Suburbs of Tokyo.

Tomoko was driving and suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

"Li Mu, get off the car right here, otherwise it would be bad if others see us together."

Li Mu didn't think much and got out of the car.

But as soon as he got off the car, Li Mu realized why he was afraid and why he got off the car.

"Tomoko, why do you think I got off the car? Then you can just say that we met by chance and no one will doubt it."

"Yes, even though I say that, who asked you to bully me? I can only teach you a lesson."

After saying that, Tomoko drove away directly.

Li Mu's mouth twitched.

How dare you provoke him like this? Li Mu must teach this guy a lesson one day.

But before that, Li Mu at least needs to find a car and take a ride back.

But there was no car nearby.

Li Mu waited for a while, then suddenly rushed out and ran quickly on the street.

At Li Mu's speed, Li Mu passed through countless cars in just a few minutes.

Suddenly, Li Mu stopped and turned his head I saw a police car not far away and couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, I didn’t expect a car to be delivered, so I had to reluctantly take a ride."

Li Mu stopped on the side of the road and waved to the police car.

The police car also stopped.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

In the police car, Yumi showed a sweet smile.

Li Mu smiled, pulled off the scarf on his face, and leaned on Yumi

"Yumi, it's me. Can you give me a ride? I'm going back."

"Li Mu, it’s you, why are you here?"

Yumi was stunned for a moment. She never expected to meet Li Mu here.

Miike Miaozi in the driver's seat was also stunned for a moment, and she was a little curious. Why is Li Mu here?

"Brother Li, why are you here? What's matter?"

"A ride-along, of course."

Li Mu immediately opened the car door, walked to the back of the car, and sat behind Yumi without asking for their opinions.

"Okay, Li Mu, where are you going? We'll take you there."

We are on duty now, but Yumei will not refuse Li Mu's request.

"Thank you, Yumi. I will definitely repay you well when I have time."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, stretched out his hand from behind and placed it on Yumi.

Yumi's body trembled, her face extremely shy.

"Li Mu, what are you going to do? Don't do this, I won't be able to bear it."

Although Miike Naoko on the side was also a little shy, she was not looking directly at the situation ahead. She was too embarrassed to say anything more.

She was even more embarrassed to look at the two of them.

"Don't worry, you won't be discovered. Who am I? do not you know? You're bound to be noticed."

Li Mu is not worried. I can see this kind of thing if I want to. What's more, this is still in a car. Who has the ability to see inside from the outside.

Yumi thought about it, so she didn't refuse and let it go. Li Mu did something to her.

Twenty minutes later, Yumi fell on the chair, as if she was seriously ill.


At this moment, there was a sudden roar of a motor outside.

Yumi and Miike Naeko subconsciously stopped. After coming down, he turned around and looked around.

At this moment, a few little ghosts walked up not far away, looking like they were in a hurry.

"Officer Yumi, hurry up, hurry up and follow the car in front, Genta has been kidnapped."

"That's right, Officer Yumi, please."

Conan and the other three hurriedly opened the car door and sat in the back seat of the car.

Li Mu glanced at Conan, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Why did this little devil come here at this time? He was planning to attack Yumi, but he was These two people were disturbing.

Conan was also stunned and looked at Li Mu next to him in surprise.

"Brother Li, why are you here?"

"Oh, I was just taking a ride."

Li Mu turned around, leaning on the car window with his arms, looking at the scenery outside.

Li Mu wanted to kick this little kid away. It's a pity, something happened to this little kid now, and Li Mu probably can't tell him to get rid of him.

Conan is also full of dark things.

He actually took a ride from the police. Isn’t this a waste of national public resources? Conan didn’t even think about it. He often wastes national public resources, but he actually had the nerve to talk about Li Mu secretly.

"Brother Li, where are you going? How come you want to take a ride?"

Li Mu's mouth twitched and he pointed ahead.

"Didn't some of you get kidnapped? If you tell me this at this time, shouldn't you go find that person?"

"correct."Conan reacted and quickly looked forward, with nervousness in his eyes.

"Officer Yumi, do you have the whereabouts of that person? We must find Genta."

"No, where is that guy? I couldn't even see a person, let alone find Genta."

Yumi shook her head and looked forward seriously.

But no matter how serious Yumi was, she still couldn't find any trace of the kidnapper.

Li Mu held up the car window with his arms and had no intention of intervening.

Conan would definitely take care of it anyway. In this case, why should Li Mu waste time and energy doing such boring things?

With this time, he might as well take a good rest. He worked hard for a long time yesterday, and he felt a little tired today.

Conan didn't find it Yuantai suddenly became anxious and quickly picked up the detective badge.

"Yuanta, Yuanta, can you hear me? Where are you now?"

It's a pity that no matter how Conan shouted, Genta didn't answer. He was obviously tied up and his mouth was gagged, so he couldn't make a sound. After shouting for a while, just when Conan was desperate, a strange sound suddenly came from the detective badge..GuluGulu


"What is this sound?"Yumi asked curiously.

Miike Miaozi also looked at Conan, and she was also a little confused.

On the other hand, the corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched. Why did this voice sound strange?

Conan also twitched the corners of his mouth. Others didn't know, and he didn't know.

"This is the sound of hunger."


Miike Miaozi:"……"

It turned out to be the sound of a hungry stomach. They thought it was something else.

Conan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly put his detective badge next to his ear, hoping to hear something.

Although the sound was very small, there was still a faint sound that reached Conan's ears.

Pirates and dragons

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