do this in the future, people like this won’t like it."

Li Mu felt that before finishing the TV program, Mira must be fixed.

Otherwise, when going to bed at night, Mira picked up the scissors and made a click. By then, it would be too late for Li Mu to regret it.

Although with Mira's It is impossible to achieve this ability, but this feeling is really chilly.

I always feel a little scared.

Mira became even more proud and couldn't help laughing.

Especially seeing Li Mu's expression, Mira felt This program is so good, I should watch it with Li Mu in the future

"Li Mu, the finale of that show is tomorrow. Do you want to watch it together? I think the male protagonist will definitely die tomorrow, and his death will be ugly."

How ugly can it be?

" Li Mu instantly thought of Brother Cheng. Could it be that the male protagonist's head would be cut off, and then the heroine would sit in a boat and enter the sea alone.

Perhaps, the ending could really be like this..

No, Li Mu thought he had to do something, for example, kill the TV show before the finale. By then, Mira would probably not be able to watch it.

Thinking of this, Li Mu smiled with a smile on his face The bright smile made Mira feel a little numb in her heart.

"Li Mu, what are you thinking about? Could it be that he was thinking about something unhealthy?"Mila had curiosity in her eyes.

"It's nothing, it's getting late, let's rest, we have to go to work tomorrow."

Li Mu fell down without saying a word, and then closed his eyes.

How could he tell Mira such a thing?

Mira had no choice but to sleep.


Early next morning.

After Li Mu woke up, he went to the kitchen and made breakfast.

Every breakfast is made by Li Mu himself.

Li Mu would only let Xiaolan do it except when he was at Xiaolan's home.

After finishing breakfast, Li Mu looked at Mira who was still eating breakfast.

"Mira, I have something to do today, so you can play at home. If you feel bored, you can go shopping."

"Do you want to go out? Mira felt a little reluctant.

Li Mu smiled, winked at Mira, and joked:"What's wrong?" It's rare that you can't let me go. Do you want to have fun with me in broad daylight?"

Mila's face instantly turned red and she turned her head dissatisfied.

"Huh, who can't bear to leave you? You go, I don't want you to stay."

Li Mu put down his chopsticks, walked to Mira, and tapped her on the cheek.

"Dear Mira, I’m leaving. You have to wait for me tonight and don’t beg me again then! Rao."

After saying that, Li Mu picked up his coat and left directly.

He had something very important to do today, for example, killing that TV show.

Mira supported her chin with both hands and watched Li Mu leave.

The new book"One Piece: A Fate with Dragons" start!

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