There are dense jungles growing on the outskirts of Tokyo.

After Li Mu left with Xiaolan and others, it took him more than an hour to reach the suburbs.

Just as Li Mu thought, although this is a good place for an outing, there is no one there

"Okay, Xiaolan, Heye, Madam, stay here. Come down and I'll set up the tent."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, Brother Li."

Xiaolan and the other three got out of the car together with smiles on their faces and walked to the side of a tree.

Li Mu took out the tent that had been prepared and found a suitable place to set up camp.

Half an hour later, Li Mu set up the tent. Xiao

Lan and He Ye came over quickly when they saw that Li Mu was well.

"Brother Li, thank you very much for your hard work."

Xiaolan and Ye didn't know where they found a handkerchief, and came over to wipe Li Mu's sweat.

They wiped it very seriously.

Although Chibo Jinghua on the side also planned to help, considering the current situation, she also I had to give up my plan.

On the other side, after Conan left the Mori Detective Agency, he came to the Rice Krispies Hotel.

After leaving for a long time, Conan tried his best and finally cracked the code.

However, although the code was cracked, Conan still did not find gin

"what happened? The code should be like this. Could it be that Li Mu lied to me?"

Conan thought about Li Mu's character, and it seems that this is really possible.

"No, it shouldn't be, maybe they left."

Conan thought for a while, Li Mu probably didn't know Gin, maybe Gin had already left.

After thinking about it, Conan didn't think much, turned around and went back.

Half an hour later, Conan returned to the Maori Detective Agency, and then Then I saw the living room where Mouri Kogoro was left.

"Where are Uncle Maoli, Sister Xiaolan and the others?"

"Oh, they said they were going on an outing, but I don’t know where they went."

Mouri Kogoro continued to read the newspaper without raising his head.

"What? gone!"

Conan exclaimed with a gloomy face.

He never thought that Li Mu would actually take Xiaolan and the others away.

It only took a while.

Mouri Kogoro was dissatisfied with Conan's interruption and gave Conan a blank look.

"Really, what's all the fuss about? Isn't it just for fun? You can also go out and play."

Conan's face was dark.

Of course he also wanted to go out to play, but he wanted to be with Xiaolan and the others, not alone.

Unfortunately, Xiaolan and Li Mu had already left.

"No, I must find them."

Conan immediately left the Mori Detective Agency.

"Wait, where should I look?"

For a moment, Conan was stunned.

When going out for an outing, the world is so big and there are many places.

In Tokyo alone, there are many places

"Forget it, let’s go look elsewhere."

It's a pity that Conan didn't know that Li Mu didn't go to those familiar places, but came directly from the wilderness.

By then, no matter how Conan searches, he probably won't be able to find Li Mu in the suburbs.

After Li Mu set up his tent, he took I took out the barbecue grill and prepared to have barbecue for lunch.

It was already eight o'clock when I left home, and it was already ten o'clock when I set up the tent.

It was already time to prepare lunch.

"Brother Li, let me help!"

Xiao Lan and He Ye came over immediately.

Naturally, Xiao Lan couldn't rest alone.

"Thank you. You go and prepare the table. I will barbecue by myself."


Xiaolan and I nodded, walked aside, and took out a dining table.

Then the two of them took out tableware and stools.

Li Mu also prepared the barbecue alone.

After more than half an hour, Li Mu picked it up and it was steaming. BBQ placed on the dining table

"Okay, you can eat"

"Great, I'm starting"

"It tastes so good, it must be delicious!"

Xiaolan and the other two people suddenly became excited when they thought of Li Mu's cooking skills, and quickly picked up the barbecue.

They knew that Li Mu's cooking skills were very exquisite, and with this taste, their appetite was greatly increased.

Li Mu didn't say anything, the same Started to eat

"So full. This is the fullest I have ever eaten."

Xiao Lan and Ye touched their bellies with happy expressions on their faces.

Li Mu's cooking was still so delicious.

Chi Bo Jinghua also had a smile on her face.

Compared to Li Mu's cooking skills, her housewife's cooking Her skills are far behind. She should be very happy to marry such a man.

It's a pity that when she met Li Mu, it was already very late.

Otherwise, she would have taken the initiative to pursue Li Mu.

"Okay, how about a good lunch? Let's go out for a run and have a good digestion."


Xiaolan and the others nodded, and then followed Li Mu and walked in the dense woods.

After walking like this for an hour, the two of them returned to the tent.

"It's noon, let's take a rest"


Neither Xiaolan nor Ye refused Li Mu and walked directly into a tent.

Li Mu also returned to his tent.

As for Chi Bo Jinghua, he walked to another tent.

For convenience, Li Mu specially prepared three Tents.

Xiaolan and Ye share a tent, Chibo Jinghua has a tent, and he has a tent.

Once something happens, Li Mu can sneak over.

For example, to have an affair at noon.

When he returned to the tent, Li Mu did not sleep. , but waited patiently.

As long as Xiaolan and Heye rested, he could go to Chibo Jinghua.

As for why he didn't go to Xiaolan.

This was because he was afraid that there would not be enough time at noon, and one person could not handle two people..So we could only find Chibo Jinghua.

Xiaolan and Heye didn't know about this yet, so after returning to the tent, they closed their eyes and rested.

The same was true for Chibo Jinghua.

Li Mu waited for about ten minutes, and then walked directly to Chibo Outside Jinghua's tent.

Chibo Jinghua didn't know that Li Mu was coming and was about to rest.

She didn't know that Li Mu was already beside her.

Li Mu looked at Chibo Jinghua beside him, raised the corners of his mouth, and grabbed Chibo directly Jinghua.

Chibo Jinghua was also startled. He was about to shout and make a fuss. When he saw it was Li Mu, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Li Mu, you really scared me to death. Who did I think you were?"

Li Mu didn't care either. He stared at Chi Bo Jinghua with a warm look in his eyes.

"How about it, do you want to go out for a while? The wilderness is great."

The new book"One Piece: A Fate with Dragons" begins!

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