Conan is indeed Conan.

This means that his ability to cause trouble is relatively strong, and his ability to solve crimes is also relatively strong.

Although he is a little worse than Li Mu in appearance, appearance, and reasoning ability, he still solves the case quickly.

Finally, with the help of Li Mu, he defeated several robbers and successfully rescued Yuantai.

"This is true, why should I go to the police station? The last thing I want to do is record notes."

Li Mu muttered dissatisfied.

You can go to the police station, but that is to date Mi and Ziyumi, not to make meaningless notes.

It is simply a waste of time.

After hearing Li Mu's words, Conan's eyes flickered, and then he took it seriously Look at Li Mu

"Brother Li, you are a good citizen and you work for the police. That is your responsibility. How can you refuse? Yes or no? Police officer Yumi"

"That's right, Li Mu, you should help our police."

Yumi nodded her little head, raised her lips slightly, and felt a little proud in her heart.

It seemed good to be able to bully Li Mu.

Who made Li Mu bully her just now?

Conan looked at Li Mu, who had an ugly face, and felt a little proud in his heart.

If he couldn't beat him, he might definitely have to bully Li Mu.

Li Mu turned his head and looked directly at Conan.

Conan suddenly felt uneasy when Li Mu looked at him like this.

"Brother Li, what are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that? Let me tell you, I am very powerful."

Li Mu couldn't help but laugh.

With Conan's three-legged cat skills and Dr. Ali's props, even if Li Mu gave him a little effort, Conan couldn't beat him.

"Conan, are you sure you really want to fight me?"

Conan's body was trembling slightly.

Thinking of Li Mu's explosive fighting skills, and then thinking of the murderers who were kicked to death by Li Mu.

He estimated that he might not be able to bear the dozens of kilograms of meat.

"Hahaha, Brother Li, you look particularly handsome today, don’t you think so?"

"A sycophant."

Everyone gave Conan a roll of their eyes, with some contempt in their hearts.

Conan smiled awkwardly, but did not dare to say anything.

Soon, the police car arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department.

Li Mu followed Yumi and came to the Metropolitan Police Department together..

When they arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, the kidnappers were naturally handed over to the Investigation Section 1.

Who asked Yumi to just be the Traffic Section.

After everything was taken care of, Li Mu looked at Yumi beside him, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Yumi, do you think I should take notes with you?"


Yumi was stunned, pointing to the side of the search office of the first class with some confusion.

"To make a record, you can go to the police officer of the Search Division. I am not responsible for this matter."

"Looking for them?"

Li Mu's face turned dark. If Miwako is here, it's okay to take notes.

But those people are all grown men, and they all regard Li Mu as a love rival. Didn't Li Mu look for trouble in the past?

"No, I don’t need them to take notes. I need you to take notes for me. By the way, take notes."

When he mentioned 'taking notes', Li Mu deliberately emphasized his tone.

Although Yumi heard the abnormality in Li Mu's tone, she didn't hear anything.

"Okay, let's go and take notes for me. I need your help."

Li Mu took Yumi's arm and walked towards Yumi's office in the Transportation Department.

Yumi's office is also a multi-person office, but most of them are girls, and Miike Naeko is also in this office.

The desks in the office are divided into two There are four desks in each row.

Yumi's desk is at the innermost one on the left, and Miike Naeko's desk is at the innermost one on the right.


Suddenly, the office door opened, and two people walked out from the outside. police

"You are Li Mu, why are you here?"

A policewoman obviously knew Li Mu and ran over quickly.


The door of the office opened again, and Miike Naoko walked in from the outside.

As soon as she came in, Miike Naoko found Li Mu sitting at Yumi's desk, and saw Li Mu again. Three policewomen.

Miike Naeko was jealous! She was so angry that she quickly ran over and squeezed in beside her desk.

Just as she was about to say something, she saw Yumi under the desk and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Miaozi, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Did you encounter a cockroach? Or encountered a cockroach rat?"

Yumi naturally knew that Miike Naeko had discovered her, and she quickly waved her hand to signal Miike Naeko not to be exposed.

Miike Naeko reacted and waved her hand quickly, with an embarrassed smile on her face.

"It's nothing, I just saw a cockroach, sorry to make you worried."

After saying that, Miike Miaozi deliberately walked next to Li Mu and blocked it with her body so that other policewomen would not notice.

Otherwise, the big mouths of these policewomen will definitely spread throughout the entire Metropolitan Police Department.

By then, , the news that all three policewomen in the Metropolitan Police Department have committed themselves to Li Mu will surely spread throughout the entire Metropolitan Police Department.

Yumi looked grateful in her eyes, and then continued.

But the policewomen around them all regarded Li Mu as their idol. , asking this and that, not tired at all.

Li Mu was also a little speechless.

These policewomen seemed tireless, asking questions.

But Li Mu still needed to maintain his tall, mighty and graceful image.

I don’t know how long it took, A female police officer realized that they still needed to work and had to leave.

Pirates and Dragons Are Fateful

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