Maori Detective Agency.

Conan wakes up early in the morning and lives on the sofa in the living room with a skateboard in his hand

"Huh, no matter what? I will definitely not let you drink Xiaolan alone today."

He has decided that once Xiaolan and Li Mu leave, he will follow Li Mu on his skateboard.

In this case, Li Mu will not be able to get rid of him.

Therefore, Conan woke up early today to prevent Li Mu from getting up too early, and then Take Xiaolan and the others away.

Ever since he heard yesterday that Heye would not leave today, he fell asleep early just so that he could get up early today.

Looking at Xiaolan and Heye who were busy, Conan felt a little bit in his heart Proud.

In this case, the two of them will not be able to slip away from their eyes.


After Li Mu stopped the car, he climbed the stairs and touched his chin.

"I have to find some kind of reason to send away that troublesome guy Conan."

The reason must be good, otherwise Conan will not be fooled.

After thinking, Li Mu came upstairs.

At this moment, Xiaolan and He Ye did not eat.

When she saw Li Mu, Xiaolan was happy and asked quickly:" Brother Li, you are here. Do you want to have breakfast together?"

"No need, I’ve got something to eat today, you can eat it yourself."

Li Mu rejected Xiaolan, walked to the sofa on one side, and then sat down.

Conan looked at Li Mu beside him and suddenly became nervous. He stared at Li Mu, for fear that Li Mu would take Xiaolan away.

Regarding Conan's vigilance, Li Mu He simply ignored it.

He wanted to get rid of Conan, but was he afraid that there was nothing he could do?

Li Mu waited for a while, Xiaolan made breakfast, and then everyone had breakfast together.

After breakfast, Xiaolan and He Ye cleaned up the dishes. Chi Bo Jinghua sat next to Li Mu.

However, because there were two guys in the way, Chi Bo Jinghua didn't show much. After sitting for a while, Chi Bo Jinghua felt that the atmosphere was a little heavy, and then asked:"Li Mu, You ate very early today"

"yes! Not only did I eat early, I also exercised for a while before coming.

By the way, I also met two strange people with strange names."

Li Mu suddenly thought of a way to send Conan away, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh, how strange? What happened to the name?"

Chi Bo Jinghua didn't know what Li Mu was thinking, but he still followed Li Mu's words and asked.

"Don't you know, those two people look very human, but their names are very weird.

One is called gin, and the other is called vodka. Do you think it's strange? I think their parents may like to drink."

"Yeah? This name is quite strange."

Chi Bo Jinghua also covered his mouth and snickered.

Conan, who was on one side, was shocked and looked at Li Mu in surprise.

Naturally, he will not forget these two names.

It can be said that the appearance of gin and vodka has been deeply The place was etched in his mind and he could never forget it.

After all, they were the two people who turned him into a child.

"Brother Li, where did you see those two strange people? Did they say anything?"Conan asked impatiently.

Gin and Jiu have become Conan's obsession.

"how? Do you want to know?"Li Mu pretended to be confused.

"Come on, tell me quickly, where are they? What was said?"

Conan couldn't help but shouted sharply.

This tone was very arrogant.

Li Mu suddenly became serious and grabbed Conan with his right hand, his expression very solemn.

"Conan, what's your tone? Is this how you talk to me?"

At the same time, Xiaolan also came over, hands on hips

"Conan, why are you talking to Brother Li like this? Do you have any rules?"

Conan also realized that he was so anxious that he actually used an adult tone.

"Sorry, Sister Xiaolan, I will never dare to do it again"

"You're not talking to me, you're talking to Li Dake"


Conan touched the back of his head and looked at Li Mu with a playful smile.

"Brother Li, can you tell me? What did those two people say?"

"This is decent."Li Mu touched Conan's head and looked like you were very obedient.

Conan looked very obedient on the surface, but in his heart he didn't know what he had said.

Li Mu didn't care and continued:"Those people said something. Strange words, it seems to be talking about Rice Flower Hotel, and……"

"Only this?"Conan touched his chin and thought seriously.

Li Mu looked at the serious Conan and raised the corners of his mouth.

In order to send Conan away, Li Mu thought of a very good code word to cultivate Conan's reasoning ability.

I think Conan will definitely know it. Be grateful, right?

"Sister Xiaolan, I'm leaving. I won't be back for dinner today."

At this moment, Conan no longer cares about Li Mu and Xiaolan, and all his thoughts are on Gin and Vodka.

As long as he gets rid of these two people, he can recover.

By then, he will be able to be upright as he grows older. Pursuing Xiaolan, there is no need to secretly have a crush on Xiaolan every day.

Li Mu watched Conan leave, feeling very happy.

Xiaolan was also a little happy.

With Conan gone, no one would disturb her.

She subconsciously forgot, so On the side, Chibo Jinghua is sitting

"Brother Li, where shall we go later? Go to the Ocean Amusement Park or somewhere else?"He Ye asked impatiently.

Xiaolan and Chibo Jinghua also stared at Li Mu, looking forward to where they would go today.

Li Mu touched his chin and thought seriously.

To be honest, he didn't know where to go.

There were many places. , he has been there again and again and has long been tired of it.

"Why don't you go for an outing? In this weather, there shouldn't be anyone else going for an outing, right?"

The corners of Xiaolan's and the other three's mouths twitched! They were twitching, and they were a little speechless.

They went on an outing when no one else was going.

With this logic, why couldn't they turn around?

"Oh well! Just go on an outing."

Xiaolan and the other three didn't say anything. As long as Li Mu decides, they will naturally support Li Mu."

"Let's go now, Detective Maori, and won't interrupt your work."

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand directly without raising his head, focusing all his attention on the horse racing.

As long as there is no work, he will go to watch the horse racing and play small steel balls, and his life is very happy.

But in comparison, Li Mu Life is happier.

It is definitely what countless people dream of.

The new book"Pirates and Dragons" begins!

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